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    Default Poems to be edited..

    The Gunfighter Was Ready

    The coach arrived engulfed in blowing dust,
    this day carrying more than precious gold,
    a gunfighter, his sending for was a must,
    needed was a fighter wild, fast and bold.

    Confident as he stepped into dirty street,
    eying all around for any deadly threat,
    looking for the lady he was to meet,
    a job he took on a personal grudge and bet.

    No nervous edge did he feel this day,
    a calm resolve filled his icy veins,
    find the lady , get his precious pay,
    each deadly job building his earthly gains.

    Early morning sun, gave a blinding glare,
    as a beautiful lady stepped from the crowd,
    keen senses felt her admiring stare,
    well before her welcome rang out so loud.

    First to invite this vision for a meal,
    business could now be delayed,
    her beauty set in him a strange new feel,
    so different than the usual price he was paid.

    Soon small talk shifted to what needed done,
    three lives that fate called to be erased,
    evil men, so fearsome they'd never run,
    a task , quite deadly that must now be faced.

    Details settled, the marks now must be shown,
    each victim's soon to be shot and dying face,
    falling to the gun-speed he had decades to hone,
    no man ever matched his accuracy and swift pace.

    With foolish bravado each man faced his threat,
    first two were dispatched with the usual ease,
    last one was the target of his personal bet,
    a fast gunfighter, fate so often did please.

    Day came, the sun beamed in a brilliant sky,
    he could finish the personal job he sought,
    there was a reason , none knew the reason why,
    this last gunfighter had now been caught.

    That morn as the town clock struck nine,
    speeding bullet did end the evil life,
    joy returned , all was now so fine,
    man dead, that had long ago killed his wife.

    Last payment he waved away with a smile,
    this course he had set so long ago,
    accomplished with dedication, speed and guile,
    sun shone brightly as galloping away he did go.

    Robert J. Lindley , 12-10-2014
    That Stand, Red Oaks On The Hill

    That stand of old red oak trees on the high hill
    centuries flown by and yet they awe men still
    I visited often in early breezy, cool morning treks
    to calm myself and defeat many of life's little wrecks!

    Or on holiday weekends when more time I could enjoy,
    sometimes just to leave worries I wish to destroy
    In early June after the woods have left winter behind
    I march quickly to soak in their majestic kind!

    Late Fall when rainbow colors they gifted man and world
    bright reds, yellows, browns best canvas ever unfurled
    Resting there on such days brought my heart such peace
    restored my beaten soul, giving my spirit a new lease!

    Winter arrives wrapping their tall arms in shining white
    beauty, that magical beauty of their white glow at night
    Soothing the mists that sail from their combined might
    precious the glow, that glow of joyous healing light
    Memories of many cool nights camping in their safe arms
    ever in love, deeply in love with their mythical charms!

    Tyr--- 06-01-2014

    Another rewrite of a write I did over 40 years ago. Inspired
    by a large stand of tall old Red Oak trees very near our home
    when I was a young child. I remember that beauty and majesty that
    sat me in awe and sealed my love of the woods forever!!
    This Old House Comforts Me

    This old house, box where I rest my weary head,
    my soul sleeps here, with uneasy comfort -
    these four walls, they hold my precious sanity,
    a SMALL service that matters not when I am dead.
    Glorious roof, keeps the rain from waking me,
    blocks the beautiful night sky, a small price-
    to pay for a secure and very dry retreat,
    yet sacrifice, sacrifice always seems the key.
    Solid floors, still they creak when I pace,
    familiar noise like the bark of a friendly dog-
    so unlike a cat's meow that says, you serve me,
    this is my sweet abode, you are easy to replace.
    This old house, box where I rest my weary head,
    family lives here, dog lays at foot of the bed.

    Robert J. Lindley
    Poetry is Art and Art is for fools.
    All that matters is the sharpness of the blade, the steel in the heart,
    ALL else is blather for useless tools........ my quote from back in 1969, age 15........
    Some of us actually grow a bit wiser as we age...


    I once worshiped speed and strength as twin Gods,
    now I see vanity in the storm
    Arrogance was my holding onto lightning rods,
    believing my hating life was the norm
    Life teaches vanity is the fuel for the fight
    yet we dare struggle, struggle against the odds!

    Robert J. Lindley, 05-08-2015
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 05-08-2015 at 08:46 AM.
    Lonesome Moan, Breaks The Night

    Anguished cry, of a broken heart
    doesn't beat, simply can not eat
    Useless cry, of a broken lost soul
    hopes no more, sees death's door

    Desperate moan, voiced in despair
    cuts so deep, bleeds as it weeps
    Lonesome moan, breaks the night
    covered in hurt, nasty as dirt

    Broken promise, drowned in pain
    burns so hot, heart has been shot
    Hateful curse, holds no damn hope
    eating up the soul, black as coal

    Sexy Smile You Gift Me To See

    Wrote a love poem for you today
    I love you, all its meant to say
    I tossed in extra pretty words
    as majestic as singing songbirds

    Poured out my heart, my mind too
    darling you are it and all I do
    How could I not praise your eyes
    more beautiful than morning skies

    I noted the touch of your hair
    how it sent me all the way there
    How each kiss is a rose from you
    life without you just wouldn't do

    Sexy smile you gift me to see
    the pleasure of just saying "we"
    Each morn that I see you asleep
    my love grows ever the more deep

    Wrote a love poem for you today
    I love you, all its meant to say
    I tossed in extra pretty words
    as majestic as singing songbirds

    Robert J. Lindley, 04-03-2015

    Note: I wrote this poem yesterday morning
    for my Riza. She read it last night after
    arriving home from a 12 hour shift at the
    Scared me at first as she burst out crying!
    Then she hugged me so hard it almost hurt.
    I guess I hit the right note after all.
    Posting this to urge you poets to also write
    to and for your loved one.

    Creatures All Lost In Arrogant Vanity

    Many have tried but all have failed
    yet even these losers are often hailed
    Mortal man trying a utopia to make
    only succeeds in getting lives to take

    All the deaths caused by these men
    tens of millions murdered in the end
    Hitler, Stalin and Mao all did fail
    surely those evil three rot in Hell

    Creatures all lost in arrogant vanity
    destroying worlds with their insanity
    There can be no true paradise here
    man operates on greed, lust and fear

    Man's imperfections invades all he builds
    rots bountiful harvests in fertile fields

    Robert Lindley, 04-07-2015

    Guardian of the Light

    As night wind blows its many wicked chills
    upon an earth filled with darkened blight
    Fleeting shadows stir upon the night kills
    as evil comfort comes from the dark of night

    Those commanded to in wickedness engage
    wander this earth free to their evil ply
    Hatred and wicked deeds soothe their rage
    upon this hardened earth and nighted sky

    Yet relief comes with each brilliant dawn
    rising of that splendid ever shining Sun
    I look out across my huge sunlit front lawn
    thinking of all this light forever has spun

    Man needs the rest of each blessed night
    body and soul gains anew in our sleep
    A weapon to guard and to use in needed fight
    darkness rises , evil spirits kill and reap

    Nothing protects more than coming light of day
    against the terrors and deeds of dark nights
    Evil must never be allowed to get its way
    or triumph in the many desperate, hidden fights

    Time has the remedy of this eternal black war
    when sending the eternal Guardian of the Light
    Earth wakes to the rising of the shining Sun
    rescuer from many terrors of man's evil night

    God's hand this gift for us so wisely made
    a beauty is its rising and setting sight
    Or in resting under a fine tree's blessed shade
    shielded from intensity of the Guardian of Light

    Night winds chills are held in eternal check
    by Sun and its life giving, life growing rays
    Like thirty-two guns on a battleship's deck
    it blasts the dark night's evil far, far away

    Our brilliant Sun is our Guardian of the Light
    an eternal warrior set in man preserving mode
    Rays cast forth to defeat wrong and protect right
    as it shines within our eyes like glittering gold

    Robert J. Lindley, 03-29-2015

    Note-- A rewrite of an older poem that I wrote back
    in the early 80's. Shortened a few verses and tidied
    up a wee bit. Original was never titled, so I did so now..
    As memory serves this is the title that was intended.
    As Sun and the "Son" are both represented in the piece.
    Hell Ain't Half Full Yet!

    Dark deeds done in dead of night
    Eventually, all come to the Light
    Watch your step, hedge your bet
    Careful, Hell ain't half full yet!

    Set your excuses completely aside
    Evil takes you on a deadly ride
    Think, grab all that you can get
    Careful, Hell ain't half full yet!

    Badly mistreat an innocent child
    Think, such is nothing but mild
    Hoss, that desert just ain't wet
    Careful, Hell ain't half full yet!

    Force a woman to give when she won't
    Think, you skate but Hoss, you don't
    You'll face a judge you have not met
    Careful , Hell ain't half full yet!

    Steal from others to satisfy greed
    Destroy all around like a nasty weed
    Think, you get by, your life all set
    Careful, Hell ain't half full yet!

    You murder, take any innocent life
    Spread misery, evil seeds of strife
    Think, no damn time for any regret
    Careful, Hell ain't half full yet!

    If you murder, steal, lie or rape
    Think, a path exists for your escape
    A fool's errand , a darkened mindset
    Careful, Hell ain't half full yet!

    Robert J. Lindley , 8-21-2014
    Door Closed, Forever Lost Key

    Sitting among the ruins,
    in a valley of hollow trees
    Mind lost in sad thoughts
    raging upon stormy seas

    Future hopes stolen now,
    as heart refuses to cry
    She ran far, far away
    hell if I'll ever know why

    Sleeping amidst this scene,
    where fate laughs at me
    Her love forever gone south
    door closed, lost is the key

    Soul saddened in a lost stand
    No pleasure in this evil Land

    Robert J. Lindley, 04-18-1976
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 10-14-2015 at 11:41 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Sexy Smile and Guardian are my favorites.

    If the freedom of speech is taken away
    then dumb and silent we may be led,
    like sheep to the slaughter.

    George Washington (1732-1799) First President of the USA.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyLady View Post
    Sexy Smile and Guardian are my favorites.

    Thanks. I just added a few more now.. --Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    I have not had time to edit this poem and give it a bit more smoothness and color.
    However, judging from the number of views (readings) it is getting at my poetry
    site maybe I should just leave it as it is. - --Tyr

    The Gunfighter Was Ready

    The coach arrived engulfed in blowing dust,
    this day carrying more than precious gold,
    a gunfighter, his sending for was a must,
    needed was a fighter wild, fast and bold.

    Confident as he stepped into dirty street,
    eying all around for any deadly threat,
    looking for the lady he was to meet,
    a job he took on a personal grudge and bet.

    No nervous edge did he feel this day,
    a calm resolve filled his icy veins,
    find the lady , get his precious pay,
    each deadly job building his earthly gains.

    Early morning sun, gave a blinding glare,
    as a beautiful lady stepped from the crowd,
    keen senses felt her admiring stare,
    well before her welcome rang out so loud.

    First to invite this vision for a meal,
    business could now be delayed,
    her beauty set in him a strange new feel,
    so different than the usual price he was paid.

    Soon small talk shifted to what needed done,
    three lives that fate called to be erased,
    evil men, so fearsome they'd never run,
    a task , quite deadly that must now be faced.

    Details settled, the marks now must be shown,
    each victim's soon to be shot and dying face,
    falling to the gun-speed he had decades to hone,
    no man ever matched his accuracy and swift pace.

    With foolish bravado each man faced his threat,
    first two were dispatched with the usual ease,
    last one was the target of his personal bet,
    a fast gunfighter, fate so often did please.

    Day came, the sun beamed in a brilliant sky,
    he could finish the personal job he sought,
    there was a reason , none knew the reason why,
    this last gunfighter had now been caught.

    That morn as the town clock struck nine,
    speeding bullet did end the evil life,
    joy returned , all was now so fine,
    man dead, that had long ago killed his wife.

    Last payment he waved away with a smile,
    this course he had set so long ago,
    accomplished with dedication, speed and guile,
    sun shone brightly as galloping away he did go.

    Robert J. Lindley , 12-10-2014
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

  7. Thanks Russ thanked this post

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