Don't kill me for necroposting!!
I saw a bot visiting this thread and decided to take a peek. Didn't even remember the saga of all of this but was also cool to just re-read some POV's and some names I miss!
And it's been 8 years since this thread and curious between how we all looked at things compared with today!
Looking back, I still see and understand where many opinions came from and why they were valid. But I hope time will be nice to me and folks will see what my thinking was over the years. As you can see, the one thing learned was that no way any one member was going to do anything to the vision of the board and how it went forward. And so long as everyone agreed with freedom of speech and freedom to really discuss anything within mature limitations, so long as the few rules weren't violated/abused. That was the vision in 2003 and still stands today. Not everything was quite that right and I made plenty of mistakes though that have us where we are today.
But I hope my word and reassurances came to fruition. In real life, when I give someone my word, I was told it should be treated as gold. Not told actually, but rather raised that way. So I always took my word serious and that's carried over to online. If I say or declare something, I do my utmost best to honor that throughout. But not really hard since the things I say are who I am and what I do myself. So easy on that one. But takes more than just following principles of freedoms.
No matter any differences with Drummond, and especially with him not here right now, only want to say that I understand where his feelings came from - but again I hope even he from afar and others will see that the astonishment and concern about a 'liberal' infiltrating and harming somehow - didn't and wasn't going to happen. Again, with it seen elsewhere, I understand. But wasn't and didn't happen here.
I know I screwed up in many areas, but I am of the hope that my intention of freedom of speech always did last and never did waver.
I hope I also proved this to AT and others that I wasn't going to allow myself or staff as a whole to be duped or infiltrated or changed the idea of freedom of speech and what was allowed on the board and what wasn't allowed.
I tried my best to engage staff members in any changes to the community, and the community itself many many engagements for feedback before changes as well. I always thought it best that the community itself determined the road ahead for that very community, and did my best to apply that. Not perfect but we all did pretty well I thought!!
Not sure if I was cranky or what back then! But not only didn't Logroller come aboard and apply non-stop liberal agendas, or ban anyone, he's not even been around here for ages. Contrary to some opinions back in the past, I thought he was pretty cool, just like many others, even if not a card carrying member of the Chicken Hawk Club I belong to filled with psycho conservatives wanting to bomb anyone who wrongs us.
8 years later and DU is still a liberal shithole that will ban anyone for even thinking in their head about conservatism. Seriously, they have some device that follows your thoughts constantly to ensure you aren't one of those disgusting righties! And our old hangout still grows and grows in posts - pushing at the 27 million mark now!! And worse than ever, in my humble and biased opinion. But insults disrupting threads isn't difficult to find, many 20-50 pages long, and just filled with non-stop of that. But hey, in all seriousness, some are all for that kind of action. So be it and great for them and good luck! Just simply not my cup of tea, even if I do enjoy a good debate disagreement. But every single thread in every single forum and endless pages long? So in 8 years.....
Can't speak to inner workings, just looks like mass confusion to me and I wouldn't join after reading as a guest. Not where I would have brought it, but they also created a place with a ton of members. So..... not sure what folks would want.
I hope everyone still believes this true for all of us!
Still referring old joint and then DU - and both still suck as pointed out. And we're still fairer than DU!
Yeps, was true then and still true today. Only just without Log,![]()
NO REFUNDS!! Although Psychoblues complained to Paypal once and got his own refund - and stayed too.
And yet for whatever frustrating reason, I tried with you for years and years.
First, I miss Mark aka V4R. And looking back he was so so spot on, even if I didn't fully agree at the time. Mark should have been made "manager" here, as he could have made the tough organizational decisions and maybe brought in new folks and been the one in charge of member retention. He could have been successful in the many areas I failed or was incompetent at.
They would have helped, no doubt in my mind. But takes more than boobies to infiltrate staff. But absolutely no doubt that boobies would help avoid bans and give you favoritism. Just being honest here guys! Boobies and you guys get the crappy end of the stick, no doubt in my mind.
Told you all! Brought him on to keep a keen eye and then utilized my mind skills and he bailed.
Yup, played you like a fiddle! Sent you into the stratosphere never to be seen again!
This whole board was much funnier when you were still posting here and calling everyone dumbasses!
Why I always loved Tyr so much. Speaks his mind when not happy and the first to jump in when he saw I was standing by what I said.
And 8 years later perhaps more so - and now we have a new Bush called "Trump's fault". Point being that leftists never ever take responsibility, whether that be personally or within government.
Hope it isn't wrong to have repointed all this out, but I saw it all in a positive manner! Still learning from other myself, and even better looking back sometimes and seeing some folks I miss.![]()
“You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock
I must admit I didn’t remember any of this. At least we had some passion, right?
After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown
“Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”
I liked logroller because he brought a different perspective. I don't come here to hear an echo. I want robust discourse.
If the freedom of speech is taken away
then dumb and silent we may be led,
like sheep to the slaughter.
George Washington (1732-1799) First President of the USA.