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    Default The Man Who Wants to Buy the Biggest U.S. Gun Maker Doesn't Own a Gun

    The Man Who Wants to Buy the Biggest U.S. Gun Maker Doesn't Own a Gun

    By Paul M. Barrett March 31, 2014

    The other day I reported an out-of-the-blue unsolicited $1 billion takeover bid for Freedom Group, the largest gun and ammunition manufacturer in the U.S. The March 11 proposal by a little-known Palm Beach, Fla., company called Global Digital Solutions struck me as dubious, given the would-be buyer’s tiny size and lack of a track record in the insular small-arms business. The needle on my bizarre-o meter twitched when Global Digital (GDSI) couldn’t put me in touch with its founder and chief executive, a serial tech entrepreneur named Richard Sullivan. Finally, there was the vituperative reaction from Freedom, a privately-held conglomeration controlled by the New York-based private equity firm, Cerberus Capital Management. What the heck is going on here?

    That Cerberus might unload Freedom Group—whose brands include Remington, Bushmaster, DPMS/Panther Arms, Marlin, Para USA, and Barnes Bullets—isn’t so far-fetched. Bushmaster manufactured the semiautomatic military-style rifle used by the killer in the December 2012 Newtown, Conn., elementary school massacre., and investor outcry following that horrific event put pressure on Cerberus to announce it would seek a buyer for Freedom Group. After shopping the company around for a while, Cerberus said it would recapitalize Freedom in an arrangement allowing antsy investors to step away from the gun business.

    Global Digital’s Richard Sullivan, who eventually got back to me, insists that his ardor for Freedom is genuine. Despite the puny financial scale of his current operation, which trades over-the-counter and has a market capitalization of less than $60 million, Sullivan says he has a long history of starting and acquiring companies—and that he has big ideas for consolidating the fragmented U.S. gun business.

    An affable guy with a thick Boston accent, Sullivan has some insightful things to say about the strangeness of established small arms manufacturers having so far resisted the integration of digital features into their products. He’s right that from a purely technological standpoint, it’s odd that small arms by and large haven’t progressed beyond mechanisms anchored firmly in the 20th century.

    On the other hand, well-made guns get the job done with current designs, and many users—whether military, police, or civilian—probably would have concerns about relying on a fancy computer system vulnerable to the sort of techno-glitches that occasionally bedevil laptops or automobiles. Sullivan communicates in an almost mystical techno-speak that might stir suspicion in the borderline-paranoid world of gun manufacturing. Even after talking with him, I can’t tell whether he’s making a real offer for Freedom engaging in an elaborate publicity stunt, or indulging a flight of fancy. Maybe it’s a combination of all three.

    “We’re working on raising the capital, and we have serious intentions,” Sullivan says. “We want to make a transformative technological contribution to an industry that’s stuck in analog and inevitably must participate in the digital world transition that’s going on. This is about convergence.”

    Sure, but what does that mean? “A lot of people who don’t own guns would like to have one if it had digital features that gave them choices,” Sullivan says. “We’re ready to put a new face on an old look. Remington is the perfect platform for us.”

    Sorry, still not following. Sullivan speaks about “coupling cyber-based technologies with enhanced digital product development.” He says he’s been through the process before with a company called Applied Digital Solutions.

    As best I could tell, Sullivan shares an ambition with a number of other techies to implant firearms with chips that would allow owners to prevent unauthorized people (children, thieves) from misusing their weapons. Such “smart gun” technology theoretically could help locate lost guns and allow for digitally enhanced targeting. It sounds a little like science-fiction, but others are moving in this direction.

    TrackingPoint, a startup in Austin, Tex., recently started selling expensive long-distance rifles that incorporate laser and computer technology, as well as a three-dimensional color graphics display, to allow even a novice shooter to hit moving targets at 500 yards. TrackingPoint hopes to market its wares to the military for use by snipers.

    The larger potential payoff, though, would be in the civilian sector. TrackingPoint rifles feature a Wi-Fi transmitter that permits a high-end hunter to stream live video and audio to an iPad (AAPL) and post impressive kill shots on Facebook (FB) and YouTube (GOOG). Depending on how tricked-out consumers want their customized weapon, TrackingPoint offers rifles for $22,000 and up.
    I have a thought on this fishy looking grab.

    What if the billion comes from some dummy Corp set up by the government and they after getting the buy start shutting it down? We know Obama and his government have stolen many , many tens of billions. And we know they'll do anything to disarm us. Not that far fetched to see them buying up gun manufacturers to later just shut down.. After all they bought billions of bullets to raise process and limit the buying access to law abiding citizens over the coming years!! --Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Does a man have to play with dolls to own a doll company? You might be making too much of this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    I have a thought on this fishy looking grab.

    What if the billion comes from some dummy Corp set up by the government and they after getting the buy start shutting it down? We know Obama and his government have stolen many , many tens of billions. And we know they'll do anything to disarm us. Not that far fetched to see them buying up gun manufacturers to later just shut down.. After all they bought billions of bullets to raise process and limit the buying access to law abiding citizens over the coming years!! --Tyr

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    I think a more likely scenario would be a gov't straw purchase of the facilities, then hand it over to a union. With several manufacturers expressing the possibility of not entering into anymore gov't contracts, I'm sure the gov't is looking for a dedicated supplier. Arming all those non-combat bureaucracies with automatic weapons; EPA, USDA, USPS, FDA, FEMA, etc.; must be difficult.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tailfins View Post
    Does a man have to play with dolls to own a doll company? You might be making too much of this.

    tailfins. For the sake of argument here. Let's just suppose the person who wants to buy that Gun maker, happens to be a GEORGE SOROS, or a HARRY REID, or even a BARRACK OBAMA.

    What would that do to the gun business in America, or around the world?

    All hypothetical, but just imagine someone with that kind of POLITICAL power, and MONEY turned loose on everything to bring down America, and American business.

    Where have we heard of such things before???
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Suppose it is a straw man purchase. It would still be legal.

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