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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    OK anyway,
    I'm done here, but let me be clear as to what i've tried to point out.

    1. There was found commercial grade explosive/incendiary material in the WTC dust by multiple scientist and confirmed independently by others.

    Please show us a LINK other then the one you have already provided which was shown to be a FABRICATION that proves this assertion.

    There's no good reason for it to be there.
    They ask that others preform the test as well.
    If you watched the videos you'd know the researchers say it may have been used in combo with other elements to produce the final results.

    2. That there are many eyewitness , NYFD (some with explosives training bkgds) and others who reported flashes of light and sound of explosions consistent with building demolitions. And there are other explosion reports on the lower levels including the basement levels well before and then immediately preceding/during the final collapses.

    Not True...I was there for the ENTIRE PERIOD OF TIME and for 72 Hours AFTER the collapse. Outside of the Transformers for the Electrical substations blowing up there were NO EXPLOSIVES that were detonated. Please feel free to show us FORENSIC EVIDENCE that PROVES that Explosives of any kind were used... and not the BENTHAM Report that I already proved was false.

    Seem to me enough there to make one think at the very least we should consider there may have been at least A bomb or 2 in the building as well.

    There wasnt.... as much as you want to believe there was... The Impact of the planes was the equivalent of a 1.8 Kiloton Explosion. That certainly was enough to bring down the Towers..

    I'm not emotionally wedded to any particular final view of a complete picture, there are way to many speculations and assured assumptions made outside of the evidence for my taste made by all sides. At this point it seems to me that the much reviled and hated "truthers" have added to some of the softer info they have presented a few documented wedges that can't honestly be blown off. Enough to put me over the line.

    Why do you keep putting forth CONJECTURE and Unsubstantiated Information as FACT? All your arguments were debunked in short order... Are you that desperate to believe that the Government was (and still is) behind the attacks? If so...please seek immediate psychiatric help.

    Others disagree with me, surprise surprise.
    You can Run Away now...I think the Majority of people here will agree that I destroyed your Argument and your information.... Maybe Jafar and Abso will tell you what you want to hear.... I WON'T
    You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
    Jim can point you to them better than anyone, he's got a whole bunch of sites he listed a long time ago while debunking this whole argument. As soon as he gets over his withdrawals I'm sure he will provide you with all the links you can handle and more.
    Anyone is free to look into the one on one debate section in this forum and read the debate I had with Sertes. While somethings will never be believed by some, and much evidence is subjective - there is literally MOUNTAINS of irrefutable evidence that the named Muslims were involved, they flew the jets that said were flown, they trained for these flights here in the USA and there were eyewitnesses that saw and or worked with these Muslims prior to 9/11. Then there is also mountains of forensic evidence to backup the official version, if anyone is interested in reading nearly 1,000 pages of a report - WHICH I DID. If you look at it objectively when reading, one would have no alternative but to admit that at a very minimum that 30-40% of it is solid and backed up with fact.

    Then you move on to the conspiracies. NONE of what is said is based in fact. There IS NO proof that thermite was EVER used to destroy beams. There IS NO evidence of a SINGLE CHARGE installed in any of the 3 buildings which would have been necessary to bring down the building. Thousands of charges and prior cutting and hole drilling would have been necessary prior to that day in order to have it fall in it's footprint. And people say that since it did, that alone is proof - nevermind that the NIST completely explained the pancake collapse theory here and it's backed up by actual experts in the field - not 9/11 truthers/scholars and all that other crap, mostly made up of people with degress that have NOTHING to do with engineering.

    People say "Oh, a steel framed building has never been burnt and destroyed by fire before. This might be true, but know steel framed building was ever hit by a 757 carrying a full payload of jet fuel before either - traveling at approximately 600mph. This started a "perfect firestorm" which destroyed the trusses from the crash and melted the fireproofing and had the steel frame actually bend. Once bent, an entire floor collapsing upon another is very easy to see. But what we had here was approximately 20 stories doing this at the same time. When they finally gave, the pancake theory brought them down, one on top of the other. The NIST report explains better how the force of the collapsing floors caused the small smoke billows pushing out windows many floors below the building in the midst of collapsing, while the truthers will have you believe that these are charges going off. Also, don't look at the man behind the curtain, which is compromised of THOUSANDS of men on the ground and BEYOND THOUSANDS of hours scraping through every single inch of the recovered scrap. Now ask me, how many charges, wires or anything related to incendiary devices were found? NONE. not one single thing was EVER recovered to support the ridiculous theory that the building was imploded.

    And thermite, sorry, but trying reading the experts reports of what was actually burning and the chemicals involved. Pure thermite was NOT ever once found. Simply chemical compounds from a mixture of metals and burning jet fuel is all that was discovered. It would have been easily proven if it existed and was used to cut beams. I remember when the truthers ran around with the picture of a beam cut in almost a perfect 45 degree angle, they thought they hit paydirt and ran around with it as if it were the proof everyone was waiting for. Then I produced a video, which was CLEARLY the same beam, but intact, and a video was taken as this beam was cut for removal, leaving the 45 degree angle. Oddly enough, I never heard about that beam again from the truthers.

    Take the time to actually do the research. Just don't listen to another site, or simply guess at something you literally know nothing about. DO THE LEG WORK as I have done, then come back with actual PROOF, not theory, and hand it to us. Because if someone finds outright proof, they'll be the first in 11 years to have done so. The evidence which is literal proof backing up the work being done by Muslims, supported by Bin Laden, using hijacked Jets, hitting 3 targets and missing a 4th, buildings coming down and a hole ending up in a pentagon, endless airplane parts and bodies found at the pentagon, while some dolts will try to tell you it was actually a missile (yeah, disregard all those Boeing parts, parts with the carriers name still on it, and body parts galore, that's normal from a missile!).

    Bottom line, there IS in fact TONS of proof which CANNOT be refuted, but one is welcome to say they don't believe it. Some people don't believe me when I say 2 + 2 = 4 either, but a fact is a fact regardless of what some may think. Some, admittedly, cannot be 100% proven, but given the things that can, the explanations make complete sense to me. And also given the fact that the alternative has NO PROOF at all but garbage. "Oh, she said this" or "This one heard this" or "This never happened before" or "The firemen were overheard saying this".

    If you're not willing to take the days and perhaps month long effort to delve into the actual data, and then come back with legit feedback, then save the damn Youtube videos, hearsay and theories for others that might be more gullible. I've more or less earned a fictional degree on this subject and I'm not going to allow theory to sway me over the countless hours of actual PROOF and EVIDENCE I have seen and read about. But to each their own, if it makes a nutter happy to think that it's all a farce, or perhaps that a government did it and the friendly Muslims were setup, so be it. And the CIA made these videos of OBL, all of them? All of the audio tapes? All of the testimony from the captured terrorists and former drivers, and the ringleader of the design, and the other nitwit who tried it in 1993. Anyone thinking that every last bit of this was a grand setup really needs to go outside, take a really deep breath, come back in, sit down at your computer for a month and read EVERYTHING. then come back here with irrefutable proof of SOME evidence that proves what we have been told to be wrong. I'll save you the time, you can't do it, unless you want to rest your hat on theory, which is very sad to this logical person.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    How sad it is for not only the people of the United States, but the entire World who must resort to top level entertainment through the normal, expected, predictable comedy of that small number of Human's who must find conspiracy theories almost everywhere, every day, to entertain their cynical, eroded brain matter that forces them to NEED, and WANT everything to be suspect...merely because THEY SAY SO.

    (For the English, and grammar cops out there who laugh at that long, periodless, comma-less line above. Nobody cares what you think)

    None-the-less. I look at this kind of blatant hyperbole as nothing more than a massive need, by those who espouse such theories, than a need for those 15 minutes of fame...IN THEIR OWN, twisted, sometimes totally cryptic imaginations to solve their loneliness as part of the human race where others MUST ALWAYS laugh at them.
    Last edited by aboutime; 09-23-2012 at 03:52 PM.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
    glockmail I agree with you. Attempting to add anything to this thread, based on the wishes, and whims of some really sick people, can only be compared to taking part in an ANARCHIST CONVENTION, where the latest, and greatest EXPLOSIVE VESTS are being demonstrated...ONE TIME.
    My friend, I agree that the accusation that those buildings were aided in being destroyed by exsplosives being used is absolutely wrong but I do not agree that such actions are beyond our government doing to push its agenda. No sir, I do not because our government has become a monster, one that seeks ever greater and dictatorial power! I know this is true and mistrust of our federal government is wise and prudent IMHO. FAST AND FURIOUS by itself should verify that as reasonable, logic awareness and prudent thinking. Our government seeks to take away our liberties and destroy our Constitution. We must remember that the power in the government changes every 4 to 8 years!
    Our current government is headed by a damn traitor. I have zero doubt about that . History, if he is defeated and tossed out of office in November , will likely in about 50 to 60 years start to reveal just how big of a damn traitor the bastard is IMHO. Sure, its possible even that it never dares to reveal that treason and its scope for it involves far more than just obama! -Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    My friend, I agree that the accusation that those buildings were aided in being destroyed by exsplosives being used is absolutely wrong but I do not agree that such actions are beyond our government doing to push its agenda. No sir, I do not because our government has become a monster, one that seeks ever greater and dictatorial power! I know this is true and mistrust of our federal government is wise and prudent IMHO. FAST AND FURIOUS by itself should verify that as reasonable, logic awareness and prudent thinking. Our government seeks to take away our liberties and destroy our Constitution. We must remember that the power in the government changes every 4 to 8 years!
    Our current government is headed by a damn traitor. I have zero doubt about that . History, if he is defeated and tossed out of office in November , will likely in about 50 to 60 years start to reveal just how big of a damn traitor the bastard is IMHO. Sure, its possible even that it never dares to reveal that treason and its scope for it involves far more than just obama! -Tyr

    We are all free to believe whatever we want. But, I guess I've been around too long to think I can be lured, or fooled into thinking such things as being actual. I remember the very same kinds of endless conspiracy accusations against LBJ, and members of congress right after JFK's assassination, and till today. Which also should now include...the accusations about Neil Armstrong's famous ONE SMALL STEP some still insist...that took place on a Movie Lot in Hollywood.

    I do however believe, as you, and others do. That ALL POLITICIANS, no matter what party they are from. ARE FIRST....CROOKED. And WE THE PEOPLE...have no say in anything they do...except...Bending Over, and yelling THANK YOU....DO IT AGAIN.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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