Please, everyone take a deep breath. Good, now lets get back to debating and current events discussions. Between the fighting in every thread, reported posts, reports via PM and all the other crap, I have little time to enjoy the board. And before any of you knuckleheads says that I do it sometimes too, I know that, but I also know when enough is enough.

A little fun, sarcasm, wit and such can be humorous in the threads. But the personal stuff is infecting every other thread. And no, I'm not pointing at anyone in particular.

We've got some new members as of late and this is an opportunity to get new POV's and better debates going. But that can't happen if the place is one big 'ol ball of drama.

Seems some people don't like one another. That's fine. Then place those people on your ignore list and move forward. If you're not willing to place a member on your ignore list, then that member must not bother you much.

I've yet to barely moderate any of this stuff, as I know I'm just as capable of doing these things and being involved. But trying to be friendly to everyone, and appease everyone, and try and make everyone happy is getting harder and harder. I need some help from the community as well if I am going to make things work without moderation.