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    Default Czarist Insanity In America

    Bill Turner Bio
    By Bill Turner Wednesday, August 26, 2009
    The Boss, Bruce Springsteen sings:

    Everybody’s got a secret, Sonny,
    Something that they just can’t face,
    Some folks spend their whole lives trying to keep it,
    They carry it with them every step that they take.
    Till some day they just cut it loose
    Cut it loose or let it drag ‘em down,
    Where no one asks any questions,
    or looks too long in your face,
    In the darkness on the edge of town.

    America has a darkness, a darkness on the edge of our liberties and that darkness now operates out of Washington DC, the White House specifically. President B. Hussein Obama has the darkness of the czars wrapped around him as if they were the shrouds of war, the war upon America. As Americans we are obligated to take a very close look at the minions B. Hussein Obama surrounds himself with and then determine if Dear Leader is committing crimes against America and is in violation of his oath of office, to uphold and defend the Constitution.

    Housing Czar, Adolfo Carrion Jr. is a former Bronx Borough President and now he is the Housing and Urban Development Czar. He also sits on the New York City Off Site Betting, Site Selection Committee. He is a former President of a race based group that helped people become permanent resident aliens. Adolfo was integral in helping the Yankees build a new stadium in New York, using public funds. He is also in favor of taxing drivers who use their cars to get to work, “Carrion is the most vocal outer-borough supporter of Mayor Bloomberg’s congestion pricing plan which would charge drivers a fee to enter Manhattan between the hours of 8am and 6pm in an effort to reduce congestion and minimize the City’s air pollution”. I do not see anything in his career that would warrant such a position in the White House, unless of course you give extra weight to his desire to tax people for driving to work.

    Alan Bersin is the Border Czar. In preparation for this important position, Alan was the Secretary of Education for California, where he saw first hand what happens when you say, “Red rover, red rover, send all your illegal’s on over”. Given Dear Leaders desire to give amnesty to all the criminals who are in America illegally, I guess Mr. Bersin doesn’t really need to know anything about border security. I’m sure he has a pulse and is taking up space.

    Michael Taylor the Food Safety Czar seems to have upset the left. So far, so good. But, I have to admit I am torn on this one. Mr. Taylor is a former Monsanto executive who helped draft the Food Safety Bill, which has upset the left. The bill will do away with hippie created farmers markets wherein they sell “organic foods” they grew and “organic soap” they apparently do not use. So far, so good. Two pluses for Mr. Taylor. But, there is this:

    According to Gunny G Online: “This astounding control will include the elimination of organic farming by eliminating manure, mandating GMO animal feed, imposing animal drugs, and ordering applications of petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides. Farmers, thus, will be locked not only into the industrialization of once normal and organic farms but into the forced purchase of industry’s products.”

    HR 2749 creates severe criminal and civil penalties, including prison terms of up to 10 years and/or fines of up to $100,000 for each violation. Does it include judicial review, Congressional oversight, a defined and limited set of penalties and punishments for a defined set of “crimes”? Not even. The so called Food Safety Bill hands carte blanch enforcement to the whims of Obama’s Food Czar.

    Although I am in favor of fining hippies and putting them jail, it just isn’t practical, as it violates their liberties and if it violates their liberties, it poses a threat to mine. Herein is where we see the fatal flaw with Mr. Taylor, he has no regard for individual liberty.

    The office of Technology Czar is held by Aneesh Chopra. Chopra was Managing Director for the Advisory Board Company, a health care think tank for hospitals and health systems. While there, he led the firm’s Financial Leadership Council and the Working Council for Health Plan Executives. Well, I guess Chopra is here for his health care work, not his computer skills. Lets face it, he headed technology for the State of Virginia, not a pre-cursor for his current position as czar, unless you throw in the health care piece.

    Arne Duncan, the Education Czar developed his skills for this position by, uh, um, being the CEO of Chicago Public Schools. Arne was raised in Hyde Park, home of Bill Ayers, B. Hussein Obama and Louis Farrakhan. Draw your own conclusions. Aside from playing basketball in Australia, living in Dear Leaders hood, and giving Obama someone to shoot hoops with, there seems to be no real qualifications for the position of Education Czar. Chicago connections, keep you connected. Welcome to the machine.

    The Latin America Czar is Arturo Valenzuela. Aside from being a leftist from Chile, working for Walter Mondale, and serving under Bill Clinton handling foreign policy for Mexico, why is he here? Aside from the exportation of illegal immigrants & drugs, I didn’t know Mexico had a foreign policy.

    Ashton Carter is the Weapons Czar. Aside from being the head of the ATF, this has got to be the coolest job in the presidents administration. His time spent in the Clinton administration included the agreement freezing North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. We all know how well that worked. Cough. Ashton was also a consultant at Goldman Sachs, an interesting place for someone who specializes in weapons and nuclear weapons.

    Cameron Davis is the Great Lakes Czar. I could not figure out why the Great Lakes, the not so great lakes, or any other lakes needed a czar, then it hit me, this knucklehead must be from Chicago. So, I started looking and guess what? He is. The Great Lakes Czar is responsible for cleaning up the Great Lakes (never mind the rest of them, Obama doesn’t live near there). Cameron Davis is President of the Alliance for the Great Lakes, an environmental group wanting to spend $20 billion dollars of tax payer money to clean up the great lakes. While we are spending all this money to clean up the American side of the Great Lakes, what is Canada doing to clean up their side? Letting the wind carry their trash into Chicago.

    Carol Browner, Energy Czar/Climate Change Czar, is a Clinton legacy, serving under Bill for two terms. She worked hard to create a ban on offshore drilling in Florida, so I am guessing “drill here/drill now” is not part of the energy plan. Given what people say about her, “She kicks the door open, throws in a hand grenade, and then walks in to shoot who’s left. She really doesn’t like to compromise”, she should fit right in with Dear Leader, the Emmanuel’s and Axelrod. Algore is described as her most important ally. Swell. Not that she would be the first one in the Obama cabinet to have ethics issues but, she is on the board of directors for APX, Inc., which specializes in technology infrastructure for the environmental commodities markets, including those for carbon offsets. Aside from having her hand in “carbon offsets” she continues to say that “global warming is the biggest challenge ever faced”.

    a few more at the site..
    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
    Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

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    So my question after reading through these is how is it these radicals have been on all these boards? How have they achieve these positions? Who gave them the jobs that got them where they are today? Some are actual criminals who have done prison and jail time. How do they get where they are?
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
    So my question after reading through these is how is it these radicals have been on all these boards? How have they achieve these positions? Who gave them the jobs that got them where they are today? Some are actual criminals who have done prison and jail time. How do they get where they are?
    here is my conspiracy theory He is the only one with a clean record and they needed a face to run to get in office for their agenda to be forced through. I mean he is the one that said to judge him by whom he associates with. He has spent time with all of these people and whoever is controlling Obama's strings is putting names in his ears. Or he is just promoting the right people into power so taht they can actually do these things at a little but more brisk of pace rather than long drawn out protest and babysteps. Plus, if you surround yourself with wackos you start to look normal.
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    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" —Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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    You would think, given the people we learned about during the campaign, that he hung around with, he'd be known for the company he kept. If you hang with thieves and murderers, so to speak, you are most apt to be taken for one yourself. How is it, then, that nobody took OB for one of those radical people? He sure as hell, associated with them. We know his party never mentioned any of this. And the public knelt down and worshiped him. It seems, love was blind and no one wanted to see what was behind the pretty face and smooth talking voice.

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