Well, I've read through this whole thread. A few observations, which I've brought up in PM to a certain moderator too -

1. It seems to be mostly the ladies who find this avatar objectionable, and not because it violates any sense of decency, I suspect. As several posters have noted, there is not any nudity on the avatar. One moderator also noted that the avatar is PG-13, not R.

2. If this is objectionable, what about the numerous insults flying around on the board? The steel cage threads? Are those acceptable? IF so, why not my avatar? (Some other members have brought this up too)

3. Obscene smileys are allowed. Why are people pickin on my avatar?

I really do think there is much ado about nothing. . . Further, point #1 IMO is worth noting. It seems many women have a problem with a hottie being displayed as a man's avatar. NOT ALL women, mind you, but many do. . .

Frankly speaking, if the board tolerates racism, insults (and those are certainly not PG rated), and negative rep points, then I really don't see a reason why the Tsingtao beer girl should not be allowed.

I would like the site owner's opinion on this too please, if that is alright. I would like to discuss this with him before taking any action on this. . .