Its The Right Way, And It's Time For Liberals To Start Supporting America:

Liberals in America are too busy supporting or defending our enemies. They should be spending time defending this country. Many Liberals in America are a bunch of U.N. loving sell-outs. It's time for the rest of us to stand up and say "enough is enough" There have been a number of times in the past four years that Liberals have turned their backs on America. The war in Iraq is an example. Many Liberals continue to bad mouth America and I believe they secretly call for her defeat.

An example of this horrible behavior has roared its ugly head recently. The Liberal media and its Liberal followers have made such a to do with the embarrassing photos of Iraqi soldiers. Get a grip. This type of behavior occurs in war time. While it's deplorable that it occurred, it does happen. America acts like Saints in comparison to other countries or its enemies. We know that our enemy in Iraq has done much worse things to our POW's and the American/British soldiers that they took hostage. Why haven't the Liberals and the media publicized such activity? Does everyone forget that Private Jessica Lynch was raped by Iraqi soldiers? Were the soldiers who raped her the prisoners in the photos?

While the media has spent little or no time reporting the abuses that Iraqi militants have committed against Americans, they have spent days reporting on the Iraqi prisoner scandal. Recently Nick Berg, a U.S. citizen was kidnapped. The animals that kidnapped him, chopped his head off. Where were the Liberals and the the media? There was very limited reporting on the Nick Berg execution. Don't Nick Berg and his family deserve better?

Liberals must wake up. The Iraqi prisoner situation has been over reported. It's definitely not as bad as chopping someone's head off. The very people that the Liberals are defending are not the nicest people on earth. They're not a bunch of innocent prisoners of war. The media should report on the horrible crimes that these prisoners committed. They are not innocent victims. They're a bunch of horrible people. I don't believe that Liberals really care about these prisoners. All they care about is humiliating America.

For American soldiers to make the special forces, they are put through much worse situations then the Iraqi soldiers were put through. They are put through much worse things then being photographed in the nude. Come on people. Stop hating America. Start hating our enemy. Allow America to do anything it needs to win the war on terror. Support our troops. Allow them to fight the good fight without being held up to a microscope. If you are going to point fingers, make sure you're pointing them right back at the enemy.

It's time that Liberals in this country start sending a message to our enemies that they will support this country. It's also time that we shut these Liberals up. We must not allow them to dictate American policy or culture. It's time for the public to forget about the Iraqi scandal and start embracing the Berg family. We must fight back for the crimes committed against Nick Berg. We must attack the scum that committed that crime.

While the Iraqi scandal was terrible, it was blown out of proportion. 1 hour of reporting would have been enough. The President of the United States apologized and took action. Enough is enough. The media should start reporting on the crimes that our enemies commit against us. It's time for Liberals to support America.