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I Would Totally Take my Panties off For The Right Poem, Part 4
By Amanda Riggle on Sunday, September 22, 2013

Is poetry the greatest form of seduction? I think many people would answer that question with a yes. I don’t know – maybe I’m seduction proof or just a big ol’ spoil sport, but I would have to stay that most seductive poetry is almost anything but seductive.

Today I’m going to look at, No Platonic Love by William Cartwright.

Tell me no more of minds embracing minds,
And hearts exchang’d for hearts;
That spirits spirits meet, as winds do winds,
And mix their subt’lest parts;
That two unbodied essences may kiss,
And then like Angels, twist and feel one Bliss.

I was that silly thing that once was wrought
To practise this thin love;
I climb’d from sex to soul, from soul to thought;
But thinking there to move,
Headlong I rolled from thought to soul, and then
From soul I lighted at the sex again.

As some strict down-looked men pretend to fast,
Who yet in closets eat;
So lovers who profess they spririts taste,
Feed yet on grosser meat;
I know they boast they souls to souls convey,
Howe’r they meet, the body is the way.

Come, I will undeceive thee, they that tread
Those vain aerial ways
Are like young heirs and alchemists misled
To waste their wealth and days,
For searching thus to be for ever rich,
They only find a med’cine for the itch.

Oh, William. I think we may have a winner here.

While this poem is from the 1600’s and does use older diction, the idea contained within is very, shall we say, liberated.

The speaker of this poem denounces the idea of platonic, disembodied love where souls mingle while bodies do not touch. The speaker flat out says that kind of love is B.S. and the only real love comes from physicality.

Sure I think people can have emotional connections and that platonic love does exist between friends, but the idea that you can be in love with someone but never physically with them kind of sucks.

What I really like about this poem is the way it addresses the audience – it doesn’t put down women or focus on their imagery like some Shakespeare sonnets do, it doesn’t have an imaginary conversation with the audience with strange, strange religious logical reasonings the way John Dunne’s The Flea does, and it doesn’t make sex sound creepy and wrong the way To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time by Robert Herrick does.

This poem is logical, well presented, and if someone where have to written this to me and presented it in the hopes of getting me into bed, it probably would have worked. I don’t feel put down as a woman. I don’t feel religious pressures. I feel like, yeah, if I care about the speaker and want to express that, physical rather than spiritual would be the best avenue. The speaker really had me by the line “Come, I will undeceive thee,” because I now love the word undeceive and want to incorporate it into my personal vocabulary.

I think this poem’s homerun worthy.
– Amanda Riggle

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Amanda Riggle
Amanda Riggle
Amanda is the Managing Editor at The Poetics Project and of The Socialist, the national magazine of The Socialist Party USA, as well as the Lead Editor of Pomona Valley Review's upcoming 11th issue. She graduated with a BA in English Education and a minor in Political Science. She is currently enrolled in an English MA program with an emphasis in Literature. During her free time, Amanda enjoys writing poetry, reading, traveling, crocheting, watching entire seasons of campy shows on Netflix, and, of course, writing blogs.
Yes, being the red-bloodied American that I am, the title struck me--so I read the writings.
That is the title about removing panties not the poem title. lol
Although the poem is a great one my ind, still thinks of days of my youth , when the pretty gals were indeed the greatest treasure on earth!
Now my beautiful wife is and my mind wandering is just an old man pondering youth and its treasures that were found over time...
Yes, I know,I've written many poems on my youth, my adventures and wanderings....
And yes , this article and source is from a SOCIALIST !!!!!!

BACK IN 1973, my first wife's exceptional beautiful and sexy friend, came to stay with us for a while.
One morn , I was very late getting out the door to go to work, sitting in the living room putting my shoes on.
My wife was in the kitchen and her friend knowing that I was always already gone to work at that time wandered right into the living room ,thinking I had left the house.
She came from the shower completely naked and had a pair of blue panties in her hand!
I saw everything and believe me it was glorious , for she could have posed for Playboy-she was that fine!
Hell, I went into shock and could not break my eyes away until she look up and over at corner were I was sitting!
My wife on hearing her scream ran into the room and helped break my trance.
We sorted it all out and they laughed about it later-but know this-that sight never left me.......
After a week of straying thoughts I demanded that my wife help her hurry up and find another place to live.
My wife resisted rushing her to find an apartment until I told her about thoughts I was having--such is the power of a very beautiful naked women 's beauty. After being told why I demanded her early exit, my wife got very busy helping find her another place to live....
Here it is 44 years later and I can still vividly see that tremendously beautiful and wondrously sexy image- so yes we men are dogs- genetically programmed towards visual images of beautiful women-especially if they are wearing no clothes.
The article and its title about dropping panties, jogged that ancient memory, so you get this true story.
And true, I have seen Playboy centerfolds that her friend could have put to shame....
So perhaps this is just another example of how we men are dogs...
To my credit,I resisted that overpowering urge to act upon my genetic impulses. To this day,I do not know how I did so--Tyr