I'm currently engaged in a real-life (yes, I found out it does exist) debate/discussion/argument about whether the health and/or well-being of minor children is affected by an adult of the opposite gender moving in with one of their biological parents.

Will it do so much damage to their little minds that they cannot function appropriately in their adult life? Are the moral and psychological repercussions too great to imagine? Is their parent being selfish and trading their own present happiness for their kids' long-term happiness?

The adults in question are not financially dependent on each other, agree on child-rearing, core religious values/issues, basic politics and most everything else, neither is wanted by the police or has ever been on COPS, Cheaters, Montel, Maury Povich or the Jerry Springer Show.

What are your thoughts/ideas/opinions and how did you come by them? Just your religious/moral beliefs? Do you have personal experience?