's Abuse of Power

An appeals court says his recess appointments are unconstitutional.000142412788732353980457826379333 2301584.html

President Obama has shown increasing contempt for the constitutional limits on his power, and the courts are finally awakening to the news. A unanimous panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday that the President's non-recess recess appointments are illegal and an abuse of executive power. White House spokesman Jay Carney criticized the unanimous decision Friday, which is consistent with the President's sense of constitutional entitlement. Mr. Obama decided last year he could selectively enforce the immigration laws, exempting certain young people even if Congress hadn't passed the Dream Act. We support the Dream Act but not his unilateral way of imposing it.
Mr. Obama has also signaled his intention to govern as much as possible by stretching the legal bounds of regulation and executive orders. The D.C. Circuit ruling is thus a particularly timely warning that while Mr. Obama was re-elected, has most of the press in his pocket and is popular with 52% of the public, he's subject to the rule of law like everybody else.
The arrogant bastard flatly rejects that he is subject to the Rule of Law just like everybody else. And what is worse those charged with reminding him and bringing him into compliance are either afraid to act or else complicit in his illegal and treasonous acts. Now we see Obama push his authority to include overriding Congress should it not give him permission to go to war. One could go along with his doing that if it was a matter of defending this nation buts it so obvious that such is not the case. Obama faces no reelection bid so we will see his arrogance and ego manifest itself in even more outrageous flaunting of power in the future. America simply can not afford to allow this to continue. Some must be done to reel him back in IMHO. Tyr