Quote Originally Posted by bingster View Post
I also find it offensive that the only jobs programs that the Republicans can support are oil related. Don't we need to fix our roads and bridges? Don't oil tankers drive over our infrastructure too?
Roads and bridges are oil related. What is your point again?

There is a myth that the Feds send Cash to the oil companies as benefits. The money sent by the Feds is to pay the bill for fuel and oil products to them is all it is. But the Oil companies don't get subsidies.

I made at the time a lot of money on that sort of infrastructure.

Roads are normally under the control of states. I spent 9 years working my way up the ladder on construction jobs to the point I was the manager over a major BART project. I got the bills and took them to Company headquarters. I dealt with inspectors that represented the customer. I never at any point ran into Federal inspectors. I ran into many state or county inspectors though.

Obama has fooled many people talking about such construction jobs.

I got my paycheck from a major construction company. They got paid by the State. I admit that my crews at times had to meet Federal standards such as percentages of minorities.

Do you know, when the negro was worried he might lose his job, he worked as well as any white. But when they found out they were favored over whites, they goofed off.