The developer of this new style is the new member here "CryoDigital". He has been temporarily made an administrator here so that he can come on throughout the day today and help fix any bugs within the style. I'd like to keep a list of issues in one central location so that he need not search multiple threads.

If you have an issue, try switching styles and see if the issue goes away. If it happens with every style, it's an issue across the board. If the problem only surfaces with this style, then he will assist us in correcting the issue.

Here are the issues I am aware of so far:

1) Logo in upper left hand corner. We would like the outline and lettering changed from white to Navy blue.

2) When clicking "Today's Posts", or sometimes just browsing a forum, regular threads that are ongoing are showing up as locked.

3) One user report thus far: When a user quotes someone, the quoted text has a small arrow in it that when clicked will bring you back to the quoted post. This brought our user back to the page of the post, but not to the exact quoted post.

If you brought up an issue before, and feel it hasn't been fixed (and isn't noted above), please speak up in this thread to make our developers job easier. Hopefully we can get all the issues sorted ASAP.