Creative Writing Forum Guidelines
Welcome to the CW forum. This forum is built to hold member writing, poetry, lyrics and whatnot.
Please do not use this forum for hatchet pieces or political or personal rants - unless they are stories. This forum can have nonfiction, but again, story-format. The Moderator - Tyr-Ziu Saxnot - will be the arbitrator of what is or isn't going to be in this forum. His judgment dictates.
So - Let's get it started. Who wants to go first?
“… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.