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    Default Evil's Observer #3

    This week I am going to cover capitol punishment as I have seen a thread here shortly after reading about the particular article in the news. I'm personally 100% for the death penalty for those who commit acts that warrant it. So a murderer is going to get executed after being found guilty. OK, should I concern myself with what goes through the mind of this person as they are moments away from death? Should I be upset if it takes too long? Oh hell no, the bastard didn't think too much about taking someone elses life in the horrid way they did. So they can't find the vein, the person was strapped to the gurney tortured knowing his/her life was coming to an end, that's just wrong. I find the argument about it interesting but then I forget all about it, the punishment fits the crime as far as I am concerned. I find it interesting that some people fight against it, the human rights groups get all worked up, and yet again the real victims are forgotten behind all the political bullshit. I think they get off to easy, a medically inserted needle, fall asleep, and die. Things get delayed, oh well, now they have a little more time to think about what got them there in the first place.....

    I've seen numerous arguments on the immigration thing lately, and it is a good topic when you compare it to the many that immigrated here through the years. We all are probably connected somewhere in the family tree to an immigrant but comparing those days to today is big difference, those ancestors or whoever for the most part went through proper channels, and legalized themselves. Today Bush wants to make it ok for those who have made their way into the country illegally, a free pass to come set up camp. I find this a bit odd for the administration when they are to be fighting global terrorism, not just abroad but here at home as well. Even though it is known that we have illegals that are most likely of some sort of sleeper cell, even though the likes of al-Qaida is believed by many to want to detonate nuclear devices in 7 U.S cities. Are we going to open the door, and give them the time to master plan such destruction? Sure there hasn't been an attack here since 911, but that probably took many years of planning, and if you don't buy into a major plan already underway for another attack well that is just naive! The 911 hijackers managed with fake id's so when abdulah mulah hula has paperwork saying he is jose corona lite shall we let him in? Why not concrete the existing problems of identity before making more! Identity theft is a huge problem already yet there is no sign that it is being combatted thoroughly, but now we are to believe that identities of those already here illegally are all legit? That plan sucks! I say round them all up, and get rid of them, let them do things legally like our ancestors. Giving amnesty to people that have already broken laws to get here is like leaving the crumbs out for the cockroaches, they will be scurrying out of the cracks, and become the pests we wish we didn't have...

    This weeks interview: 5stringJeff

    SE - You have been a member for a very long time, as far as I can remember you never seem to lose your cool through a discussion. How is it that you maintain that level?

    5J - I always try to remember that at the other end of the computer is another human being, who has a viewpoint, opinions, feelings, and experiences all their own. I'm generally not in it to win the debate (although I enjoy that) as much as I am in it to discuss things with people. When debating, I try to attack/discredit the person's arguments, not the person themselves. I've learned a lot from a lot of members on here of all political bents, and I hope I've been able to give back to other posters as well. I will say, though, the one time I can remember losing it on the old board was with Mr. P, whom I called a "bigot" for using a derogatory term about Christians. Having known him for years, I can say, emphatically, that I was wrong, and he is nothing of the sort! But generally, if I have a disagreement with someone on a personal level, I try to resolve it as soon as I can. I'm a lover, not a fighter!
    (For the record, I joined USMB about two weeks after its launch, in Sep 2002. I think that besides your/Jim's family members, MtnBiker is the only one that's been around longer.)

    SE - As a long time member what is one thing about other members you would like to change given the choice?

    5J -They would all agree with me, all the time. Seriously, though, I appreciate the more relaxed tone the board has taken over the last few weeks. Personal attacks are becoming less common, and more people are discussing issues back and forth. That's the kind of discussion that keeps me coming back for more.

    SE - What is your opinion on the immigration bill?

    5J -I'm opposed to it in most ways. My immigration policy would look something like this: 1. Secure the borders, southern border first. That means a 1000-mile fence and troops augmenting the Border Patrol as necessary. 2. Deport all illegals, as they are found. If you're found, sorry Charlie, you're not coming back, ever. 3. Impose heavy fines on companies employing illegals, to the tune of $1000 per illegal per day, so that the cost of being found out is greater than the economic benefit of hiring an illegal. 4. Change the "anchor baby" laws; make it so that if a baby is born in the US to someone here illegally, that baby is not a US citizen. 5. Encourage the immigration of high-skill immigrants. 6. Punish local governments that declare themselves "sanctuary cities" for illegals. Make it a federal law that government officials must ask for proof of citizenship to provide services (except emergency medical), and enforce that law. To localities that don't like it, go read up on the Nullification Crisis.

    SE - How do you feel about gun control, laws etc..?

    5J - I am very, very heavily pro-gun and anti-gun control. I believe that the right to keep and bear arms is paramount to a free society. I favor Americans being able to purchase and use handguns, shotguns, rifles, and machine guns - any firearm that fires a non-explosive munition that can be transported and operated by one individual. I oppose registration of firearms, although I do think it's a good idea for all gun owners to get some type of weapons training, especially if applying for a CCP. I support the Castle Doctrine laws that are being passed in some states, which protect homeowner's rights to protect themselves, with deadly force if necessary, against intruders in their homes. I also support "shall-issue" licensing of firearms owners, meaning that as long as you don't have anything bad in your background, the state/county shall issue you a license.

    SE - Terrorism has been center stage for several years now however we have not seen anything happen here, do you foresee another terror attack on our soil?

    5J - I'm pretty optimistic by nature, so I don't think there will be one in the near future. However, much depends upon the American people (not just the American government) remaining vigilant. I certainly think that more people understand the threat of terrorism now, and that terrorists wouldn't have an easy time carrying out any plots in America. However, the fight won't end in January of 2009 when Bush leaves office. The fight ends when the ideology of Islamic terrorism is defeated. That means replacing the ideology of dictatorial imams and hatred with the ideology of liberty and self-determination. Which takes time. Dubya could not have possibly fought and won this entire war, even if he had Caesar-like powers; it remains for America to fight the war, in whatever shape the fight may take, with our next President.

    SE - A lot of people claim that catching Usama Bin Laden as a key to the fight against terror, do you think it would be anything more than just another capture, or is it of utmost importance to catch him?

    5J - Capturing/killing bin Laden would serve the same purpose as someone (God forbid) killing the President; it would be a crushing blow for al-Qaeda's morale, but they would soon resume normal operations. OBL has lieutenants, who may or may not be as crafty as he is, but it will take the systematic dismantling of the entire al-Qaeda structure to destroy the threat.

    SE - Capital punishment, for or against it?

    5J - For it, though I think there should be a higher standard of evidence used for the death penalty. If the death penalty were administered quickly and effectively, it would serve as a great deterrent. And I would replace lethal execution and the gas chamber with a single pistol shot to the head. Much cheaper and much more humane - there's little if any pain felt.

    SE - If a democrat is elected president will you make like Alec Baldwin, and leave the country? And how do you feel about people of fame making such statements?

    5J - I'm not leaving for anything! People make statements like that, and it's all election-time hyperbole. Maybe for some of these Hollywood stars, they think that people will be persuaded to vote for the candidate of the star's choice so that they'll stick around and make more movies! If you're that politically naive, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you!

    SE - Global warming seems to be pushed by many, what is your take on this issue?

    5J - I'm very skeptical. Most of the doom and gloom is brought on by computer models. These models are hard to "get right," and have no real credence to them, but people trust them because they're "computer models." I posted an article a couple of months ago that showed how bad computer models are at predicting how a certain metal would lay on a computer chip. The models were so bad that the company threw them out, finding that it was cheaper to produce the chips using trial-and-eroor instead of relying on the computer modeling! If we can't model what's going to happen in a controlled environment over the course of a few minutes, how on earth can we expect to model global climate over a period of decades with any accuracy?!?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm an advocate of recycling, using less gasoline, etc. But I haven't seen any evidence that makes me believe that we are on the cusp of impending global doom if we don't cut our carbon output by X% by 2020. And I certainly am against the Kyoto Treaty. We have common-sense regulations in place now (like, don't throw mercury into the lake). Those are enough for now.

    SE - The key acquisiton this offseason for the Texans was qb Matt Schaub from Atlanta, do you think he fares better than Carr at the position, and we he lead the Texans to a better record this year?

    5J - Matt Schaub brings something David Carr never had - leadership. I think Schaub is an excellent new face to the Texans organization who represents a real passing threat. Meanwhile, we also picked up Ahman Green from Green Bay, so our running game will improve substantially. We've put together a top-notch D-line, and we have the defensive rookie of the year, DeMeco Ryans, at MLB. Our secondary and our WR's are some pretty big weak points still, so I'm not ready to say we're going the Super Bowl XLII or anything, but I think we're making the changes we need to be playoff contenders this year. Remember, the last team to beat the Super Bowl champion Indianapolis Colts was the Houston Texans!!!

    SE....Knowing Jeff from way back I can say myself that we can all learn a little something about forum etiqutte from this guy, a true gentleman, and always a pleasure!

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    I really enjoyed that interview! Jeff brings a semblance of rationality and calm to the board which is always needed. I also liked the personal take of Evil at the beginning, regarding two very immediate issues.

    My opinion on the death penalty is evolving, like Jeff I'll say that if it could be implemented more quickly, especially when DNA evidence is conclusive, it might serve as a deterrent. That would be a good thing. The current system does not execute quickly. If capital punishment is not a deterrent, then I think incarceration for life is probably a more serious punishment than 'going to sleep.'

    The proposed immigration bill, hammered together outside of all sunshine type ideals, sucks. 24 hours and the illegals are non-deportable, hireable, and while less than 'citizens' they have all the rights, sans the vote-which is no doubt, coming.

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    Default ...........

    Once again another awesome interview.

    If you attack the Clintons publically make sure all your friends know your not planning on commiting suicide ~ McCain 2008
    Happiness is Obama's picture on the back of a milk carton.

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    Houston Texans........will be 4-12 this year. Schaub ain't jack, if you can't start over the worst starting qb in the NFL, Michael Vick, that says something.

    I think Houston will end up paying big for not taking Reggie Bush.

    49ers....NFC western division champs, playoff berth this year....mark my words. Seattle can't beat us and they know it.

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    SanFran? they still have a gay qb?

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    Sir Evil is the man.

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    DNA is the key it's more or less fool proof (apparently)
    so once it's been established no more appeals thats it they gone
    thank you again s.e for another very good observation / interview

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrg666 View Post
    DNA is the key it's more or less fool proof (apparently)
    so once it's been established no more appeals thats it they gone
    thank you again s.e for another very good observation / interview
    DNA isn't the key to anything and it's not foolproof. It's just another piece of circumstantial evidence that can be manipulated easily by unscrupulos people. It's long been possible to pick up fingerprints and put them down somewhere else. It's even easier to do it with an item that renders DNA.
    "Unbloodybreakable" DCI Gene Hunt, 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by diuretic View Post
    DNA isn't the key to anything and it's not foolproof. It's just another piece of circumstantial evidence that can be manipulated easily by unscrupulos people. It's long been possible to pick up fingerprints and put them down somewhere else. It's even easier to do it with an item that renders DNA.
    thats assuming everything is corrupt and note i did say apparently
    dna is not circumstantial if you arent paranoid .
    so many folk have been executed over the years that were innocent the law was re written for this
    absolute certainty is what we have with dna

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrg666 View Post
    thats assuming everything is corrupt and note i did say apparently
    dna is not circumstantial if you arent paranoid .
    so many folk have been executed over the years that were innocent the law was re written for this
    absolute certainty is what we have with dna
    I don't assume everything's corrupt, I do know that only a very small proportion of the entire justice system needs to be corrupt for serious damage to be done to an individual.

    DNA is circumstantial evidence by its very nature. If it's not direct evidence (eg eyewitness testimony, which by the way, is inherently unreliable) then it's circumstantial evidence. There's nothing wrong with circumstantial evidence. The whole idea of the crimina law is built on probability and inference so circumstantial evidence is as good, if not better, than some forms of direct evidence.

    Any system that has a death penalty will kill an innocent person for sure.

    There is no absolute certainty with DNA or anything to do with the criminal justice system. It's built, as I said, on probability and inference. DNA is not a magic bullet. It is extremely useful but it's not a panacea.
    "Unbloodybreakable" DCI Gene Hunt, 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by diuretic View Post
    DNA isn't the key to anything and it's not foolproof. It's just another piece of circumstantial evidence that can be manipulated easily by unscrupulos people. It's long been possible to pick up fingerprints and put them down somewhere else. It's even easier to do it with an item that renders DNA.

    If you attack the Clintons publically make sure all your friends know your not planning on commiting suicide ~ McCain 2008
    Happiness is Obama's picture on the back of a milk carton.

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    Wow this thread didn't even inherit a breath of life until it outlived the original thread topic and was born anew discussing DNA evidence.

    Apparently DNA evidence is much more deserving of a thread than whatever the original topic was.....

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    Default ...............

    Quote Originally Posted by loosecannon View Post
    Wow this thread didn't even inherit a breath of life until it outlived the original thread topic and was born anew discussing DNA evidence.

    Apparently DNA evidence is much more deserving of a thread than whatever the original topic was.....
    He's baaaaaaaaaaccccccccccckkkkkkkkkk.......

    If you attack the Clintons publically make sure all your friends know your not planning on commiting suicide ~ McCain 2008
    Happiness is Obama's picture on the back of a milk carton.

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    Quote Originally Posted by loosecannon View Post
    Wow this thread didn't even inherit a breath of life until it outlived the original thread topic and was born anew discussing DNA evidence.

    Apparently DNA evidence is much more deserving of a thread than whatever the original topic was.....
    And I imagine you know a little something about DNA having a loosecan and all...

    Well thanks for taking the time for the feedback dingleberry!

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    Quote Originally Posted by loosecannon View Post
    Wow this thread didn't even inherit a breath of life until it outlived the original thread topic and was born anew discussing DNA evidence.

    Apparently DNA evidence is much more deserving of a thread than whatever the original topic was.....

    Who let this piece of shit back in the door?

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