Quote Originally Posted by jafar00 View Post
Well, you did bring them war and death.
You're damn right we brought them war and death. It's better to fight wars on the enemy's turf than fuck up our own infrastructure... most civilized nations learned that a long time ago.

Since you didn't police your own, we had to. We've been over this before.

Bush told all of you that we'd make no distinction between terrorists and those that harbor them, they didn't heed the warning and they paid the price.

The Mosque is the best place of refuge. When you attacked them, they had no choice but to defend themselves, to the death if that was necessary.
Excellent. So, now that we've dispensed with the whole 'unthinkable' line of bullshit and you've smoothly diverted to justifying their involvement in using mosques as a fort...

You're wrong. They used the mosques as bases, battle planning & supply depots and when American forces were hunting the vermin down they all beelined to the nearest mosque. Those brave muzzies hid behind women and children while trying to get American soldiers to shoot them inside a Mosque for news cameras.

Other than trying to lure missiles to a mosque for news camera footage and forcing civilians to be their meat shields, how the hell was it the best place of refuge?

It's outright cowardice.

You know it, I know it, the world knows it.

If you were taking refuge in a Church and a foreign invasion army was firing on you, what would you do about it?
If that preposterous scenario somehow came to be, I would be a part of large-scale maneuvers alongside millions of other armed Americans that involved direct fighting with the enemy to kill them as quickly as possible instead of hiding behind women & children in religious places of worship.

Australia had a taste of bloody combat in WWI and WWII, I'm mildly surprised that with your country's honorable performance on the field of battle that you think it's okay to engage in this sort of behavior.

Did you learn these tactics while serving in the Royal Australian Navy? Somehow I think if your old commanders saw some of the shit you say these days they'd be mortified that you used to be one of them.