Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
Honestly speaking. Obama doesn't give a shit about the Law, or Constitution, and most certainly does not obey his Oath of office.
In fact. Obama is arrogant, and just pretends he is above the law because....HE KNOWS he can get away with it.

Nobody in Congress is willing to accuse him of doing anything wrong...that would instantly label them as Racists.

And no Politician, worried about the next election wants to be saddled with such an accusation.

Obama knows. Nobody will do anything because...by the time anyone attempts to bring up Impeachment. He'll already be out of office, and his DASTARDLY DEED of Obamacare is already IN PLACE.
He doesn't care what the American people (with brains, and education) say, or think. He depends on IGNORANCE and Racism to prolong his living at 1600 Pennsylvania ave. Without mentioning how HE WILL BECOME A WARD of WE THE PEOPLE....after he leaves office...FOR LIFE.