After seeing pre-made fountains, we decided we wanted a more 'natural' look. We gathered up rocks from around the yard (houses here are built with absolutely horribly rocky yards; Sometimes I think builders DUMP rocks down ) and my wife built a little wall she later back-filled with top soil. In the middle she dug out a hole for a basin; dropped in a pump, covered with a grate and wire, then surrounded with more rocks to cover things (from the front). The hardest part was drilling through the top rock to allow for the water to escape. Yeah, I don't TYPICALLY spring forth watery goodness...but we prefer this style over a traditional fountain. I think the pump was $40?, and the basin was $10.

Credit goes to my wife who built the wall, picked up the soil and spread it, and did a fair share of rock-hole-drilling.

We'll (She'll) be done when we (she) buries the power-wire for the pump.

She's going to plant smaller plants in the blank spaces later-on.