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    Default Obama: Gun control is my biggest frustration

    Mr. Obama, that's because your "gun control" schemes won't work, so people with common sense have stopped your efforts.

    Your "gun control" is what left the Marines in Chattanooga, TN defenseless, letting the Islamic jihadi nutcase cruise right up and start murdering them without fear that anyone could stop him before he racked up the big body count he wanted. Only after the killed five and wounded many more, did the cops (good guys with guns) showed up and stopped him.

    Only because some of those Marines disobeyed your party's unconstitutional restrictions and had their personal guns with them, did the murderer fail to kill any at the first place he went, and changed his mind about walking in to the office.

    Look on the bright side. More innocent people are alive today, due to the people who stopped you from disarming even more law-abiding Americans.


    Obama: Gun Control Is My Biggest Frustration

    Posted Friday, July 24th 2015 @ 10am
    by Rob Quinn, Newser Staff

    (NEWSER) – Just hours before yet another mass shooting, President Obama told the BBC that the biggest frustration of his presidency has been his failure to bring in stricter gun control laws, "even in the face of repeated mass killings."

    He said he had been "stymied" in his efforts to introduce "common sense gun safety laws" since taking office. "If you look at the number of Americans killed since 9/11 by terrorism, it's less than 100," he said. "If you look at the number that have been killed by gun violence, it's in the tens of thousands." To not have resolved the issue "is distressing," said Obama, whose latest executive order on the issue could add millions of people to the background-check system.
    "The social contract exists so that everyone doesn’t have to squat in the dust holding a spear to protect his woman and his meat all day every day. It does not exist so that the government can take your spear, your meat, and your woman because it knows better what to do with them." -

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    I was reading about this on BBC this morning.

    Couple of things I found interesting is how disillusioned even the liberal BBC with him :

    Quote Originally Posted by The Beeb
    Nine months ago, the president seemed like a spent force, after taking a beating in the midterm elections, during which members of his own party were reluctant to campaign on his record.

    But the man sat before me today was relaxed and confident, buoyed by a string of "wins" on healthcare, Cuba and Iran, after bitter and ongoing battles with his many critics.

    The only body swerve the president performed was when I asked him how many minds he had changed on the Iran nuclear deal after an intense sell aimed at Gulf allies and members of US Congress who remain implacably opposed.

    There was a momentary flicker across the president's face as if to say "You think you got me?" before his smile returned and he proceeded to talk about how Congress would come round.

    But notably, he did not give a direct answer to that question, which leaves me with the impression that he has persuaded precisely zero.

    Fortunately for us, the country didn't cave on the 2nd Amendment like it did on so many other issues. But one important issue out of a dozen is pretty sad, if you ask me.
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    Every day I beat my previous record of consecutive days I've stayed alive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Little-Acorn View Post
    Mr. Obama, that's because your "gun control" schemes won't work, so people with common sense have stopped your efforts.

    Your "gun control" is what left the Marines in Chattanooga, TN defenseless, letting the Islamic jihadi nutcase cruise right up and start murdering them without fear that anyone could stop him before he racked up the big body count he wanted. Only after the killed five and wounded many more, did the cops (good guys with guns) showed up and stopped him.

    Only because some of those Marines disobeyed your party's unconstitutional restrictions and had their personal guns with them, did the murderer fail to kill any at the first place he went, and changed his mind about walking in to the office.

    Look on the bright side. More innocent people are alive today, due to the people who stopped you from disarming even more law-abiding Americans.


    Obama: Gun Control Is My Biggest Frustration

    Posted Friday, July 24th 2015 @ 10am
    by Rob Quinn, Newser Staff

    (NEWSER) – Just hours before yet another mass shooting, President Obama told the BBC that the biggest frustration of his presidency has been his failure to bring in stricter gun control laws, "even in the face of repeated mass killings."

    He said he had been "stymied" in his efforts to introduce "common sense gun safety laws" since taking office. "If you look at the number of Americans killed since 9/11 by terrorism, it's less than 100," he said. "If you look at the number that have been killed by gun violence, it's in the tens of thousands." To not have resolved the issue "is distressing," said Obama, whose latest executive order on the issue could add millions of people to the background-check system.
    He said he had been "stymied" in his efforts to introduce "common sense gun safety laws" since taking office.
    ^^^ That lying bastard wouldn't know common sense if it fell on his damn stinking muslim head like a ton of bricks!-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    ^^^ That lying bastard wouldn't know common sense if it fell on his damn stinking muslim head like a ton of bricks!-Tyr

    Agree...and...more folks have been killed by.. Dictator ignorance and stupidity flexing their will while pushing their agenda

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    You notice Everything is about him? Screw what the people he Represents want
    I get sick of hearing about his whine, wants and I think He should Resign he's so Frustrated.

    cant stand the man
    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
    Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Little-Acorn View Post
    Mr. Obama, that's because your "gun control" schemes won't work, so people with common sense have stopped your efforts.

    Your "gun control" is what left the Marines in Chattanooga, TN defenseless, letting the Islamic jihadi nutcase cruise right up and start murdering them without fear that anyone could stop him before he racked up the big body count he wanted. Only after the killed five and wounded many more, did the cops (good guys with guns) showed up and stopped him.

    Only because some of those Marines disobeyed your party's unconstitutional restrictions and had their personal guns with them, did the murderer fail to kill any at the first place he went, and changed his mind about walking in to the office.

    Look on the bright side. More innocent people are alive today, due to the people who stopped you from disarming even more law-abiding Americans.


    Obama: Gun Control Is My Biggest Frustration

    Posted Friday, July 24th 2015 @ 10am
    by Rob Quinn, Newser Staff

    (NEWSER) – Just hours before yet another mass shooting, President Obama told the BBC that the biggest frustration of his presidency has been his failure to bring in stricter gun control laws, "even in the face of repeated mass killings."

    He said he had been "stymied" in his efforts to introduce "common sense gun safety laws" since taking office. "If you look at the number of Americans killed since 9/11 by terrorism, it's less than 100," he said. "If you look at the number that have been killed by gun violence, it's in the tens of thousands." To not have resolved the issue "is distressing," said Obama, whose latest executive order on the issue could add millions of people to the background-check system.
    Here's the thing: We've had guns for the entire history of America, but these mass shooters are a fairly recent thing, especially the last several years. The question should be: What's changed? What's different that's led us into this. It breaks down a few ways.

    1. Long-term economic strife: Any time you have a lot of economic strife, you get people who hit the edge of their coping capacity, and that's where things get dicey. For most, they sort of just implode, having a break down, after which they begin to work to pick themselves up. That's the vast majority, but then you have people who basically get "stuck" on welfare/food stamps, stuck in the sense that they're unable to find employment that can adequately feed/house them and their families, and if they take just any PT job available, would lose benefits that would basically render them homeless. They essentially become trapped in the entitlement system, wanting to work, but perversely, working would end up hurting those they love. Then there's the group that doesn't take it well, falling into maybe skirting the law, or they slip into depression at their helplessness. Others get angry, and with no outlet to really properly vent to, the frustration just continues to build.

    2. Factionalization: Red State/Blue State, Con/Lib, Pro-Life/Pro-Choice, we've become very divided the past 15 years, and it's reaching critical mass. Even on here, we've seen it widening, where because someone has one opinion that isn't in line with party politics, they get jumped, and jumped hard. Gabs' own daughter says she's too conservative, even though to many on here, she's to the left of Lenin. It lends itself to a very "Us vs. Them" kind of feeling, which is pretty much never good.

    3. Mental Health: While in many areas, our medical technology and procedures are some of the best in the world, in mental health... we have issues. Notice how many of these killers have been on meds? I mean, sure, can't be certain about the one jihadist, but pretty sure he wasn't all there either, mentally. What interesting about that is the lack of coverage of that aspect by the media. They'll blame pretty much everything else in the world that in some way touches them, music, guns, video games, D&D... whatever makes it so they don't have to have a more difficult conversation with themselves and us.

    Notice that at no point is the word guns used as a reason in those lists. A gun is not a reason, it's a tool of execution, just as I would employ a chainsaw for felling trees around my yard, or a tire iron when changing out to snow tires. Guns are used in these crimes for several points:

    1. Efficiency: Put simply, the gun is a pretty efficient means of killing, especially once you consider distance.

    2. Fear: This is likely the single biggest reason. People are terrified of guns these days, and that gives them a level of power in an armed situation.

    3. Power: Pretty much everyone knows, instinctively, the sound a hammer sliding into place, guns are so prevalent in our media, as well as the sound of a shotgun racking. For those on the receiving end, it causes fear, for those using the weapons, a sense of power and assurance at the sound.

    4. Lack of Knives: With choosing gun-free zones, the killers are basically reducing their prey to only using knives, or improving melee weapons on the fly, which is harder than you'd figure, because the second you go for something, you identify yourself as a priority target. Most people don't generally carry knives, and of those that do, most are utility knives, not combat or throwing, so you're pretty well screwed in general.

    In the end, we're looking at the tool, instead of examining the root cause of the problem.
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    Even Ronald Reagan favored some measures of gun control.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    Even Ronald Reagan favored some measures of gun control.

    What part about "Shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

    Repeal the 2nd Amendment if you don't like it. Until then, you liberals need to follow the law of the land like everyone else.
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