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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
    I can certainly undertand your frustration...because there have been times I have asked for help from law enforcement only to be told that there is nothing they can do. A lot of the time it seems like the rules are made to protect the criminals. For example...try getting a retraining order on a grown man who is picking up your 14/15 yr old daughter from school without parental permission...or...picking her up and taking her and dropping her off across town at to parties etc after curfew......after being told repeatedly to stop. Can't get one...unless you can prove he intends "harm". Guess you have to wait until they are abducted,abused or hurt before law enforcement will do anything.
    I'm assuming that you are talking about the child's father? Unless there is a court order a school nor the police can just take away his parental rights. A criminal court can't even do that, has to come from family court. Not sure what you expected? Does that mean some pretty shitty parents do some pretty shitty things? Yes it does, but mom (or dad) shouldn't be able to just have the other parent's parental rights taken away just because they don't like what the other is doing.

    Have had more than one divorced parent show up at school board meetings screaming at us the school for allowing the other parent to pick up the child when they didn't want them to. Short of a court order there is simply nothing we can do. We don't have the legal standing to say "nope, sorry Mom doesn't want dad picking the kid up, so get out." In fact, we could be sued if we tried.

    Now of course show us a court order and we will comply.

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    Quote Originally Posted by logroller View Post
    Wait a didn't come to a full stop because its the law? And quite frankly, a good law at that. I've seen how running stop signs can lead to pretty serious accidents.

    Anywho. I'd just say to him, "Yes sir-- I came to a complete stop-- am I free to go or would you like my license, registration and insurance?" Just keep it on subject, the goal of any interaction with a cop is to get him to go away ASAP, so that he can attend to more pressing matters.
    HE couldnt even write me up for anything either. SO he just wanted to check me for warrants. Could you imagine a judge reading 'failed to NOT LOOK AT POLICE OFFICER WHILE COMING TO A FULL STOP"

    as for a full stop, even cops dont do it, it should be up to officers discretion, but the cops should be realilstic about it. Did I slow to 1/2 mph, or did I blow it at 10 mph

    OH, AND HOW ABOUT THE KID WHO FELL 30 FEET, and was laying on the ground with a broken back and couldnt move, the cops tazered him 19 times, claiming he wouldnt comply with their orders....

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
    First, I would probably be facing assault charges if someone called my wife a whore to face. Cop or not, so I'm not going to stick up for a cop if he did that.

    SOME cops are assholes LUV, I don't dispute that. usually the small town cops are the worst, they thing they are badass b/c they have a tin badge , but that doesn't mean ALL cops or even a majority of them are assholes.

    I could list literally hundreds of cops who are just good guys doing a job that most wouldn't do.

    You told a true story about bad cops, now let me tell you one about good cops.

    As you know my Guard duty was helping serve no knock warrants. On one warrant we had everyone in cuffs and the detectives were searching the house of this scumbag who was living with his grandma. Anyway, the search turned up a shit load of meth, some crack, guns, money, and in grandma's nightstand marijuana. Now the warrant was for grandson but covered the entire house. Grandma smoked pot for her cancer. Arkansas doesn't have medical marijuana laws. She had felony weight in that drawer. A quick meeting and DEA, national guard, state troopers, county sheriffs decided together that justice would not be served by arresting an 87 y/o woman who was suffering from cancer because she smoked pot. So grandson went to jail, and grandma not only didn't go to jail, she didn't even lose her pot.

    Was that the right , as in legal, thing to do? Nope. But it seemed like the "right" thing to do.
    Good post Con, it was definitely the right thing to do.
    But one thing stand out to me here.

    "... As you know my Guard duty was helping serve no knock warrants....A quick meeting and DEA, national guard, state troopers, county sheriffs decided together..."

    Why the hell is the national guard busting into people's houses over local or federal state drug laws. doesn't poses comitatus apply anywhere any more? What kind of authority does a gruardsman have in an arrest situation during a non-emergency? I thought the govoner of a state had to call the guard out.

    what the heck is "helping out"?
    I'd assume you'd be authorized to shoot (kill) if things got outta hand with busting into people homes unannounced mostly crooks i'm sure. But what if granma gets shot by accident by the national gaurd helping out?

    But wait why is the Guard serving no-knock warrants again? I can't get past this.
    The Freaking army is Deputized to enforce a warrant?!?

    we're cooked and done.

    I've got a feeling someones going to tell me something like "there's no problem, the armies full of good guys , no worries, Poses Comitatus doesn't apply here, cause... well... it just doesn't and the Guard will only hurt bad people.... and people the Generals or CiC tells us to,... who will be bad people of course... so your over reacting. never mind the principal... just see how we treated Grandma. It's not a military police state just because the military are helping the police bust into homes unannounced, or wiretap, jail or kill without warrants, TSA plane, train, bus auto -your papers please- etc etc revel... relax and go to sleeeep you can still protest and say what you want RIGHT?"

    The frog is boiling, this police state thing is real, there no need to wait for some big event or outrageous offense it's here. We've got history of other countries to look at to see what's happening here, they had some excuse for not being sure we don't. Ignore the signs at your own peril.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Good post Con, it was definitely the right thing to do.
    But one thing stand out to me here.

    "... As you know my Guard duty was helping serve no knock warrants....A quick meeting and DEA, national guard, state troopers, county sheriffs decided together..."

    Why the hell is the national guard busting into people's houses over local or federal state drug laws. doesn't poses comitatus apply anywhere any more? What kind of authority does a gruardsman have in an arrest situation during a non-emergency? I thought the govoner of a state had to call the guard out.

    what the heck is "helping out"?
    I'd assume you'd be authorized to shoot (kill) if things got outta hand with busting into people homes unannounced mostly crooks i'm sure. But what if granma gets shot by accident by the national gaurd helping out?

    But wait why is the Guard serving no-knock warrants again? I can't get past this.
    The Freaking army is Deputized to enforce a warrant?!?

    we're cooked and done.

    I've got a feeling someones going to tell me something like "there's no problem, the armies full of good guys , no worries, Poses Comitatus doesn't apply here, cause... well... it just doesn't and the Guard will only hurt bad people.... and people the Generals or CiC tells us to,... who will be bad people of course... so your over reacting. never mind the principal... just see how we treated Grandma. It's not a military police state just because the military are helping the police bust into homes unannounced, or wiretap, jail or kill without warrants, TSA plane, train, bus auto -your papers please- etc etc revel... relax and go to sleeeep you can still protest and say what you want RIGHT?"

    The frog is boiling, this police state thing is real, there no need to wait for some big event or outrageous offense it's here. We've got history of other countries to look at to see what's happening here, they had some excuse for not being sure we don't. Ignore the signs at your own peril.
    Hey Rev, read this post and wanted to tell you that Posse Comitatus does not apply to the national guard when under state control, nor does it apply to the Coast Guard in any case. Both are free to act in a police capacity. This is why the Coast Guard is a premier weapon in the War on Drugs, and this is also why for instance the National Guard can police Louisiana when a hurricane destroys the state.

    As for why? The truth of the matter is because the meth problem got so bad in rural states and the meth dealers themselves were equipping themselves with weapons that local PDs just can't match. We are in effect a state wide SWAT team. Sure Little Rock or even Fayetteville , for example, has a SWAT team , but Harrison or Eureka Springs, again for example, do not. So we basically coordinated with each district drug task force and provided said ability.

    I think there is SOME truth to us being over policed, but the National Guard being involved in the drug war isn't one of them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
    Hey Rev, read this post and wanted to tell you that Posse Comitatus does not apply to the national guard when under state control, nor does it apply to the Coast Guard in any case. Both are free to act in a police capacity. This is why the Coast Guard is a premier weapon in the War on Drugs, and this is also why for instance the National Guard can police Louisiana when a hurricane destroys the state.

    As for why? The truth of the matter is because the meth problem got so bad in rural states and the meth dealers themselves were equipping themselves with weapons that local PDs just can't match. We are in effect a state wide SWAT team. Sure Little Rock or even Fayetteville , for example, has a SWAT team , but Harrison or Eureka Springs, again for example, do not. So we basically coordinated with each district drug task force and provided said ability.

    I think there is SOME truth to us being over policed, but the National Guard being involved in the drug war isn't one of them.
    "that Posse Comitatus does not apply to the national guard when under state control, nor does it apply to the Coast Guard in any case. Both are free to act in a police capacity."

    ""... As you know my Guard duty was helping serve no knock warrants....A quick meeting and DEA, national guard, state troopers, county sheriffs decided together..."

    does the state governor control the DEA, under who's authority was the warrant local or Federal, I'm sure they shimmed the law to make it look OK on paper to "get the job done" but it stinks. Nat'l Guard are for natural disasters and titanic events, serving warrants with the military is just wrong. The Governor's best option is the military to deal with drugs? If it's a state issue then he needs to beef up the state's troppers and send them town to town. It's every more trivial "needs" used as an excuse to breach ever more blurred roles of the military use in American life.

    and heads up GW Bush had the laws changed so that the President is the new head above the governors, they Balked when he did it by executive order but he had it made into regulation despite nearly all 50 states governors objections.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    "that Posse Comitatus does not apply to the national guard when under state control, nor does it apply to the Coast Guard in any case. Both are free to act in a police capacity."

    ""... As you know my Guard duty was helping serve no knock warrants....A quick meeting and DEA, national guard, state troopers, county sheriffs decided together..."

    does the state governor control the DEA, under who's authority was the warrant local or Federal, I'm sure they shimmed the law to make it look OK on paper to "get the job done" but it stinks. Nat'l Guard are for natural disasters and titanic events, serving warrants with the military is just wrong. The Governor's best option is the military to deal with drugs? If it's a state issue then he needs to beef up the state's troppers and send them town to town. It's every more trivial "needs" used as an excuse to breach ever more blurred roles of the military use in American life.

    and heads up GW Bush had the laws changed so that the President is the new head above the governors, they Balked when he did it by executive order but he had it made into regulation despite nearly all 50 states governors objections.
    Joint venture local/state/federal but the state of Arkansas 100% in control.

    As for Bush having the law changed, that's not EXACTLY true. Certain requirement need be met before that could happen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
    Do you ever consider that cops are just human beings and so some of them do the same stupid shit as some in the general population do?
    Are you serious??
    I guess you are also going to tell me that active mililtary have been known to make mistakes.

    I SCOFF at your lack of logic, sir!

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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    Are you serious??
    I guess you are also going to tell me that active mililtary have been known to make mistakes.

    I SCOFF at your lack of logic, sir!
    I don't care what you scoff at. I find the notion of expecting cops and military members to somehow act differently than "citizens" to be laughable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
    I'm assuming that you are talking about the child's father? Unless there is a court order a school nor the police can just take away his parental rights. A criminal court can't even do that, has to come from family court. Not sure what you expected? Does that mean some pretty shitty parents do some pretty shitty things? Yes it does, but mom (or dad) shouldn't be able to just have the other parent's parental rights taken away just because they don't like what the other is doing.

    Have had more than one divorced parent show up at school board meetings screaming at us the school for allowing the other parent to pick up the child when they didn't want them to. Short of a court order there is simply nothing we can do. We don't have the legal standing to say "nope, sorry Mom doesn't want dad picking the kid up, so get out." In fact, we could be sued if we tried.

    Now of course show us a court order and we will comply.
    No...I'm talking about one of her friends dad.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
    Joint venture local/state/federal but the state of Arkansas 100% in control.

    As for Bush having the law changed, that's not EXACTLY true. Certain requirement need be met before that could happen.
    Governors lose in power struggle over National Guard

    By Kavan Peterson, Staff Writer

    A little-noticed change in federal law packs an important change in who is in charge the next time a state is devastated by a disaster such as Hurricane Katrina.
    To the dismay of the nation’s governors, the White House now will be empowered to go over a governor’s head and call up National Guard troops to aid a state in time of natural disasters or other public emergencies. Up to now, governors were the sole commanders in chief of citizen soldiers in local Guard units during emergencies within the state.

    Over objections from all 50 governors, Congress in October tweaked the 200-year-old Insurrection Act to empower the hand of the president in future stateside emergencies. In a letter to Congress, the governors called the change "a dramatic expansion of federal authority during natural disasters that could cause confusion in the command-and-control of the National Guard and interfere with states' ability to respond to natural disasters within their borders."


    A bipartisan majority of both chambers of Congress adopted the change as part of the 439-page, $538 billion 2007 Defense Authorization Bill signed into law last October.
    The nation's governors through the National Governors Association (NGA) successfully lobbied to defeat a broader proposal to give the president power to federalize Guard troops without invoking the Insurrection Act. But the passage that became law also "disappointed" governors because it expands federal power and could cause confusion between state and federal authorities trying to respond to an emergency situation, said David Quam, an NGA homeland security advisor.

    "Governors need to be focused on assisting their citizens during an emergency instead of looking over their shoulders to see if the federal government is going to step in," Quam said.
    Under the U.S. Constitution, each state's National Guard unit is controlled by the governor in time of peace but can be called up for federal duty by the president. The National Guard employs 444,000 part-time soldiers between its two branches: the Army and Air National Guards.

    The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 forbids U.S. troops from being deployed on American soil for law enforcement. The one exception is provided by the Insurrection Act of 1807, which lets the president use the military only for the purpose of putting down rebellions or enforcing constitutional rights if state authorities fail to do so. Under that law, the president can declare an insurrection and call in the armed forces. The act has been invoked only a handful of times in the past 50 years, including in 1957 to desegregate schools and in 1992 during riots in south central Los Angeles after the acquittal of police accused of beating Rodney King.

    Congress changed the Insurrection Act to list "natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident" as conditions under which the president can deploy U.S. armed forces and federalize state Guard troops if he determines that "authorities of the state or possession are incapable of maintaining public order."

    Backers of the new rules, including U.S. Sens. John W. Warner (R-Va.) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) said the changes were needed to clarify the role of the armed forces in responding to serious domestic emergencies.


    ...On April 24, 2007, Major General Timothy Lowenberg, the Adjutant General, Washington National Guard, and Director of the Washington Military Department, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on “The Insurrection Act Rider and State Control of the National Guard.” He was speaking in opposition to Section 1076 of the recently passed 2007 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which President Bush quietly signed into law this past October 17. The law clears the way for the President to execute martial law, commandeer National Guard units around the country and unilaterally authorize military operations against the American people in the event of an executive declaration of a “public emergency.”
    This move toward martial law, which is intended to facilitate more effective counterinsurgency measures on the home front, took place, according to Lowenberg, “without any hearing or consultation with the governors and without any articulation or justification of need.” This, despite the fact that Section 1076 of the new law “changed more than one hundred years of well-established and carefully balanced state-federal and civil-military relationships.” In other words, with one swipe of the pen, says the General, “one hundred years of law and policy were changed without any publicly or privately acknowledged author or proponent of the change.”
    Its “Federal Plans for Implementing Expanded Martial Law Authority” are to be executed via the recently created domestic military command, the Northern Command or NORTHCOM. “One key USNORTHCOM planning assumption,” says Lowenberg, “is that the President will invoke the new Martial Law powers if he concludes state and/or local authorities no longer possess either the capability or the will to maintain order.” In fact, this “highly subjective assumption,” as Lowenberg puts it, has been in the works for some time now. According to the General, the “US Northern Command has been engaged for some time in deliberative planning for implementation of Section 1076 of the 2007 National Defense Authorization. The formal NORTHCOM CONPLAN 2502-05 was approved by Secretary of Defense Gates on March 15, 2007,”
    Further, according to the General, the 2007 NDAA provisions “could be used to compel National Guard forces to engage in civil disturbance operations under federal control.” In that case, NORTHCOM will effectuate its move to martial law, its “CONPLAN,” by way of its very own “civil disturbance plan,” Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, code-named Garden Plot. Major Tom Herthel, of the United States Air Force Judge Advocate General School, recently laid out the Rules of Engagement & Rules for the Use of Force during the implementation of “GARDEN PLOT,” which according to Herthel, is ”the plan to provide the basis for all preparation, deployment, employment, and redeployment of all designated forces, including National Guard forces called to active federal service, for use in domestic civil disturbance operations as directed by the President.” Among other things, the “rules” allow for the use of lethal force during domestic “civil disturbance operations.”...
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
    No...I'm talking about one of her friends dad.
    What is your school doing letting anyone not a parent pick up your child without permission?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
    What is your school doing letting anyone not a parent pick up your child without permission?

    They didn't know it happened until I told them. She is in High School...semi open campus.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
    They didn't know it happened until I told them. She is in High School...semi open campus.
    oh ok i was thinking she was a little younger.

    Our campus is locked down, you cant even come in without buzzing and someone letting you in after you show ID and convince that person you should be there. No one picks up a child who isn't theirs without a note from a parent.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
    I don't care what you scoff at. I find the notion of expecting cops and military members to somehow act differently than "citizens" to be laughable.

    you do realize it was sarcasm?

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