I am going to merge some threads today, and then I am asking the membership to help me going forward, at least temporarily.

The best example as of late is the many stories of the confederate flag. There are new stories and events coming out daily, and each one is prompting new threads. Normally I couldn't care less, as these issues come and go. But this is a big issue and has lingered for a bit, and now we have a million threads on basically the same issue, or the same issue which branched off into a lot of sub-stories.

When I first come here, I always go to the top right of the board to see the 'last ten posts'. This kinda tells me the most recent activity and from who. As of late, that area gets filled with racial discussions. That by itself is no issue. But do we want the place to grow, get new members? And YES, free speech still applies, so don't ask! But we also don't want visitors who have no clue about us, to think this is another stormfront nazi type of board, which we are not. But it can seem so to the casual visitor.

I'm NOT asking anyon not to post anything, or any type of stories or any of that. But I'm hoping that we can kinda keep stories together. For now, continue 'as is'. I'm gonna merge threads this morning. Of course major news stories can go all by themselves, that shouldn't change. But if a smaller story about the flag, for example, please do your best to just add to another flag thread that you see that has multiple pages running.

The main reason folks do this is because they want their post seen, hence new threads, or at least that's why I do it! LOL Yes, I'm as guilty as the rest, if not more. But hell, I read all of the threads, so why would I even post as such? I dunno. And this goes for other crazy subjects. Again, post what you will, but let's please work together to put the phone book back in order, and not all scrambled up!


So I merged some and created a "master" thread. Problem is, my update went to the end of the page, and older posts make up the beginning. If you read this, and hopefully everyone does read announcements, this is the master thread that these posts should go to.
