I had an interesting conversation with a young man this weekend. A bunch of us motorcycle riding fools went to Leesburg, FL for a little motorcycle rally....rented a 6 BR house with pool and jacuzzi, and had a great time. Being that I am a night owl, I ended up being one of the last 3 people awake on Friday night, and got into an interesting conversation with a 22yr old young man, who, shall I say, is slightly confused.......

Over many beers the conversation turned to politics, and 9/11. He is absolutely convinced that the US government is the reason for the towers coming down....not that their weren't terrorists, but that the US government funded the whole operation, so that we could go after Muslims in the Middle East.

I asked him why, and he quoted Rosie O'Donnell, and claimed their are THOUSANDS of facts pointing to the culpability of our government. I asked him to give me 10......and he came up with some opinions, and guesses.....nothing more than hypothesis, and hyperbole......

I asked him how many in the US government were aware....how many would it take to coordinate such an endeavor, and he said the number had to be in the hundreds, if not 1000......at which point I asked why none of them were troubled by their deeds and have come forward to gain the fame that such a wild tale would lead to......again.....they were paid off, so highly that they don't need or want the notoriety that such an incredible tale would give.

Has anyone else ever encountered such an individual who so wholly believes the conspiracy that they are unable to fathom any other possibility?

It was an interesting conversation, to say the least.