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    Default SEIU Siphons Off Medicaid Payments From Disabled Non-Members

    So someone tell again how unions (and Democrats) look out for the working people and care about the poor

    Michigan's “forced unionization” is not only taking money away from home health care workers, it's taking dollars out of the pockets of parents of the afflicted as well.

    Meanwhile, campaign records show that the lawmakers who seem to be helping keep the “forced unionization” alive got money from the union that benefits from the situation. The records also show his campaign received thousands of dollars from within the health care industry, including from sources believed to be supporters of the forced unionization.

    Robert Haynes and his wife, Patricia, take care of their cerebral palsy-stricken son and daughter in their Macomb Township home. Taxpayers help out with monthly checks to the Haynes family. The checks, which are sent by the state, allow them to keep their son and daughter at home instead of having them institutionalized.

    But some of the taxpayer dollars that are supposed to go to the Haynes family are being siphoned off. The state takes a $30 monthly deduction from the checks and sends it to the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). This deduction is the result of the forced unionization of home health care workers that came about in a deal between unions and politicians in Lansing.

    “We're not even home health care workers. We're just parents taking care of our kids,” said Robert Haynes, a retired Detroit police officer. “Our daughter is 34 and our son is 30. They have cerebral palsy. They are basically like 6-month-olds in adult bodies. They need to be fed and they wear diapers. We could sure use that $30 a month that's being sent to the union.”
    Capitol Confidential sent emails to the offices of Sen. Roger Kahn, R-Saginaw Twp., Gov. Rick Snyder, Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, and House Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Health Chair Matt Lori, R-Constantine. The emails gave a very brief explanation of the Haynes' situation and asked the governor and the lawmakers if they approved of what is happening.

    Of those contacted, only Rep. Lori responded.

    “Do I approve of this? No,” he wrote in an email. “I had believed that the bill (community health budget bill) passed that defunded it would end it.”

    In this year's budget, the Legislature ended all funding to the Michigan Quality Community Care Council, which posed as the employer of the home health care workers.

    Two separate forced unionizations took place on Gov. Jennifer Granholm's watch. Both involved the creation of dummy employers and statewide union elections that were kept secret from the news media. It was believed the “forced unionization” would end when Gov. Granholm left office. However, in spite of efforts by the state Legislature to put an end to them, the deductions haven't stopped.

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

    Ronald Reagan

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    Here is a follow up vidoe on a reporter who is working this story and how the union thugs are screwing over the parents

    [IMG]<IFRAME height=315 src="" frameBorder=0 width=420 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>[/IMG]

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

    Ronald Reagan

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