Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
Hollywood has this fixation with character studies. That is what I didn't like about Gravity. It has a fantastic concept and was well shot, but it too often drifted off into these long monologues by Sandra Bullock.
Same with World War Z. The book was remarkable and the movie could have been the same. But it focused too much on Brad Pitt's character and not enough on the movie.
Any movie that uses high dollar actors and actresses is usually focused on them more than the film itself.
'Tis true. What I dislike is that the characters are usually severely flawed and going nowhere but down. I understand that it can make for a more interesting story than someone who has it together, but I need someone/something to root for in a move or book. These Leaving Las Vegas-type movies lack that key element. I am not sure what type of people enjoy these failing characters. But I suspect they are mostly appreciated by Hollywood insiders, who then proceed to pat each other on the back for writing and portraying them at Award shows.