Once again I met with another Vizsla owner for a dog-park-date. After running around, we made our way to the dog dock.

After Aoife ran up and down the dock, watching the other dogs I walked over to the ramp and she followed. I squatted there as she carefully tested the rubber matting on the ramp. Dogs around her were diving and splashing. She'd watch but not take the plunge. Aoife nested under me quite a bit - my ENORMOUS backside providing shelter. I started reaching for the water and splashing her around a bit. She didn't seem bothered. Eventually, Aoife started pawing at the water a lot. But she'd never leave the rain-forest-like canopy my zeplin-esque rump provided.

As she turned-round near the edge, it happened. She fell in! Her little face might have went under a second, but her little paws struck the water furiously as she made her way down the dock. She was going the wrong way, and we didn't want her to tire - the other V owner bravely dropped down along side as I made my way over. She and I shared a 'rescue moment' as we pulled my now shivering little pup from the water.

The dog stuck to me like velcro for awhile. Stayed near even longer - before all was well and she was running like the wind.

No pics or vids of that - I was more focused on introducing her to the water than capturing it.