Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
The point is, the argument is stupid. $15 an hour blanket-wise is BS. $15 an hour is good money where I'm from. Ain't so much in NYC. We all have different costs of living and pay scales. Maybe all these big city folks ought to think about not charging so much money and let people live within their means.
Well, there is a problem with that: supply and demand in the housing market. Believe it or not, NYC is still 7.25/hr min wage, but it's so expensive to live in because the demand for housing far outstrips the supply of housing. A similar event is occuring here in portland, where so many people are moving here, that there aren't enough available apartments for the number of pepole moving.

I do agree that blanket min wage has no benefit. Now, to take a different tack, it should be a matter of county to county, based on the cost of living, with federal min wage only covering federal workers. This allows counties to mitigate their individual costs 9f living, and help break up population dense areas.