Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
Anyone have any physically ill people in their family? You know, those crazy impaired people who refuse who abandon their walkers and wheelchairs and walk around normally like the rest of us? How silly is that?
Not to mention the crazy old people with Alzheimer's and dementia. What is up with those freaks.
And we won't even discuss those with terminal illnesses. Why would they give up on us?
You know, I haven't figured out yet whether you are being sarcastic or not. But judging from some of the crapola you've chosen to spiel post after post, I'll stick my neck out and say you're being sarcastic.

Since my mother spent the last seven years of her life suffering from Alzheimers I find what you said very offensive. My mother, bless her heart, was not a "crazy old woman". She was, however, someone, who for one reason or the other, acquired a mentally and physically dehilitating desease. She didn't choose to get it. She just did. And if she were here today she would tell me to ignore what you said and just "turn the other cheek." But you know something Gabs, (which is a great name for you because you gab too damn much), I'm sure as hell tired of getting my cheek slapped.

You're a mean spirited, poor excuse for a human being. Try thinking before shootin' off that big mouth of yours. I suspect that would be a novel thing for you...