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    Quote Originally Posted by KarlMarx View Post
    Yes, Einstein was Jewish, as were many physicists and mathematicians.
    He was a cultural jew, but no more than that, he did not believe in God.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KarlMarx View Post
    Sorry, HogTrash, but you have it wrong. The real problem is not a struggle between races but a struggle between ideologies.
    There most certainly is a "struggle" between the races.

    Anyone who doesn't see this hasn't been paying attention.

    Blacks and hispanics are shouting accusations of racism at ever increasing frequencies.

    These problems are definately racial, despite attempts by whites to make concessions and peace.

    There is also an ideology problem with the minorities as you have stated, because 90% are democrats which now promote marxism.

    If the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens are granted citizenship they will all vote a straight democrat ticket which means we will be a totally socialist nation in less than a generation.

    As Karl Marx wrote, socialism is simply the stepping stone from capitalism to communism...Yes indeed, our struggle is not only political but definately racial driven my friend.

    Whites vs. Jews? I don't think so. Most Jews are white.

    The real problem is ideology, not race. Jews tend to vote Democrat and tend to embrace liberal ideas. Is that because they are Jewish? I don't think so. Many immigrants also vote Democrat.
    I am not promoting the idea that there is a "racial" problem with the jews, as they are simply a people identified by their religion.

    But again as you stated, jews do differ from the American cultural political ideology because they too are mostly democrats and promote a progressive agenda.

    But more disturbing is the fact that they control many powerful corporations, industries, banks, organizations and media outlets that allow them access too and control of many world governments.

    No, the stuff that David Duke and his bunch embrace is National Socialism, aka Nazism. That's like International Socialism (i.e. Communism) but with a nationalist twist.

    The common thread between Nazism and Communism is <b>Socialism</b>. That's the problem, not an imagined cabal of Jewish Bankers trying to run the world.
    The point this thread is trying to make is 'the jewish hierarchy promotes the idea that the jews are Gods chosen people and believe they are entitled to a seat at the head of the table'

    They work towards this goal by using their wealth and government acces as a means to this end and will support and promote any political ideology that most expediently brings this about.

    Although I don't know whether or not Duke is a National Socialist I would guess that he is not because of the fact that most White Nationalist are not socialist but are in fact conservatives.

    The main stream madia promotes the false idea that White Nationalists are all National Socialists, Hitler worshipping Nazis, skinheads and KuKluxKlan hate mongers, which is all propaganda.

    90% are average people who have seen through the 'political correctness programming' and are simply fed up with the direction America is heading and concerned about their childrens future.

    The angry white sheet clad cross burning mobs and swastika tatooed skinheads that are plastered all over the TV is not an accurate representation of these people as the media so desperately wants you to believe.

    Also, Christianity embraces races of all types.

    "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28
    On a religious level according to your style of Christianity, this is all fine and good but it is not a racial reality.

    If you don't believe me just ask the Reverend Jeremiah Wright who taught hatred for jews and whites in his Black Liberation Theology Christian Church.

    I would like nothing better than for all people of all races and religions to get along and live in peace, harmony and cooperation, but it just ain't happening and is in fact getting worse all the time.
    Last edited by HogTrash; 01-27-2010 at 08:02 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KarlMarx View Post
    No, the stuff that David Duke and his bunch embrace is National Socialism, aka Nazism. That's like International Socialism (i.e. Communism) but with a nationalist twist.

    The common thread between Nazism and Communism is <b>Socialism</b>.
    Actually, the only affinity was through the "socialist" self-description. That same affinity is found through China and the U.S. in that they both describe themselves as "republics," but I wouldn't be so bold as to assert that there's any closer relationship than that.

    Returning to the topic, ever since he arrived here, I've found it interesting that HogWash found some degree of acceptance among social rightists where he would face rejection and contempt from social leftists. I've concluded that the reason is that social rightists generally possess a worldview more facilitative to white racism than social leftists do, no matter how eagerly they may jabber about some "racist" comment of Harry Reid's and assert that there is some equivalence to Trent Lott. That's certainly not to imply that social rightists generally possess the same views as Hoggie and to the same degree, but that many possess smaller approximations of them and others possess the mindset into which such views could fit. As noted by the linguist George Lakoff in his Moral Politics:

    Many of the clauses in the Moral Order correspond to forms of bigotry:

    The racist clause: Since the dominant culture has been white, whites rank above nonwhites.

    The anti-Semitic clause: Since the dominant culture is Christian, Christians rank above Jews.

    The jingoist clause: Since this is an American culture were people born here have more power and status than immigrants, those born American rank above immigrants.

    The homophobe clause: Since heterosexuality is dominant in our culture and homosexuals are stereotyped as weak, heterosexuals rank above homosexuals.

    The superpatriot clause: Since America is the dominant country (the only superpower), America ranks above other countries.

    If your conceptual system contains the Moral Order metaphor, as it will if you accept Strict Father morality, then your conceptual system contains the framework into which such clauses could fit; and, indeed, historically those clauses were present in the conceptual frameworks of many Americans. There was a time when they were all as American as apple pie. Many Americans have since dropped them, though they are still very much present for others.
    It seems fairly apt for me.
    The history of human thought recalls the swinging of a pendulum which takes centuries to swing. After a long period of slumber comes a moment of awakening. -Peter Kropotkin

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