So before you accepted my invitation for an interview you had mentioned that you had taken a look at the old evil observers, what did you think of them, and what was the reason for that?
FJ: I just wanted to get a sense of the tone of your questions. I must say that they were different than your posting style. I also noticed that the questions were not so much policy discussions but more personal type things which I suppose is all the better because policy gets discussed all the time.
Is there any particular member that you enjoy going back and fourth with?
FJ: I suppose that there are some more than others but I just prefer when a thread gets going with some good information back and forth without degenerating into hateful flaming. It's always fun when someone's base assumptions get challenged and how they can respond to that.
To the opposite of that is there a member that you just totally avoid?
FJ: Not yet.

I've had a few flaming type back-and-forths with a couple of members in the past, Psychoblues for example awhile back, but he PM'ed and we came to a kind of nonflammable detente. I wonder if any members totally avoid me?
what other interests do you have outside of politics?
FJ: I'm starting to get back into motorcycling, guess what I ride.

My friend rebuilt my bike a little over a year ago so now I just need to make sure that it gets ridden, tough duty that. I love golf but it's so tough to get out enough with all the family stuff that goes on just by having a family. We're also wrapping up a home renovation that I've been doing a lot of stuff on. I've been trying to do what I can do, or think I can do, to save money and just have the pride of saying I did it.
You are obviously friends with the kart guy and both have subarus,how long ya all been friends? and do you two race the neighborhood mini van moms?
FJ: KRB and I have been sparring for a long time although we didn't meet up until almost two years ago now. I would definitely say some of my views on some things have moderated over time, I'm not sure Kerb would agree, and I would say that he has a part in that.
Your username has me curious, what does it mean? Is my username cool?
FJ: My motorcycle is a 1987 Yamaha FJ1200. Best bike EVAR!!! Oh, and for any chicks who ask me what kind of motorcycle I have? A red one.

your username? I thought this was about me.
What forum on the board do you find the most enjoyable to get involved with?
FJ: I wouldn't say that I usually notice which threads are in which forum because I usually just go through every thread so that I know what's going on. It seems that a political issue can pop up in pretty much any thread anyone has started. I will say that I virtually ignore all the song threads.
If there was a choice would there be a certain kind of section you would like to see available here?
FJ: I think that every category is covered and if not, someone will just create a thread wherever they feel like it.
Have a favorite tv show? If so what about it keeps you interested?
FJ: We haven't had cable for almost two years now and we don't look back, except my 8-year old who is distraught over not having Cartoon Network/Nick/etc, so my viewing options are fairly limited. The wife and I usually try to catch House, Bones, Modern Family, and a few others. Not sure what keeps me interested other than their entertainment value.
What would be your favorite food?
FJ: Does ice cream count? My wife hates it when I pull out the mint chocolate chip, pour over some hot fudge and peanuts, and then just eat it straight from the carton. But I do like to cook and especially for the occasional guest. I think my wife married me because of my Raspberry Pork Chops. It's also fun to make Hereford House Whiskey Steak especially if you like flaming whiskey in the kitchen. The chops and steak both have a cream based sauce so I guess if you sum it all up, my favorite food is heavy cream... or at least what you can do with it.
For the most part members will come to an opinion on another member based on their posting styles, what would you want people to know about you that they might not pick up on by reading your posts?
FJ: Hmm, I suppose that not everything that I post is exactly what I think about the whole issue. Sometimes a discussion gets so tightly wrapped around one point that the overall issue gets lost. While it may be fun to argue a particular point from an ideal perspective, pure free market or such, while being fully able to support something like extended unemployment benefits.