Outdoor Prose for All Seasons
Postby Tyr-Ziu Saxnot » Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:28 am
Stand Tall or Fall...
This nation so ravaged by economic woes
wars too many keep us on our toes
Politics corrupted deep to the core
leeches begging for handouts and more
Hatred for religion so arrogantly bellowed out
by windbags that sleep while they ignorantly shout
A future that looks desperate and totally grim
ready made plot for a winning Hollywood film
Push comes to shove dire action will be taken
God will not save the merciless Godforsaken
With that so many shall urgently cry for aid
yet must eternally sleep in the vile bed they made
Others will stand up to take the leap
refusing to be led by appeasing sheep
Healing will come after so much torture and pain
America will overcome its cursed , pathetic stain
A bright future such is well within our reach
only if we again find the TRUTH to teach.......Z.-- Tyr--[usa]
We are lost as a nation. We have lost most of our spirit. Arrogant elitist know nothings spew bile and poison our collective souls. If we are to survive we must regain control of our Education System and stop the brainwashing of our children. Go back to the primers and basics as taught in the 30's and 40's.. Teach that right does indeed overcome evil. Actually teach that evil truly exists. Then dare to once again to teach that evil must be opposed at every turn at every encounter. For we must fight to dare. To dare to fight for our kids and grandkids future. This I shall do. Will any of you??? --[usa]--TZS