Your Favorite Song - You and Me

Oh that’s you and me

“You and me were always with each other,
before we knew the other was ever there”

Destiny carves its path through lives,
filling needs unknown until it happens
Bridging gaps of empty terrain
where love belongs eventually
as our hearts wait for that one we feel
on the journey

“You and me we belong together,
just like a breath needs the air”

So many comparisons play,
moving pieces to spaces, uncovered
Sliding down chutes, climbing ladders,
sensing that something waits, something good
Inspired to keep going, following the lines
drawn in tingles on skin

“I told you if you called I would come runnin’,
across the highs the lows and the in betweens”

You’ve taken my hand and showed me
things are not always as they seem
Until you find them in your shadow,
lifting you when you fall,
caressing your soul in unexplained notions,
safety and comfort with merely a touch

“You and me we’ve got two minds that think as one
and our hearts march to the same beat”

Your eyes, my eyes, we see similar patterns
curving about skylines of melodic tempos
As we walk together, one step after the other,
but two steps always for the other
in whatever direction they choose,
syncopated movements hand in hand

”They say everything it happens for a reason,
you can be flawed enough but perfect for a person”

These scars of past seasons, cold winds blow
across arid deserts of details and misgivings
Cloaked in love’s blanket, accepted beyond yesterdays
Put away in box with a lock, no key is available
and neither would want it anyway

”Someone who will be there for you when you fall apart,
guiding your direction when you’re riding through the dark”

This light that leads, from your smile, your understanding,
your acceptance that I reflect back as a mirror
Enhancing the beam of this forever feeling,
Strolling down avenues of pleasure for
happiness is always a two way street

”Oh that’s you and me…”


The italicized lines are lyrics from one of my favorite songs, “You and Me” by Pink and Dallas Green off the Rose Ave album.

For the “Your Favorite Song” poetry contest
Sponsored by: Alexis Y.

Copyright © Chris Green | Year Posted 2017
My friend Chris, a very talented young poet, composed a great entry for that , your favorite song, contest...-Tyr