A Painter's Nightmare

I have been painting where the bird of vengeance tears out the coward's heart
large brush strokes given with an angry scowl and deep frown tossed in to boot
Land between where the blessed soul and the inner spirit of man do ever part
as rough and stout as an old mighty oak tree with withered rock anchored root

A canvas as big and glowing bright as the imagination of a happily playing child
setting up toy soldiers to battle fiercely until the mighty war God tires of his play
Incoming dark spirits unchained and commanded to destroy in vengeance gone wild
all that defiantly dare to fight back with courage and pluck while standing in their way

Each stroke begs for another more vibrant and deeper that the one blasted on before
as the picture looms large sending darkened chills up my renewed and stiffened spine
A shriek comes forth from behind that castle's bloody and heavy iron gated door
revealing the angry beast has just fled and all will soon be blissfully quiet and fine..