Well, let's start off: School lunches are usually paid for by the students, and are kept somewhat cheap, with the ability to borrow from the office in the case you forget/lose your lunch in some way. At least, this is the way it was back in 93-97 when I was in high school. Yes, being well fed puts you in a better mindset for studies, better studying produces better grades, and unless you're going to prove that starving people study better, DMP, then I have to side with CH here.

However, the offering of school lunches and breakfasts isn't really the issue here. That's a discussion for another thread. It's what is in the school lunches that's an issue. As the woman said in her speech, We have never done any sort of testing on these proteins and such that are being put into the vast overwhelming majority of the food, while we are making the people who don't want the chemicals in theirs do a greater degree of regular testing and forcing them to pay extra fees that raise their price points on making the food.

In the Navy, we're extremely picky about food prep, because we have to be. One simple case of undercooked chicken grounded more than half of our 1000 man crew to food poisoning, including myself. This is why things in the military tend to be overcooked a ways, because they have to be certain than nothing gets into the crew. If you look at food as our fuel, then you realize you have to be careful what you're putting in the tank, just as putting diesel in an unleaded only engine would be a bad thing, the reverse is also true. Now, imagine that all the gas stations in the USA had switched their fuel, but of course, people don't know this, because they just stick the nozzle into the gas tank and fill up. What would happen to the cars, and what would be the fall out nationwide?

It's the same thing with our food. People believe that the government is by and large making sure the food is safe before it makes it to the store or restaurant, so we just buy the food when we get there figuring it's good enough. This of course isn't true as we're finding out, and this woman seems to have stumbled upon a key part of the of the problem. It's what gets done with that information.