Quote Originally Posted by Nonnie View Post
Secret testimony to Chilcot Inquiry by British intelligence shows former PM 'accepted Libya was a bigger threat'.

The Chilcot Inquiry had also unearthed top-secret Government papers suggesting that Bush and Blair made a pact against Iraq, but Blair was told that it was Libya that was a greater threat. The intelligence said that if Iraq had any WMD, they would probably fit in the back of a truck. Blair went to see Bush and came back star-struck by Bush (Blair was Bush's puppet on a string). So he came out with a pack of lies to justify removing Saddam Hussein. No WMD were found and after Gaddafi had been removed, still no WMD.

On the TV, Blair was trying to convince the public by claiming the sheer number of WMD Saddam was hiding, but the intelligence he had received claimed otherwise.

In my book, these are war crimes due to their lying causing the sheer number of Iraq's and Allie soldiers killed. Bush and Blair should be on trial in Iraq and sentenced by Iraqi law. Now we're suffering the ramifications of their actions.
First of all, yes, folks, I'm returning. Not sure how long it'll be for, or if what I'll have to say on the subject will go down well (you'll get my PM soon, Jim). However, for this moment, I want to reply to this post.

Hello to a fellow Brit, Nonnie, and I hope you're enjoying your time here - and that the folks are treating you well !

- So. On the Chilcot Inquiry, tell me, Nonnie - aren't we still waiting for its findings to be published ? In fact, its failure to publish after such a delay has been a recent news item in the British press ! Chilcot's answer was that he was still waiting for the final submissions before he could publish, and we still don't have a date for that. You refer to 'secret' testimony. Yet, no findings from the Inquiry are in the public domain.

I believe Bush and Blair acted in good faith, dealing with a threat they genuinely believed existed. After all, a part of the problem with Saddam was that he had terrorist friends, and wasn't above reaching accommodations with them (consider his sheltering of Zarqawi, or his bankrolling of Hamas). Also consider that, as Saddam refused to give any data on his claim of not having WMD's (and he DID have some, as Santorum revealed, back in 2006) .. the Iraq invasion became ultimately necessary.

Nonnie, the case you're trying to make is more typical of one which our own Left would happily make (and have).

The US does NOT fund terrorism, or terrorist groups, it holds no responsibility at all for the current terrorist levels we see in the world. The nearest it ever came to being a 'terrorist sponsor' was in supporting the Mujahiddeen, this BEFORE Al Qaeda was ever created. Since the Mujahiddeen was a freedom-fighting group, one fighting a Soviet takeover of Afghanistan, it couldn't be categorised 'terrorist'.

There is one way which, in future, it may be possible to accuse America of funding terrorism. I refer, of course, to the shabby deal Obama has managed with Iran, and most particularly America's lifting of sanctions. Doing that will allow Iran to do a lot more to sponsor terrorism, and it's already well known for its activities in that regard !! Obama, in fiscally aiding Iran, therefore holds indirect responsibility for Iran's future aiding of terrorism.