Like all the political props used by the Dems, Sandra is now a distant memory

Meanwhile Rush is still the King of talk radio

and Dems are so pissed off about both

Liberals thought their fondest dream had come true on Feb. 29, 2012, when weekday radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh referred to Georgetown University Law Student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” and a “prostitute” after she testified the week before to House Democrats in favor of forcing insurance companies to pay the full cost of contraceptives.

Democrats quickly urged sponsors to boycott the conservative icon's program, and that hurt advertising for the rest of the year. But Limbaugh's distributor -- Dan Metter -- said on Thursday that the radio host is not only drawing new advertisers, but he's also welcoming back a number of long-time sponsors.
Metter, senior vice president and director of talk radio sales for Premiere Radio, told the Talkers New York 2013 conference that the boycott -- which he referred to as simply “the challenge” -- led the company to focus its efforts on getting ads from entrepreneurial-based companies not handled by major agencies, including LifeLock and LegalZoom.

They’re not buying an ideology, they’re buying an audience
. And many of them are advertising with our progressive radio hosts and our conservative radio hosts and everything in the middle.

He then stated that companies are buying advertisements “because their audience buys tractors, their audience drinks soda, and their audience needs data backup. And that’s the place to get those types of customers. So we’re doing very, very well.”

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