I've admitted at times that I am wrong, but rarely. People are passionate about their beliefs and don't want to admit wrong unless cold hard facts are presented to them. In other words, maybe debating the dates that something happened. It's hard to not admit you're wrong when actual dates of something are presented. But when debating something that is a belief, like many constitutional issues, it's either someone "changes" their belief or is persuaded to do so, or their belief remains the same. So it's not as easy as it sounds, not often are people proven to be factually wrong.

But it's clear by this thread being opened in the cage that you are basing this on experience with someone here as of late. And with respect, doing so ain't a helluva lot better than the one who won't admit when they're wrong. Just sayin'! If you feel someone is wrong, and even proven so, starting a fight in the cage area certainly won't accomplish much on the matter!