It has to be said if there's one thing 'against' the vegan lifestyle its cheap mass-produced flesh. You can feed a family with a bucket from KFC (and while not advised) its certainly a common occournce, and one thats much cheaper than buying and making your own meat free meals.

Though i personally think most meats at markets (red meat especially) and dairy (cheese and eggs especially) are remarkably expensive for what you get.

But when you look at it, even in passing, something seems wrong, how can meats be competing (and in cases undercutting) costs of fruit and veg? Meats have a lot more work involved, more land needed, more time taken, more water and feed needed, more transport costs, less of a shelf life and so on, the answer is...the government, or rather the tax-payer, or rather, your money.

The Dairy and Meat industries get *huge* subsities from the State to keep them competitive, and the numbers are huge, billions of dollars every year to make sure the meat and dairy industries can survive.

But surly other food industries get this too? Well yes, to a lesser extent, behind the meat and dairy industry come the grains, they get a considerable second slice of the pie, though of course many of those grains will be turned onto feed for the animals in the meat and dairy industry...and what of Fruit and Veg? Combined they get less that one percent of the pie.

Grapical representation of the subsidy pie, last year.

Now, lets image for a minute that the government didn't spend your money supporting an industry that can't support itself. Or even, if it just cut say 10% from the meat and dairys and put that into fruit and veg...the world of a difference, no?