If conservatives are going to gain control and stop the destruction of the USA, they must continue to keep the attention of the citizenry. George Will said they have their theme, "Is this the best we can do?" In a sense acknowledging the problems that have faced Obama, the Congress, and the American people since at least 2007, at the same time, reminding all that the great spending spree of this administration and the last haven't helped in the least, in fact worsening our positions.

Way up in problems with the current administration is the failure in two years to produce a budget, which has more than anything else to do with the reason there was such a crisis over the debt ceiling. Today Ryan brings the issue once again to the forefront in a WSJ opinion piece:


  • <small>AUGUST 3, 2011</small>

Where's Your Budget, Mr. President?

Ever since they fudged the numbers to pass ObamaCare, Democrats have abandoned credible spending plans.


During the negotiations over raising the debt ceiling, President Obama reportedly warned Republican leaders not to call his bluff by sending him a bill without tax increases. Republicans in Congress ignored this threat and passed a bill that cuts more than a dollar in spending for every dollar it increases the debt limit, without raising taxes.

Yesterday, Mr. Obama signed this bill into law. He was, as he said, bluffing.

Nevertheless, the president still hasn't shown us his cards. He still hasn't put forward a credible plan to tackle the threat of ever-rising spending and debt, and his evasiveness is emblematic of the party he leads.

Ever since they abused the budget process to jam their health-care takeover through Congress last year, the Democrats have simply done away with serious budgeting altogether. The simplest explanation—and the president's real bluff—is that they don't want to commit publicly to the kind of tax increases and health-care rationing that would be required to sustain their archaic vision of government...