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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    Saying that rape is about sex is like saying that being a soldier is about killing. You join the military to kill people, right? Obviously you enjoyed killing people, right Darin? You looked forward to your next chance to kill people, didn't you? Isn't that why you still own guns? So you can fantasize about killing people?

    Anyone who has taken the most basic psychology courses knows rape is about power and control. It isn't about sexual urges and needs.
    It isn't about how a woman dresses or looks. It is about taking controlling of another person.

    Men need to stop blaming rape on the victim. That is why so few rapes are reported. That is why there is such an epidemic of violence against women.
    Men who blame rape on women are often sexual abusers themselves. Many mentally and physically abuse their spouses and children. Because they have this fantasy that they need more respect that they are not getting.

    Sorry Darin (and anyone else who believes rape is about sex), you are dead fucking WRONG. And I feel sorry for your family if you continually have these sick fantasies about rape and sex. Obviously you were raised wrong and continue to be sick in the head.

    Wrong Gabby. Wrong analogy as well.
    I spent 30 years in the military and never killed anyone, nor did I destroy anything.
    Only people like you make the claim that Men blame rape on the victim because jafar, depend on being able to
    always blame someone you matter who they are.
    You hate men. Right?
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
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  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    You are a farking idiot who doesn't know what he is talking about. Unless you are a rapist and are speaking from personal experience. In which case you might have a valid argument and I could be wrong.
    Why should I "debate" someone on a topic they know nothing about? You have no experience in this other than jerking off to porn.

    I have worked in rape centers, prisons and halfway houses. Most rapists stalk their victim before attacking. Many rape several women. A large number of rapists has issues in their past that have caused them to hate women. Some come from bad marriages or bad relationships. Others were sexually abused as a child.

    Women dress like women. If puritanical American men weren't so uptight about boobs (which I know many of you are) and other body parts, they could actually walk down a street and not think about women as sex objects.

    If anyone wants to know what rape is about, go volunteer in a rape crisis center. Go talk with police officers who investigate rapes.

    Darin, if you can stop thinking with your dick long enough to post a valid reply, go ahead. That will prove your point right there.
    Sure Gabby. Rape isn't about sex. That is why rapists are known the world over for playing tiddly winks with their victims.

    It is about two things , control and sex... Rapists are not all the same . Some it is more about having sex than it is having control. With others it's far more about having control. Regardless of why they rape the act is evil. Evil that often is an addiction.
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