Story Highlights

Leading GOP contenders bashing Sen. Hillary Clinton at every opportunity
Polls: Clinton very popular with Democrats, very unpopular with Republicans
Clinton is front-runner for Democratic presidential nomination

"They are trying to weaken her at the outset knowing she's the one to beat," said Donna Brazile, a Democrat who ran Al Gore's campaign in 2000. She doubted Republicans would succeed, adding that Clinton has proven time and again "she can stand up to the right-wing slime machine."

Clinton spokesman Phil Singer dismissed the GOP onslaught, saying, "Republicans are clearly nervous because they know that Sen. Clinton is the candidate with the strength and experience to win the general election and become president."

The White House got into the Clinton-criticizing act Thursday, making fun of the couple for assailing Bush's decision to erase the prison sentence of former aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Clinton himself commuted the sentences of 36 people and pardoned 140 people, many of them controversial, in the final hours of his presidency.

"I don't know what Arkansan is for chutzpah, but this is a gigantic case of it," said Tony Snow, the presidential spokesman.

Jabs at Clinton from those looking to succeed Bush guarantee applause from the party faithful.

In Los Angeles, McCain criticized her for backing $150 million in projects he considered wasteful and unnecessary in wartime. Earlier, at a debate in Manchester, New Hampshire, the Arizona senator needled her on Iraq, intoning: "When Sen. Clinton says this is Mr. Bush's war, President Bush's war," she is wrong.

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I really don't think she has a chance. She might get her parties nomination but she wont win the Presidency. Republican Candidates should focus on getting past the primaries not on her. If they were smart they would try to get her selected as the Democratic Candidate, then Republicans are guartanteed another four years in the White House.

I also don't see where Senator McCain has any room to talk, he is as dirty as she is. I don't know why the Media is calling him a front runner still, he has dropped in the poll's and his fundraising was the worst out of all the candidates, I mean he fired just about every paid campaign staff member recently.