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    Those joyous childhood days we danced together
    Through the meadows, like a calyx of a flower,
    In my caress you felt as light as a feather,
    But then destiny rained on our summer shower.

    Lifetime apart, I was carried to distant shores,
    Our childhood innocence gone, love grew to ripeness
    Worlds apart, with sweet memories that love restores,
    My heart‘s bleeding goblet emptied in loneliness.

    Parted by distance and time, I yearned for your light,
    The flame of my heart eclipsed by burning desire
    I had tried in vain to forget, crying at night,
    Times alone, your beauty’s fairness I doth admire.

    Fearing my ship had sailed, I traveled oceans vast
    To be your knight, hoping it would not be in vain,
    My longing love you answered with a zealous cast
    We made our promise, vows to never part again.

    Syllables Per Line:
    12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 194
    Total # Lines: 19 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
    Total # Words: 140


    Fate gifted us, drinking passion from its chalice
    Wading flames serving first to increase our ardor.
    Summer, your sweet roses covered our great palace
    Time away from your touch became much harder.

    I look across this wind-blown, majestic ocean
    Mind turns to epic sadness of our parting hour.
    I begged then for distance erasing potion
    I tried to remain your rock hard castle tower!

    The desperate , longing look - your beautiful face
    Informing me the dire depths that you found this clutch.
    I reminded you, no distance could our love erase,
    Or lesson my need , feel your soft, gentle touch.

    Last week, I sent you a love-soaked, tear-stained letter
    Now I board ship that will take me to my true love.
    Reading my golden love sent you will feel better
    Not again, my touch shall you be deprived of!
    Syllables Per Line:
    12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 192
    Total # Lines: 19 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
    Total # Words: 141
    SARA'S POEM START-- Serendipity(not necessarily the title yet)

    When our lives touched serendipitously, my apple
    Tree among the pines; romance sprung to life, silver
    Unadorned, like sunlight upon water dappled
    Waits for each dawn; thoughts flood as the flowing river

    Thoughts press in, touch, revealing the depths of my soul
    Confused desire surrounds my core while the heart pines
    Encircled in your arms will I feel our love’s whole
    Once again, memories ghost like haunt, cling, define

    Second draft-Happenstance(Maybe Title)

    When our lives touched serendipitously, my apple
    Tree among the pines; romance sprung to life, silver
    Unadorned, like sunlight upon water dappled
    Waits for each dawn; thoughts flood like the flowing river

    Thoughts press in, touch, revealing the depths of my soul
    Confused desire surrounds my core while the heart pines
    Encircled in your arms will I feel our love’s whole
    Once again, memories ghostly haunt, cling, define

    Memories bridge the ocean’s span join empty hearts
    Upon the widow’s walk in love’s deep trance abide
    Long for moments each heart leaps for joy like a hart
    When one glimpse renews desire, rush, embrace beside
    Final draft with Broken Wings.

    I gazed at your beauty and your hair cascading,
    You glanced at me- O, he is handsome, this stranger;
    Your sensuous lips so tempting, captivating,
    I laughed and it was such a deep rumbling laughter.

    And this was the beginning of our love affair,
    Your family would not approve of this pairing;
    On a ship leading you to a life of despair,
    So we met in secret, making love and talking.

    As the ship entered port you slipped me your address,
    I let go of fate gifted love- reluctantly;
    We have been corresponding, our words a caress,
    O the torture of distance, what of destiny.

    I will never forget out gifted nights of bliss,
    So a secret journey I have planned- a voyage;
    You love me with true love and I long for your kiss,
    And I will beseech for your hand in marriage.

    Last week I sent you a love-soaked, tear-stained letter,
    I let go of fate gifted love- reluctantly;
    This time away, from your touch became harder,
    O the torture of distance, what of destiny.

    Fate gifted us, drinking passion from its chalice,
    Waking flames serving first to increase our ardor;
    Summer, your sweet roses covered our great palace,
    This time away, from your touch became much harder.

    I look across this wind-blown majestic ocean,
    Mind turns to epic sadness of our parting hour;
    I begged then for distance erasing potion,
    I tried to remain your rock hard castle tower.

    The desperate, longing look- your beautiful face,
    Informing me the dire depths that you found this clutch;
    I reminded, you no distance, could our love erase,
    Or lessen my need to feel your soft, gentle touch.

    Last week, I sent you a love-soaked, tear-stained letter,
    Now, board ship that will take me to my true love:
    Reading my golden love sent you will feel better,
    Never my loving touch shall you be deprived of.

    Madelaine’s Chalice

    On that summer’s day when we first meet and kissed,
    I knew you Madelaine as one I could adore.
    Against your family’s wishes, I still persisted
    in wooing you; we’d wed or I’d be your paramour.

    The levant winds blew through Spain’s hills unfettered
    bringing death to suitors far and wide from above.
    We had cause to feel our choice had made us debtors,
    leaving our love a littered path, a ball-fisted glove.

    Like Romeo I’d leave, not die, but without a trace
    for I’d not hurt you more and death would be too much.
    I’d give you time to heal your sorrows to embrace,
    to come to terms with the rightness of our chaste touch.

    In a far off land, I recall your devotion;
    your lamented father’s wish for a princely dower,
    but all have died who wished our love to be undone.
    Soon, I’ll claim my Lady from her empty tower.

    Fate gifted us passion, drinking from its chalice.
    We waded through flaming waves of rising ardor,
    in your summer home, your primrose covered palace.
    The memories of your touch make absence harder.

    As I looked across the wind-blown spray of ocean,
    my mind turned to the sadness of our parting hours
    Kneeling, I begged for a distance closing potion
    so I could reclaim you to our rosy bower.

    I see your longing, desperate, lovely, face
    endowed in fears dire depth as we parted from the clutch.
    I reminded you distance could not erase love’s trace
    or lesson my need to feel your soft, gentle touch.

    Last week, I sent a love-soaked, tear-stained letter;
    now I return aboard a ship to my sweet dove.
    I hope my missive sent has made you feel better,
    nevermore will I be denied the touch of my love.

    Debbie Guzzi and Robert Lindley..

    ************************************************** *******************************
    1. Finished and removed to post..

    2. new draft

    She had finished hurting John, she saw bright stars.
    No, not the first time but as of hundreds times before.
    She had came again, wearing that sweet,sweet perfume,
    The kind that gave him hot flashes of thought.
    But what did he know at seventeen still a young boy,
    And she at twenty-five and a married woman?

    At age sixteen he changed a flat tire, she broken down roadside
    She had flirted with him the entire time:
    That next night, he had met her at a secluded park,
    She showed him the universe and those magic stars!
    Thus had chained him to her hot and dark comet!

    Now he could not resist any whim see proposed.
    Each time, the pain increased until he started weeping.
    It was a mental pain, not physical at all.
    For he really, truly, and deeply loved her,
    With pure love born from that sweet first encounter
    Now bitterest truth invaded his fantasy world.

    Now he knew that even women could be monsters,
    That she used him to hurt her husband and to satisfy her dark side!
    Yet even with such mental pain and knowledge he could not resist her!
    As the months grew into years, his claws grew, his teeth did too.
    Seven years had crept by and on that dark night he vowed,
    To break that evil binding chain she had spun!

    Cool breeze blew as he drove to their secret spot.
    He waited, with his hate and love deeply entwined.
    No gun in his sweaty hands, o knife which which to cut!
    Just a big and beautiful red-rose to offer her.
    To ask her to be his forever and ever!
    He asked the first moment after she had given the first kiss.

    She stepped back, as if to consider his request,
    then quickly and very brutally turned him down!
    Laughed her usual wicked laugh and reached into her purse,
    Next he saw a small pistol in her hand!
    He heard faint echoes of fireworks, six to be exact.
    Fell to his knees as if to beg her for true love again!

    Then he saw red, huge red streams gushing out,
    Spilling upon that once sacred ground!
    My God, he screamed in his anguished mind, she has shot me!
    Then as if reading his mind , she spoke with her dark voice
    Yes, I just shot you and ended our game-well ended my game mind you.

    Seven years ago to the day I shot my first lover, my first sacrifice
    The next morning, did my flat tire trick to lure you in.
    I had been eyeing you for months awaiting that day,
    And you, like the first, could not keep your lusting eyes off me.
    Now with your death, I need only the third to gain my release
    Release from the hidden beast that is my husband!
    ================================================== ========================
    ************** ******************* **********************
    Finished version........-Tyr

    The Promised Release

    After she had finished hurting John, she saw bright stars.
    No, not the first time but as of hundreds times gone before.
    She had came again, wearing that sweet, sweet perfume,
    The kind that gave him hot flashes of thought.
    But what did he know at seventeen still a young boy,
    And she at twenty-five and a married woman?

    At age sixteen he changed a flat tire on her car, broken down roadside.
    She had flirted with him the entire time:
    asking personal questions that made him blush
    That next night, he had met her at a secluded park,
    She showed him the universe and those magic stars!
    Thus had chained him to her hot and dark comet!

    Now he could not resist any whim see proposed.
    Each time, the pain increased until he started weeping.
    It was a mental pain, not physical at all.
    For he really, truly, and deeply loved her,
    With pure love born from that sweet first encounter
    Now bitterest truth had invaded his fantasy rich world.

    Now he knew that even women could be monsters,
    That she used him to hurt her husband and to satisfy her dark side!
    Yet even with such mental pain and knowledge he could not resist her!
    As the months grew into years, his claws grew, his teeth did too.
    Seven years had crept by and on that dark night he vowed,
    To break that evil binding chain she had spun!

    Cool breeze blew as he drove to their secret spot.
    He waited, with his hate and love deeply entwined.
    No gun in his sweaty hands, no knife with which to cut!
    Just a big and beautiful red-rose to offer her.
    To ask her to be his wife, forever and ever!
    He asked the first moment after she had given the first kiss.

    She stepped back, as if to consider his request,
    then quickly and very brutally turned him down!
    Laughed her usual wicked laugh and reached into her purse,
    Next he saw a small pistol in her hand!
    Then he heard faint echoes of fireworks, six echoes to be exact.
    He fell to his knees, as if to beg her for her true love again!

    Then he saw red, huge red streams gushing out,
    Spilling upon that once sacred ground!
    In his anguished mind, he screamed out, "my god she has shot me"!
    Then as if reading his mind , she spoke with her dark and glee-filled voice
    Yes, I shot you and ended our game- well in truth, ended my game mind you.
    You should feel honored as the second sacrifice!

    Seven years ago to this day, I shot my first young lover, my first sacrifice
    The very next morning, did my flat tire trick to lure you in.
    I had been eyeing you for months awaiting that day,
    And you, like the first, could not keep your lusting eyes off of me.
    Now with your death, I need only the third to gain my release
    Release from the hidden beast that is my husband!

    In his last few moments on earth he asked, but why, why
    When I offered true love and to be your slave?
    She laughed and said, I need no slave! I AM ONE!
    My master promises my release upon the third sacrifice!
    And I will do anything to be rid of that foul and dark beast.
    To never have to endure again, his touch and his foul breath.

    John, you can now join Jason in that dark pit master promised.
    Chained together and eternally bitten and clawed by ravaging beasts
    No death release allowed, because HE delights in watching the show
    You never asked my husband's name, it is Lucifer,
    And I gave him my soul to gain this body, this magnificent beauty you craved.
    Know this before you go- your younger brother Jack is next!

    With those horrible words said to him, John heard another far off echoing shot ring out
    She slump forward by his side. Shot through her black and wicked heart
    From a mile away Jack had fired his rifle and had hit her heart dead center, as promised.
    Not knowing her second victim was his older brother!
    But instead, doing as requested to get his greatest wish granted,
    To be by far, the very best and most famous rifle shot in the entire world!

    Putting down the rifle he turned to ask- now that it is down, my first kill
    Will I always have this great gift?
    And Lucifer replied, Yes my new son, you will until your dying day.
    I have great plans for you and your future seven hundred kills!
    And in that future task, you will do splendidly, missing no innocent victims!
    Jack smiled, pondering how many years it would take to reach that mark!

    Robert J. Lindley
    Poetry form- Narrative, non-metered verse

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017

    EDIT Date 1-28-2017-- a fragment--first start

    Those white lines , on earthly roads flashing by
    Life just illusions we dream in our souls
    No matter if we laugh or sing and cry
    Every road, comes with its heavy tolls
    Years roll by, as we walk on pretending
    We are important, can not ever die
    Yet one day,
    Yet one last day
    If blessed, we may
    Become one of those white lines-- never ending!



    New collaboration, With Keith

    As for the collaboration --- à big yes of course! You can send one if you have one in the works. All the best!

    I edited and now send this as my first half.

    Angel, No Romantic Heart Could Forget

    Desiring to feel again, thy warmest touch,
    Dreams that have faded into distant past,
    Love burning hot in our hearts was too much,
    Its glow and ardor faded too fast,
    Thou wouldst have had eternal sweet dreams,
    In castles created to hold our true love,
    Alas! This dark world destroyed with wicked schemes
    All that was heaven sent from above.

    We in our youth, tasted of love's purity divine,
    Gentle hands, held wealth of all precious to me,
    Thy image and power, did my romantic soul refine
    Gifting passionate fruits of thy bountiful tree;
    Now my soul, cries out for thy blessed return,
    This miracle I pray shall one day be,
    As flower meadows, rich in glory, one never spurns,
    Let love send us again, sailing on its heavenly sea.

    Robert J. Lindley, 1-30-2017


    edited version on my new poem...

    Rain falls, thunder crashes, fierce winds blow trees sway
    I pray not for all this, on some other black and dreary day
    With dark blue shadows plotting my early demise
    I seek deep wisdom from sages, worldly and wise
    Not just some clever words to soothe this shattered heart
    Instead, sweet hope, a bright path leading to this life restart
    With power to waken these weary, blinded eyes
    and stop salty tears falling from splintered skies.

    On this day, life should see beyond blackened storms
    find solace in love and hope in my wife's loving arms
    Yet, the wall of clouds yields to nothing in its great power
    far more strength than this broken soul musters this hour
    When thus lost, can one ever find again that ray of Light
    healer of stab wounds from daggers, found on this dark night
    I pray for the gift of wisdom to walk that brightly lit path
    and release this saddened soul from the evil, wicked wrath.

    Rain falls, thunder crashes, fierce winds blow trees away
    I pray in supplication that tomorrow might be a gentler day.


    first draft of a new collaboration. with keith

    You buried your heart in a field of stones
    erased your tracks to keep it well hidden
    Denied love lost in midnight crying moans
    fell so ill as the become bed-ridden
    I raced through hell's hot fires to your side
    with promises and heart in trembling hand
    Weathered you through wailing tears and low tide
    promised you moonlight walks on white beach sand.

    Now darling, I wake to find you not here
    this house echoes cries for you swift return
    Shall I yield unto death my darkest fear
    all our romantic bridges dare to burn
    Midnight bells, broken heart sinks deeper down
    not understanding why you raced away
    Tragic nights I wander round this ghost town
    stop at our hidden place, kneeling to pray.

    Send some sweet mercy to this shattered soul
    pray tell, whatever grieves you heart and mind
    For soon I may rest in a graveyard hole
    My tear-filled tracks well soaked for you to find

    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 200
    Total # Words: 158

    Write her 20 verse reply-- 1. either to prevent my early demise - 2. or after having found my grave stone or 3. some other imaginative ending you think goes well with the opening.
    Title can be created later, ok?


    Collaboration -first half, subject dark, monster and death

    Care to do the concluding half, if so helps to think of think Beowolf??

    Sweetest Revenge He In Anguish Has Sworn

    I found its mountain lair and its magic sword
    left untouched, massive gold, its bloody hoard
    Seven years, trailing it to now find it gone
    all it left was bloody guts, and gnawed bone.

    Years back it came, took my everything away
    swore on my life to find and make it pay
    No remains ever found of wife and young son
    my oath, live or die I'll see it undone!

    Many ghastly tales told in local lore
    seven years, comes leaving bloody gore
    Hate and anguish stir within my aching soul
    this vengeful trek takes a most heavy toll.

    Tonight it comes, one last meal before it goes
    in my heart even deeper rage now grows
    A trap I must set and slay this wicked beast
    while its busy eating a bloody feast.

    Tales say this beast walks about on two feet
    with its own sword, I shall bring its defeat.

    Syllables Per Line:
    0 11 10 11 10 0 11 10 11 10 0 11 10 11 10 0 11 10 11 10 0 11 10
    Total # Syllables: 189
    Total # Words: 152

    Robert J. Lindley

    LET ME KNOW , OK??

    Darling, Can Our Lost Love Begin Anew

    O that thy sad heart would see me again
    broken soul among crowds in darkest glen
    Sleeping beneath dead trees and falling dew
    aches of desirous memories of you!

    O that death brings its sleep forevermore
    I fear we are doomed to different shores
    I rest alone, bones without purple crown
    hast once thy true love now brought thy king down?

    O that hope could find a way to save me
    sinking ship on a tumultuous sea
    In thy broke heart can my soul dwell anew
    where eternity waits for me and you!

    Will earth and sky send you this furtive plea
    poetic words provide hope's greatest key
    Can love returned, now heal both shattered dreams
    or shall I drown in my sorrowful streams?

    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 160
    Total # Words: 124

    Chess games I played and won...

    White- me -- black- ChessKing

    25.Qxa85.5 1-0

    Black resigns in a hopeless completely lost position.--Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 07-05-2018 at 07:57 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    And I have not yet made the public offer even.

    Fate had gifted us, drinking passion from its gold chalice
    Wading flames that only served to increase our ardor.
    This summer, your sweet roses covered our great palace
    Alas! My time away from your touch became much harder.

    As I now look across this wind-blown, majestic ocean
    My mind turns to the epic sadness of our parting hour.
    I begged there and then for a distance erasing potion
    Yet I tried to remain your rock hardened castle tower!

    The desperate and longing look on your beautiful face
    Informed me the dire depths that you found this clutch.
    I reminded you that no distance could our love erase,
    Or ever lesson my need to feel your soft, gentle touch.

    Last week, I sent you a love-soaked, tear-stained letter
    Now I board the ship that will return me to my true love.
    Upon reading my everlasting love sent you'll feel better
    Soon my darling, never again my touch to be deprived of!


    (1.) chalice
    noun: a bowl-shaped drinking vessel;
    especially the Eucharistic cup

    (2.) ardor
    noun: feelings of great warmth and intensity

    (3.) clutch
    noun: a tense critical situation

    My third offering: Write a great title, then write the first
    half of this poem in tail-rhyme only. Do so either in matching
    16 verses or else a max of 20 verses(if the mood strikes you)!
    Major point is to blend your new first half in with my presented
    second half conclusion, please.
    Collaborate with me on this and lets exchange ideas. As my previous
    two offerings I got great advice from my fine co-writers that improved
    my opening halves.
    And lets have fun doing this my friends.

    First offering, 3 members wrote with me, Paul Callus, Broken Wings, Teppo Gren
    ( our poems now posted by me)

    Second offering, 7 members wrote with me, Paul Callus, Broken Wings, Teppo Gren,
    Debbie Guzzi, Richard Laumoreux, Sara Kendrick and Jan Allison
    (our poems now posted by co-writers)

    I will take on and accept up to the first 12 that notify me by Soupmail.
    After that number reached, I must decline due to my busy schedule
    And my family duties!
    Notify by Soupmail (early) if wanting your name on the list to collaborate..

    I am easy to write with as I respect greatly the talent and spirit of other poets!
    And this site has so very many fantastic poets !

    Please remember , first twelve accepted and when poems are agreed finished, each co-writer
    post our finished creation.

    Remember this being up to twelve collaborations it may take a bit longer to finish all the poems.
    But the offer stands only until max number of twelve co-writers is reached. So if inclined
    -do not delay pm me to list you .
    If too late do not blame me..
    new edit-
    Fate gifted us, drinking passion from its chalice
    Wading flames serving first to increase our ardor.
    Summer, your sweet roses covered our great palace
    Time away from your touch became much harder.

    I look across this wind-blown, majestic ocean
    Mind turns to epic sadness of our parting hour.
    I begged then for distance erasing potion
    I tried to remain your rock hard castle tower!

    The desperate , longing look - your beautiful face
    Informing me the dire depths that you found this clutch.
    I reminded you, no distance could our love erase,
    Or lesson my need , feel your soft, gentle touch.

    Last week, I sent you a love-soaked, tear-stained letter
    Now I board ship that will take me to my true love.
    Reading my golden love sent you will feel better
    Not again, my touch shall you be deprived of!

    Syllables Per Line:
    12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 192
    Total # Lines: 19 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
    Total # Words: 141

    Fate gifted us passion, drinking from its chalice;
    we waded through waves of flame increasing ardor.
    In summer, your sweet roses covered our palace.
    The time away from your touch became much harder.

    As I looked across the wind-blown spray of ocean,
    my mind turned to the sadness of our parting hours
    Kneeling, I begged for a distance closing potion
    so I could remain your coveted castle tower.
    so I could reclaim you to our rosy bower.

    I see your longing, desperate, lovely, face
    endowed in fears dire depth as we parted from the clutch.
    I reminded you distance could not erase love's trace
    or lesson my need to feel your soft, gentle touch.

    Last week, I sent a love-soaked, tear-stained letter;
    now I return aboard a ship to my sweet dove.
    I hope my missive sent has made you feel better,
    nevermore will I be denied the touch of my love.
    third edit with Teppo

    Those joyous childhood days we danced together
    Through the meadows, like a calyx of a flower,
    In my caress you felt as light as a feather,
    But then destiny rained on our summer shower.

    Lifetime apart, I was carried to distant shores,
    Our childhood innocence gone, love grew to ripeness
    Worlds apart, with sweet memories that love restores,
    My heart‘s bleeding goblet emptied in loneliness.

    Parted by distance and time, I yearned for your light,
    The flame of my heart eclipsed by burning desire
    I had tried in vain to forget, crying at night,
    Times alone, your beauty’s fairness I doth admire.

    Fearing my ship had sailed, I traveled oceans vast
    To be your knight, hoping it would not be in vain,
    My longing love you answered with a zealous cast
    We made our promise, vows to never part again.

    xx- four connecting verses to be added here.

    Fate gifted us, drinking passion from its chalice
    Wading flames serving first to increase our ardor.
    Summer, your sweet roses covered our great palace
    Time away from your touch became much harder.

    I look across this wind-blown, majestic ocean
    Mind turns to epic sadness of our parting hour.
    I begged then for distance erasing potion
    I tried to remain your rock hard castle tower!

    The desperate , longing look - your beautiful face
    Informing me the dire depths that you found this clutch.
    I reminded you, no distance could our love erase,
    Or lesson my need , feel your soft, gentle touch.

    Last week, I sent you a love-soaked, tear-stained letter
    Now I board ship that will take me to my true love.
    Reading my golden love sent you will feel better
    Not again, my touch shall you be deprived of!
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 12-01-2015 at 07:14 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Poems in progress. Further editing needed. , etc-TYR

    Ten Picture, Ten Poems, Ten Poets, Ten Days

    Blog Posted:1/6/2016 9:51:00 AM
    Hi everyone,

    I did something like this for Lorrette at Ekphrastic: Writing on Art and Art on Writing. I am offering you the opportunity to write 10 publishable poems in 10 days. I will edit the work for you IF YOU'D LIKE. I will pick what I believe to be the best of the ten on the same work of art [a day or so after you write verse #1]. I will post it here - with a before and after editing shot IF you would like to help others SEE what an edit might look like?

    If you wish to do this with me, sign up HERE in the comment section. I will only accept the first 10 to sign up. 1. Andrew 2. Linda 3. Kim 4. John 5. Robert 6. Craig 7. Danetta 8. Jeanette

    You will come away from this with 10 poems [plus free editing if desired] & the possibility of having them published on

    Ekphrastic: Writing on Art and Art on Writing [this site ACCEPTS reprints]
    ************************************************** ***********
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    The Swirling Green Storm

    Sea foam splattered his panicked face
    boat sank and his life torn asunder.
    He had ran away, his life a disgrace
    storm worsening, cracking with thunder.

    Every wave ripped his weakening hold
    how he longed now just to live.
    Wanting her again and his life of old
    that love only she could give!

    Words formed, out they swiftly rushed
    praying for rescue and a new start.
    Dear God, let not this life be crushed
    save me, enter now this aching heart.

    Silence reigned, sea stopped raging
    there was hope in this new chance.
    Seeing her face, they together aging
    great blessing of renewed romance.

    Storm now vanished and life could see
    so many avenues to embrace hope.
    Needed was his sincere praying plea
    God's answer when he could not cope.

    Robert J. Lindley, 1-06-2016

    The Swirling Green Storm
    (After: Blue and Green Music - Georgia O'Keeffe 1921)

    Sea foam splattered upon his panicked face
    boat sank and his life was torn asunder.
    He had ran away, his life a disgrace
    storm worsening with cracking with thunder.

    Every wave ripped his weakening hold
    recovering he longed now just to live.
    Wanting her again and his life of old
    that sweet, gentle love only she could give!

    Words forming inside, out they swiftly rushed
    praying for his rescue and a new start.
    Dear God, let not life be forever crushed
    please save me, enter now this aching heart.

    Suddenly silence reigned, sea stopped raging
    there was greatest hope in this renewed chance.
    Seeing her face, they together aging
    greatest blessing of their renewed romance.

    Storm had now vanished and his life could see
    so many avenues to embrace with hope.
    Needed was his sincerest praying plea
    God's answer given when he could not cope.

    Robert J. Lindley, 1-07-2016

    Latest edit on the first poem.

    Syllables Per Line:
    10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 205
    Total # Lines: 26 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
    Total # Words: 148

    _1ST POEM of ten __________________________________________________ ______
    __________________________________________________ ______
    A Painted Gaze

    Sitting in your soft and easy chair
    rustic look in that painted scene.
    Yet beauty leaps from face and hair
    colors speak softly, blue and green.

    Were you happy in your painted gaze
    gentle look of a young girl free.
    Wrapped by beauty in a colored haze
    yet future promise holds a key.

    Sitting in your soft and easy chair
    rustic look in that painted scene.
    Yet beauty leaps from face and hair
    colors speak, softly blue and green.

    Robert J. Lindley, 1-07-2016

    2nd of ten..

    A Painted Gaze
    (Portrait of Carol Nye Rhoades (Robinson) (1915))

    Sitting alone in soft and easy chair
    rustic gaze in artistic, painted scene.
    Yet, gentle beauty leaps from face and hair
    colors speaking, so softly blue and green.

    Were you happiest in your painted gaze
    with gentle look of a young girl so free.
    Wrapped by beauty in a colored haze
    your future promise holding loving key.

    Sitting there in your soft and easy chair
    rustic look in brilliantly painted scene.
    Graceful beauty leaping from face and hair
    colors speaking softly in blue and green.

    Robert J. Lindley

    Syllables Per Line:
    10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 120
    Total # Lines: 14 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
    Total # Words: 85

    2nd poem of ten
    Magical Mountain Made Of Whitest Stone

    Majestic mountain made of magic stone
    I climbed every night as a lonely child.
    Tall and regal, it stood there all alone
    symbol of a world fantastic and wild!

    Atop its peak in my racing night dreams
    looking across earth's fantastic skies.
    Resting below, forests and flowing streams
    bright, magical realm where nobody dies.

    Deep within each night's visionary quest
    prayer for family, sleeping nearby.
    Brave climber daring his courageous best
    fantasy and thrills on every night's try!

    Magical mountain made of whitest stone.
    Conquered by a child, made of flesh and bone!

    R. J. Lindley
    March 9th, 1971

    Syllables Per Line:
    10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 140
    Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
    Total # Words: 93
    Magical Mountain Where Blue Cat Resides
    (The Blue Cat by Pamela Colamn Smith 1907)

    Majestic mountain made of magic stone
    I climbed every night as a lonely child.
    Tall and regal, it stood there all alone
    symbol of a world fantastic and wild!

    Atop its peak in my racing night dreams
    looking across earth's fantastic skies.
    Resting below, forests and flowing streams
    bright, magical realm where blue cat resides.

    Deep within each night's visionary quest
    prayer for family, sleeping nearby.
    Brave climber daring his courageous best
    fantasy and thrills on every night's try!

    Magical mountain made of bluest stone.
    Conquered by a child, made of flesh and bone!

    Robert J. Lindley, 1-08-2016

    Syllables Per Line:
    10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 140
    Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
    Total # Words: 94

    3rd poem of ten .

    May 12-2016

    In Moonlight She Came, Her Dark Hair Did Shine

    Now writing, romantic poem this night
    fondly bringing forth memories of youth
    Just tweaking to stir far greater delight
    no real harm, love lives in passionate truth.

    Summoned, thrills of ravishing beauty then
    flowers await that first touch of glee
    No darkness, no pains of living in sin
    Just love, given with romantic hearts free.

    In moonlight she came, her dark hair did shine
    walking a wide trail between two palm trees
    Her everything cried out just to be mine
    and her gentle waves foretold pleasant seas.

    Beach strolling , holding hands and eager hearts
    moon's melody shown for budding new love
    Such innocence, so often how it starts
    stars in heaven looking down from above.

    Years past, my heart longed for her to marry
    soon I flew around the world to return
    Knowing our love was now, must not tarry
    in our souls deepest passion did so burn.

    My wife shares our story to one and all
    romance that carried her far, far away
    We, married twelve sweet years this coming Fall
    Depths of joy, such that no words can relay.

    Robert J. Lindley, 5-12-2016

    Syllables Per Line:
    10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 240

    Note: Truth in the telling, I flew to Cebu Philippines and brought my wife to live in America twelve years ago this coming Fall..
    Now with our nine year old son, we live in the arms of loving bliss.
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 05-12-2016 at 07:58 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Nothing To Lose, Nothing To Trade

    From darkness that covers her life,
    rode a black horse with no mane
    Saddle inscribed with, pain and strife
    man is shallow and most vain.

    Where black shadows dance and prowl
    nothing comes from widow pane
    Midnight, mad wolves start to howl,
    echoes to drive her insane

    Spirit stands , soul strong and proud
    yet heart cries down a lonely lane
    Cuts, blood runs but head is unbowed
    courage holds but nothing is gained

    Nothing to lose, nothing to trade
    she sleepeth in bed she hath made.

    R. J. Lindley
    Nov.14th 1977

    Syllables Per Line: 8 0 8 7 8 7 0 7 7 7 7 0 7 8 8 8 0 8 8
    Total # Syllables: 113
    Total # Lines: 19 (Including empty lines)

    Cut heart, lonesome sadness leaves its sharp sting
    memories become cracked and broken stones.
    Greatest pain is a future one losing
    love's music silenced into cold, deaf tones.
    Goodbyes, they hit so hard cracking love bones
    hopeless hope, lump eating away the soul
    each second feels like fate's last , short dice roll
    Never again, such misery cries out
    Broken heart and blues taking greatest toll
    hurt spirit, no relief in pleading shouts

    , 5-15-2016

    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 100
    Total # Lines: 10 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
    Total # Words: 72

    For contest, Laura Loo's
    DIZAIN POEM: has to be SAD
    Ten lines of 10 syllables each line rhyme scheme: A-B-A-B-B-C-C-D-C-D

    Example poem-
    We're More Important Than Money

    I’ve said money is not my everything
    but my everything has always been you
    I promised you when I gave you that ring
    for richer, or poorer we would get through
    no matter how much money we withdrew
    our love would be the richest of treasures
    material things aren’t always pleasures
    we can weather any storm we may face
    regardless of bumps we’re still together
    we’re not made of gold but in a rich place





    Forgive me father, it has been a while
    as you know reaching out is not my style
    Life can be tough when following our dreams
    with difficult tests like turbulent streams

    Son, you will find such waters always deep
    I'll always stand guard and watch as you sleep
    My duty to help you set your life straight
    and always be there before it's too late

    One has to learn to be independent
    sometimes life is dark, not so resplendent
    I've met a girl and she could be the one
    her love makes me want to stay not to run

    I see you are an honorable man
    slow down, think deep and form a solid plan
    Know that true love found, you must be embrace
    I caution act not in bringing disgrace

    First draft, will edit later
    Two Vacationing Sisters Discussing Their Savior
    This was his virtue, that with head and heart
    He saw life sanely, from all mist apart,
    And spake with such assurance that he showed
    Our way as straight as an old Roman road.

    This was his beauty, that with bird and flower
    He loved the strange revealings of each hour;
    From wandering stars, from waywardness of earth,
    Fountains of poesy quivered at his birth.

    This was his grandeur, that in all he saw
    Or dreamed, he bowed before eternal law,
    Knowing his soul the vassal of that King
    Whose realm is established by our laboring!

    Robert J. Lindley, 1-10-2016

    Painting number seven
    Poem number seven

    Inspired by - the painting
    (Twilight Confidences by Cecilia Beaux 1888)
    Debbie Guzzi's 10 for 10 challenge

    Such Wonders Are Breathtaking To Behold

    The morning new on red rose does glisten
    As early dawning sun beams brightly down
    Such beauty, bees decorate that soft gown
    As Nature's music plays, creatures listen
    Seeing such, in great awe man can not frown
    Be it in wilds of the woods or hometown
    Such depth of beauty must always glisten

    Such wonders are breathtaking to behold
    Wherein life, earth, and brighter blue sky meet
    That greatness of all tends to gladly greet
    The wise hearts and souls of both young and old
    Cold of winter or steam of summer heat
    Depths of vivid colors can not be beat
    Could man find greater beauty to behold

    Where forests meet the rivers flowing deep
    Colorful riverbanks birth soft flowers
    Light beaming down, feeding glory the hours
    Even with moon's glowing while creatures sleep
    Some spread colors tall as mountain towers
    This shining shows Nature's true life powers
    Wisdom man would do well to ponder deep

    Upon meadows ranging across this land
    Spreads panorama of colors and life
    Cutting its scenic views like a sharp knife
    With precision through crops and timberland
    Nature hands both man and animals strife
    Its flows in time, where life and death are rife
    Across breadth of all earth's majestic land

    Jungles and mountains across its wide space
    In Africa's wildness teeming life glows
    In fantastic beauty, great spirit shows
    Within hardiness of its festive face
    Stirs toughness, a higher power bestows
    Regardless of how bad the ill wind blows
    There and growing, its creatures and human race

    As winds blow across panoramic views
    Life splashes within its colorful deep scenes
    Even without mortals or their machines
    Nature's beauty casts for its many hues
    Despite plunder, man does by other means
    Nature's can correct as it grooms and preens
    And if not, mankind gets to pay its dues

    We may admire scenes of earth and wildlife
    Yet ignore the plight of destruction wrought
    Great wonders destroyed from changes we brought
    Our habit to gift unintended strife
    Far more destructive than any dreadnought
    Are actions we fail to ever be taught
    Costs of our higher quality of life

    Robert J. Lindley, 3-27-2016



    Nature and humanity

    FORM : 4 stanza poem that has 7 lines in each stanza and in the following format:

    First three lines describe nature, a natural feature, lakes, mountains, forests, game reserves etc. You can personify nature

    4th line is a bridge i.e shifting to the human side

    5, 6 and 7 lines bring in the human aspect (What people do there, how they interact with nature, fun things to do/see, what you did there what you would like to do there etc)

    The poem must have the following rhyme scheme: ABCACBA

    Minimum number of syllables per line must be 6 and maximum must not exceed 10

    I will be impressed by the use of the following in your poem(but dont over do)

    Imagery - Take me there with your words


    Assonance and Consonance

    I also love learning new words: Make the dictionary your friend

    Cliches knock the stuffing out of

    You can submit new and old poems(Just make sure they conform to the format laid out here)


    The dappled peacock dazes the dawn
    While the African crowned eagle
    Takes flight and prowls for prey
    And tourists peep and picture the fawn
    While their eyes prowl the breakfast tray
    Jacaranda festooned fashion regal
    Its blue flowers blue snowfall upon dawn

    Example poem but this has 8 stanzas
    master copy

    Life gives until each spirit flies away
    Every soul feels this down deep inside
    Tomorrow, is more than just another day
    Today, we can stop to enjoy our ride
    Thanking our creator for gifts given
    Inspiration flows from that sweet spirit
    Not loving, no way to just be liven'
    God knows, even in darkness can hear it
    Get that joyous happy , its your treasure
    Our God, gives love, impossible to measure.


    use this one below

    Life gives until each spirit flies away
    Every soul knows death shall come someday
    Tomorrow, stop to enjoy our blessed ride
    Today, reach deep to feel your soul inside
    Inspiration flows from that sweet spirit
    Not our selfish heart, God never hears it
    God knows, we live for our weak pleasures

    Get that joyous happy, its your treasure
    Our God, gives love, impossible to measure.

    My pain lived in bad blood that darkly flows,
    with that poison which ate away my heart,
    living in darkness man can never knows,
    why life hits with such hard and heavy blows

    under sad, black clouds
    darkest rain will someday fall
    best shield is god's truth

    5-08-2016--For collab with Netylyn

    1. mermaid's kiss-x
    2. Neptune's pride-x
    3. Sea-storm surge-x
    4. sandcastles demise
    5. dark depth's hold
    6. ocean spray blue
    7. seagull's scream
    8. lost souls deep
    9. sailor's dreams-x
    10. Nature's ponds
    11. sea nymphs at play
    12. crashing waves

    1). Sea foam
    2). Mauve Sunsets
    3). Sandpiper, Seagull, otter, whale
    4). Argonaut
    5). Crest of the wave
    6). Tide pool
    7). Palm, Cypress
    8). Shovel and pail, kite
    9). Sand, salt,
    10). Sea glass, shells
    11). Sandcastle
    12). Riptide

    Lines 1-2 Edlynn (begin- intro)
    Lines 3-4 Robert (end verse)

    Lines 5-6 Robert (starts- middle)
    Lines 7-8 Edlynn (end verse)

    Lines 9-10 Edlynn (starts-conclusion).
    Lines 11-12 Robert (end verse)

    Line 13 Edlynn (Conclude)
    Line 14 Robert ( Conclude & tie it up)

    Poseidon drew up from the salty sea,
    a silver splash of wave from Earth to moon.
    Sailors appealing Neptune's pride of three
    gaze down fantasizing mermaid's kiss soon

    Great sea-storm surge can never ever faze
    sweet paradise in lonely sailor's dreams

    Poseidon drew up from the salty sea,
    a silver splash of wave from Earth to moon.
    Sailor appealing Neptune's pride of three,
    gaze down fantasizing mermaid's kiss soon.

    Great sea-storm surge can never ever faze,
    sweet paradise in lonely sailor's dreams.
    Then lifted is she from the coral maze,
    held in riptides and pressed in boiling streams.

    The up he rides on his seahorse untamed,
    and captures her mad from his winded ride.
    From dark seas depth's hold, sweet mermaid unnamed
    in sailor's arms, Neptune can not abide


    Poseidon drew up from the salty sea,
    long silver splash of wave from Earth to moon.
    Sailor appealing Neptune's pride of three,
    gaze down fantasizing mermaid's kiss soon.

    Great sea-storm surge may eternally faze,
    sweet paradise in lonely sailor's dreams.
    Then lifted is she from the coral maze,
    held in riptides and pressed in broiling streams.

    Then up he rides on his seahorse untamed,
    and captures her mad from his winded ride.
    From dark seas depth's hold, sweet mermaid unnamed
    in sailor's arms, Neptune can not abide

    He named the sprite and kissed her full and well,
    from heaven's grasp he gained the star that fell

    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 120
    Total # Lines: 14 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables)

    Final copy----

    Poseidon's Secret

    Poseidon drew up from the salty sea,
    long silver splash of wave from Earth to moon.
    Sailor appealing Neptune's pride of three,
    gaze down fantasizing mermaid's kiss soon.

    Great sea-storm surge may eternally faze,
    sweet paradise in lonely sailor's dreams.
    Then lifted is she from the coral maze,
    held in riptides and pressed in broiling streams.

    Then up he rides on his seahorse untamed,
    and captures her mad from his winded ride.
    From dark seas depth's hold, sweet mermaid unnamed
    in sailor's arms, Neptune can not abide

    He named the sprite and kissed her full and well,
    from heaven's grasp he gained the star that fell

    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 140
    Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
    Total # Words: 106
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 05-19-2016 at 05:13 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Finding The Truth

    The truth is always there
    Yet mostly it’s so rare
    For truth not many care
    They seek the truth in their beliefs they must have teddy bears
    These give them much security, that with the world they share
    Coming from their frightened minds they’ll believe most anything
    Unless pure truth it touches you, no real joy will life bring
    Most people they are blind
    They’re of the frightened kind
    For them truth’s hard to find

    The truth lies deep within
    It hides beneath the din
    It’s where pure love begins
    By looking deep within the soul. and finding wisdom there
    Truth is but a breath away with your life you must despair
    Then through your sorrow you might find that peace belongs to you
    Then you’ll see the holy land and you’ll find there what is true
    Then life will be so grand
    As joy it takes your hand
    Then life you’ll understand

    Peter Duggan
    Peters style

    Syllables count 6,6,6. 14, 14, 14, 14, 6, 6, 6

    Rhyme sequence aaabbccddd
    Stored so as not to forget.....
    I will write a poem tonight using this form my friend.. -Tyr

    Slight deviation, my friend...
    Rhyme sequence changed in my poem to abab cdcd, etc. etc....
    Verse count changed to 6,6,6,6, 14,14,14,14 6,6,6,6

    Man Walks In Darkness

    Sad excuse, not a plus
    just ask Simon Cowell
    Freedom found on a bus,
    words of Colin Powell
    Darkness and deceit, joined happily racing hand in hand
    Death, destruction and misery follows war's pounding paths
    Such cold-bloodied black that it tarnishes even the land
    Encouraging follies from man's feeble, indignant wrath
    Lies accepted as art
    where educations lays
    Those blinded do their part
    in clouding sunny days

    World brings its hate and pains
    hunger aches, no relief
    Wicked births aching stains
    living with no belief
    Fear ye not, saving light sails forth when sincere pleas abound
    destroying vast raging seas of poison and rancid brine
    Even without heaven's sweetest angelic trumpeted sound
    recoveries and miracles bring blessings very fine
    Man will fine lit paths true
    shielded from temptations
    His word reigns over you
    Love's greatest sensations.

    Robert J. Lindley,

    Syllables Per Line: 6 6 6 6 14 14 14 14 6 6 6 6
    6 6 6 6 14 14 14 14 6 6 6 6
    Total # Syllables: 208
    Total # Lines: 25 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
    Total # Words: 136

    Our Last Night, Your Touch Truly Divine

    Our last night, your touch truly divine,
    dawn's saddest light bringing sorrow to me;
    light receded your sun no longer shines,
    gone in your stubborn quest to be so free.

    In solitude I found bedroom deep black,
    forests of slain and sad broken down trees;
    so many destinations I lost track,
    you in your haste ignored that last night's pleas.

    I see you now , there on some foreign shore,
    dazzling light gazing back, looking at me;
    This dark hole in my soul, your leaving tore
    I am now, broken down rotting tree.

    As I gaze back at the last image gave,
    this torn heart, leads me to an early grave.

    R. J. Lindley,
    Aug. 21st, 1977

    Our Last Night, Your Touch Truly Divine

    Decades have now flown by since my last write,
    I found you beat me to that early grave;
    I long again for that- our last loving night,
    that final and forever kiss you gave.

    Your memory my angel haunts me still,
    with deep echoes and cries of heated bliss;
    I know why you gave your watch in your will,
    so that our time, I'd never again miss.

    My sweet darling, never could I forget,
    that brilliant light you then cast upon me;
    nor the depth of your departure's hard hit,
    when without even goodbye, you did flee.

    Our last night, your touch truly divine,
    do not worry about me, I'll be fine.

    R.J. Lindley,
    Sept 9th 1997

    1. Double sonnet,the second written answering the first one written in 1977

    2. Yes, she was a real person and her cousin brought me her watch and a farewell letter (July of 1997)
    she wrote a few weeks before her passing.. I have both in a lock box, to be given to my daughter when I pass on.
    I had gifted her that gold watch inscribed with , " Love you truly, R.J.".....
    Fate, far too often cruel methinks..
    My Death

    My death, even if some cheer it, Nothing Defeats True, Courageous Spirit .

    Silent One's-- Contest: Life or death one liner

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2016
    Contest Description

    A one liner about life or death, or both..
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 10-13-2016 at 08:53 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    New poem draft--syllable correcting

    Great sea-storm surge may eternally faze,
    sweet paradise in lonely sailor's dreams.
    Seeking paradise, his intrepid craze,
    another of his treasure finding schemes.

    As the gusting, whipping gale force winds blew
    ship's main sails were shredded, ripped apart
    Every loss his doubts about success grew,
    her pretty vision weakened in his heart.

    As night brought his mind new terrors to bear
    tragic and dreaded thoughts raced through his mind
    Of his grave danger he was well aware,
    that his sought treasure he may never find.

    Dawn's welcomed rise found his ship still afloat
    that long sought distant shore now looming near.
    Sunshine brought with it a cheery new note,
    forced away all of his previous fear.

    Within sight was the island of his dreams
    there he saw high cliffs towering in white.
    Splendid waterfall fed by island streams
    he knew his treasure would soon be in sight.

    As his battered ship's prow struck sandy beach
    over the rail on solid ground he leaped.
    Now he knew his princess was within reach
    with Eden found, its fruits soon to be reaped.

    Her soft sweet Siren call beckoned him forth,
    with fast glowing spirit he raced ahead.
    Across a lush forest , land to the North
    just beyond a magical flower bed.

    Over small hill his princess was waving
    he soon fell into her waiting embrace.
    All his life for her he had been saving,
    now her wet kisses rained upon his face.

    Thus no great sea-storm surge could ever faze,
    sweet paradise in lonely sailor's dream.
    Seeking heaven, in his hot fevered craze,
    love rewarded his treasure finding scheme.

    Robert J. Lindley, 6-02-2016

    Syllables Per Line:
    10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 360
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
    Total # Words: 268

    Start a fragment

    Each Falls As A Rain Drop From Spider's Web

    Within black streams flow and great red-tide's ebb
    are ill given fates that linger and play
    Each falls as a rain drop from spider's web
    for no man may know the hour or the day

    On great wheel, life spins in revolutions
    heedless of evil human wants and needs
    Man spirit, walks not from evolution
    rather by true design from blessed seeds

    Life and this world filled with harassing winds
    nights given into sad, anguishing sleep
    Fate flies on and great storms too often sends
    black-winds, mankind sinks in far, far too deep

    Blind, so lost, man seeks no true solution
    Way of the world, raining its pollution

    Robert J. Lindley,7-13-2016
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 07-13-2016 at 10:54 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Came To Me In A Dream

    Through the golden gates of hope and reprieve
    race shadows of storm and restless agonies
    Mere fleeting wisps that catch roving eyes
    on platters of papers meant to deceive

    Stories told of monsters, fools and all the like
    melting into a cauldron of darkest spittle
    Gouging the eyes with a pointy spike
    and sending reprieve but only just a little

    Where rests,dreams of gold and wanton lusts
    among fallen pines and burnt ash trees
    Deceptions taught and broken, shattered trusts
    sailing chaotic and blind upon falsely stirred seas

    All through such nightmares are stark realities of life
    vapors of foul and poisonous clouds belching forth
    Frozen beams that weigh the misery in agony and strife
    against the harshest chills of blasts from the frozen North

    Yet among the dead letters and long anguished cries
    rest hearts and seeking minds staying on high alert
    For true love and deeply moaned contented sighs
    to counter the relentless pain of all the world's hurts.

    Robert J. Lindley, 6-19-2016


    New write--10-25-2016

    Contest Description

    Write a poem on any theme using the rhyme scheme I used below

    (not sure if it's an actual form but let's try it)

    A - B - A - C - C - B - C - A

    1. no names/date at bottom

    2. any theme

    3. no forced rhyme (just because a word ends in -ing does not necessarily mean it rhymes)

    3. PLEASE use correct rhyme scheme!!


    My first draft---

    A Prayer Offered For Sincere Love

    Gentle touches that caressed her aching heart,

    never she knew greater from a man-

    His tender tones whispering romantic vows à la carte,

    quenched her hot desires for love in a burning flame.

    Having been hurt by previous lover playing a game

    hoping this new love held her in a divine plan-

    In her fervent dreams, Romeo was his name,

    was she again, tragic victim of an errant Cupid's dart?

    Robert J. Lindley, 10-25-2016

    Contest Description

    Write a poem on any theme using the rhyme scheme I used below

    (not sure if it's an actual form but let's try it)

    A - B - A - C - C - B - C - A

    1. no names/date at bottom
    2. any theme
    3. no forced rhyme (just because a word ends in -ing does not necessarily mean it rhymes)
    4. PLEASE use correct rhyme scheme!!

    Rhyme scheme used, A - B - A - C - C - B - C - A


    The **** Dog-- Story (Part One)

    As dogs go, he looked to be healthy. He had four legs, floppy ears, short tail, nice color and good teeth!
    Seemed a bit timid but that was a very good quality in a hunting dog.. Certainly he was not old and used up with damaged legs, as
    some slicksters try to sell off, by having their hunting dogs (far past their prime) in a small cage to cover up poor mobility) when selling!
    So just why was this ordinary dog priced so outrageously high!? There was no papers on any famous bloodline.
    No commonly known tales of its fantastic hunting exploits to be found.. Why then did old Amos price this dog at one thousand dollars?
    When the best hunting dog in the county only sold for a whopping one hundred!
    Young John Smithersby was mulling all this over as he looked at the dog that weekend.
    After having been informed by Tully, what a miracle and wonder the amazing dog was!
    Common sense should have told him that Tully could have some vested interest in getting this dog sold but he being young and a bit foolish never gave that a solitary thought!

    Now Tully, well he was Tully and everybody knew he was untrustworthy. Hadn't he sold the widow Greene, a milk cow that was dry as a bone and died a week later after being sold? Sold ole Tom, a car that the transmission went out only a few days after the sell?
    Sold poor widow, Mary Snell two new tires that when aired up, revealed balloon sized knots bulging out bigger than softballs!?
    Traded Jinks a rifle with the barrel completely worn out(shot out) and it fired wherever it was not sighted to hit, even by Jinks who was a top marksman!?
    And Tully had gotten Jink's prized western 6 pistol.. Yes, that Tulley, slicker than owl snot and wildcat skat mixed together in a tub of used motor oil!
    Certainly was no great wonder that things later turned out as they did....

    Young John questioned old Amos about the dog and pretty much got the exact same story that Tully had been telling him for going on a year.
    How Amos, had kept the dog hidden away from view,only used it late at night and was secretive because he was afraid if found out about its almost unbelievably great hunting attributes- it would be quickly stolen from him!
    Such attributes as was bordering on being truly miraculous!! And that my friends, is always a huge red flag to a wise and prudent man, which young John Smithersby most assuredly was not.
    So young John plopped down a small(actually large considering) first month's payment on the prized hound, with a promised of 900 hundred more dollars in 7 weeks!
    Swearing he'd deliver the money even if he had to sell his truck to do it (which later came to be how it was paid)!
    However, in that deal since Amos had insisted on keeping the dog until all money was paid and he had bought the dog- even if in piecemeal paying-he got Amos to agree to bring him ALL the highly prized game the dog fetched over the next 7 weeks when Amos would work him to keep him well within his hunting prime.
    Game that was highly prized by local people for its delicious taste when fried and served with beans, fried taters , sliced onions/tomatoes and glass of ice cold tea( ice-cold beer for the men)!
    For the newly bought dog was an amazing retriever! Simply amazing, as was told by both Tully and ole Amos..
    end part one..

    Part two coming--

    Seven weeks of feasting for John from the game brought him by Amos and tales of how the dog was even improving as it was now being trained even harder and more often!
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 01-20-2017 at 02:05 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Cursed With These Black Mid-Nights And That Sinister Call

    Past midnight, gloomy sky and red flailing moon begged to fall
    A dark figure stared upward chanting curses at my home
    No sleep tonight for great evil sought my desperate soul
    I that had settled here in Castle rouge, never again to roam,
    was cursed with these black mid-nights and that sinister call
    Soon that black soul would invade this sanctuary of my weary mind
    utterly shatter yet again my long aching heart's brief rest
    Waiting for the anguished moans and nail scratching sounds
    I sought courage to survive tonight this demonic test
    and before dawn dear magnificent sleep my soul thus find
    Moaning and chain rattling echoes arrived at my bedroom door
    My thoughts turned to her and why she still cursed me so
    Had not I gave her my true love and my cherished all
    Only to see her in blood-soaked dress out the door go
    Yes, my loves had always wept and demanded too much more
    In a bright flash through the bedroom door she flew
    Willing moonlight shining upon her long , dagger-like nails
    I stepped back, again I yielded to regret and abject fear
    odors of rotting meat and stingers in her three tails
    Pierced my side as scorching hot pain in my mind grew
    Nay, never again would I allow her these great strikes back
    And smile of victory her new black heart so dearly sought
    For in my hand, was the dagger of my stone cold truth
    with the ring of relief my blood had previously bought
    Stabbing in deep, dagger stopped her in her evil track
    With that anguished and screeching cry she flew away
    giving rise to the glory of sunrise and newborn hope
    Today I recall - that evil beaming from her cold dead eyes
    and her death- the night I hung her with a new rope
    For darkness in my burning soul had always held its sway

    Past midnight, gloomy sky and flailing red moon begged to fall
    A dark figure stared upward chanting curses at my home
    No sleep tonight for great evil sought my desperate soul
    I that had settled here in Castle rouge, never again to roam,
    was cursed with these black mid-nights and that sinister call

    Robert J. Lindley, 8-15-2016

    FOR THE NEW, " write like your favorite poet contest " SPONSORED BY SEEKER.
    I chose Poe.....
    Hell, I may even actually enter it... -Tyr



    edit-new poem for collaboration with Aqua Marine, using my newly created sonnet form, Lin 678

    When Courage Faithfully Flies

    Where man's soul and brave heart meets
    hope sends great power there to save
    Life from death that often cheats
    the weak that could be so brave
    When faith filled prayer saves man
    truth comes forth and regains
    Happiness- life and love plans
    absent the dirty stains

    Where man's soul and brave heart meets
    hope sends great power there to save
    Life from death that often cheats
    the weak that could be so brave

    Look to heaven for its power
    Man knows not his last day or hour

    Poem Syllable Counter Results
    Syllables Per Line: 7 8 7 7 7 6 7 6 0 7 8 7 7 0 8 8
    Total # Syllables: 100
    Total # Lines: 16 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
    Total # Words: 88

    My Poetic Quote
    The world now teeming with so many eager and dedicated poets, how shall one stand apart?
    Answer is simple, by honoring thy muse and never betraying thy true soul and giving heart.
    Robert J. Lindley, 10-22-2016

    Final version--Ready to present.......

    When Courage Faithfully Flies

    Where man's soul and brave heart meets
    hope sends great power there to save
    Life from death that often cheats
    the weak that could be so brave
    When faith filled prayer saves man
    truth comes forth and regains
    Happiness- life and love plans
    absent the dirty stains

    Where man's soul and brave heart meets
    hope sends great power there to save
    Life from death that often cheats
    the weak that could be so brave

    Look to heaven for its power
    Man knows not his last day or hour

    *** *** ***

    Your loyal words of faith fly
    To heart that death so often cheats
    With loss that makes her soul sigh
    In painful hopeless heartbeats
    Could the weak again be brave
    When faith does not remain?
    Heaven's truth descends to save
    And cleanse sin's darkened stain.

    Your loyal words of faith fly
    To heart that life so often cheats
    With loss that makes her soul sigh
    In painful hopeless heartbeats

    Heart now so brave finds new power
    New hope gives courage in this hour.

    Collaboration(Double sonnets) Robert J. Lindley and Aqua Marine

    Note: Sonnet form used (new)-Lin 678
    Poem Syllable Counter Results

    ** Syllables Per Line: 7 8 7 7 7 6 7 6 0 7 8 7 7 0 8 8
    Total # Syllables: 100

    ** Syllables Per Line: 7 8 7 7 7 6 7 6 0 7 8 7 7 0 8 8
    Total # Syllables: 100

    Total- 7 8 7 7 7 6 7 6 0 7 8 7 7 0 8 8 *** 7 8 7 7 7 6 7 6 0 7 8 7 7 0 8 8
    Total # Syllables: 200
    88 + 84 = 172 words.

    First draft--

    When Heart Beats To Make Its Mark

    When there was pitch black dark
    a solitary light spoke,
    "poetry is alive in me!"

    When there was grief, deep and stark
    a single cry bellowed,
    "poetry rests in my heart!"

    Where sky meets streaming skylark
    a yearning plea asked,
    "can poetry survive?"

    When heart beats to make its mark
    a soul begged its release,
    " will poetry sing in tune?"

    Where great poetry lights the park
    a heavenly voice boomed,
    "poetry will set you free!"

    Robert J. Lindley, 10-25-2016
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 10-25-2016 at 10:12 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Blackbirds Circling To Eye The Dark Festive Feast

    Feast or famine, orbs in heart of a crow
    love 's bright spirit and all it may bestow
    Winging shadows fleeing fast every scene
    bitter bile erupting from opened spleen

    Flying in dark storms, hoping for a strike
    dead soldiers, each head vaulted on a spike
    Wonders within cleverly hidden clouds
    priests in deep caves wearing unholy shrouds

    Future life and great hopes it may reveal
    when nothing matters, nothing there to steal
    Blackbirds circling to eye dark festive feast
    not even love soothes the raging black beast

    Love and Fate doing battle worlds away
    which is the greater fighter hard to say

    Robert J. Lindley,

    Poem Syllable Counter Results
    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 140
    Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
    Total # Words: 103


    First half of a collaboration, the writing partner will write an on message twelve verse conclusion.-Tyr

    Shot straight arrow into a crooked sky
    to find if it washed down on me black rain
    Strange that Fate decreed then, I would not die
    at least not until later, not in vain.

    Time flew into shadows upon dead plains
    my quiver empty, my heart cut to shreds
    We all have our secrets and some dark stains
    and a few sleep with ghosts in bloody beds.

    Times of despair, hard choices must be made
    dancing bare footed, watch for broken glass
    Beware for heavy dues, they will be paid
    there is no hidden splendor in the grass.

    Poem Syllable Counter Results
    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 120
    Total # Lines: 14 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
    Total # Words: 98


    Saved to be studied.....-Tyr

    Counsel—In the South

    By Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt

    My boy, not of your will nor mine
    You keep the mountain pass and wait,
    Restless, for evil gold to shine
    And hold you to your fate.

    A stronger Hand than yours gave you
    The lawless sword—you know not why.
    That you must live is all too true,
    And other men must die.

    My boy, be brigand if you must,
    But face the traveller in your track:
    Stand one to one, and never thrust
    The dagger in his back.

    Nay, make no ambush of the dark.
    Look straight into your victim’s eyes;
    Then—let his free soul, like a lark,
    Fly, singing, toward the skies.

    My boy, if Christ must be betrayed,
    And you must the betrayer be,
    Oh, marked before the worlds were made!
    What help is there for me?

    Ah, if the prophets from their graves
    Demand such blood of you as this,
    Take Him, I say, with swords and staves,
    But—never with a kiss!
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 12-11-2016 at 10:20 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    new draft, rework of old poem-----Tyr-- 1-03-2017!!!!!

    Unmatched Beauty and Antique

    Remember that first house , car or fantastic date
    when new was where it was at and don't be late
    As time flies by all that new just fades silently away
    to become the antiques of a glorious yesterday!

    That house built a hundred years ago simply glows
    with artistic works that seem to speak as it grows
    Staircases , doors and hand blown colorful painted glass
    a beauty appreciated because it sings and somehow lasts

    That car you sported about with such delight and pride
    later you saw newer, sought better and set it aside
    Now many decades later it is wanted by collectors galore!
    they make offers that make your jaw drop to the floor

    That date kept its magic in memories so sweet and fine
    even better if what you gave you got back in kind
    If you married her and a loving family did happily take seed
    consider fate was kind and gave you exactly what you need

    Consider the greatest antique that man has ever known
    on it all things and human life has blessedly grown
    No price can be put on its true majesty and worth
    we are part of it and remain wedded to our Mother earth....Robert L.

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2014

    ************************************************** ***************
    Thy love has this heart chained to a slow sinking moon,
    aching agony missing your morning embrace
    In dream bliss, I see thy sweet love returneth soon
    if true, let our last fight vanish leaving no trace.

    Sacred word, my oath is to forever be true


    Thy Love Leaves, Sacred Words In This, My Faithful Heart

    Thy love leaves, this heart chained to a slow sinking moon,
    aching agony missing your morning embrace
    In dreams bliss, I see thy sweet love returneth soon
    if true, let our last fight vanish leaving no trace

    Sacred words, my oath is to forever be true
    shall I write such slavish worship in hot red blood
    May our romantic treasures in this world accrue
    love in bold brilliant colors of thy flower bud

    In this my faithful heart, time stops to feel touch,
    to dance under moon's umbrella of soft bright beams
    Return love, for I shall love you with this so much
    bliss existing deeply in our midnight's bed screams

    Thy love leaves, sacred words in this, my faithful heart
    never again shall my sin, tear our love apart

    Robert J. Lindley, 12-01-2016

    Sonnet form, Lin 12/12

    Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 168
    Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
    Total # Words: 130

    New collab write

    From my new partner--

    If we could run away together where would we go,
    We could seek out every corner high and low,
    In each other's arms is where we should stay,
    Like waterfalls and rainbows together we shall play.

    And upon that midnight hour when lovers do caress,
    All our fears shall fade there'll be nothing to confess,
    We'll hold each other tight never letting go,
    And I'll sing you love songs just so you know.

    strike out-together in verse and maybe in last verse

    in- that midnight hour
    strike out --all our

    strike out-- and


    If we could run away, where would we go,
    We could seek out every corner, high and low,
    In sweet embrace, we should forever stay,
    Waterfalls on rainbows where we shall play. Waterfalls in?

    Upon midnight hour when lovers do caress,
    All fears fading, shall be nothing to confess,
    We'll hold each other tight never letting go,
    I'll sing you love songs just so you may know.

    Within midnight romance and moon so bright,
    We shall forever know our love is right,
    Upon morn's waking hours our hearts shall beat,
    Taste of love's dessert be it ever so sweet.

    Buckets of passion blessing our new home
    We living in paradise, no need to roam
    So with love's purest truth let us now dwell
    Sweet memories to our children later tell.

    Syllables Per Line: 10 11 10 10 0 11 11 11 10 0 10 10 10 11 0 10 11 10 11
    Total # Syllables: 167
    Total # Words: 128


    Collaboration with Keith

    In Cool Waters Of Her Mind

    In cool waters of her peaceful mind
    are rare pools of depth unknown,
    and wonder-pearls most rare to find,
    lie great treasure there alone

    Many reach them, yet none can
    but often, in his lonely night ---
    she smiles upon some weary man,
    and all his heavy burden grows light

    Should the wind whisper a thousand names,
    from her lips giving soft-love to each,
    a peck for hope in dire days;
    though the world be doused in darkest heat

    In coolness the waters doth breathe shiny-secrets,
    where hope is found in hallowed halls,
    no darkness, despair, nor regrets ----
    lavishing in cool, speckled waterfalls

    new fragment--

    Starbeams Dance

    Starbeams glow in the sand
    hope lives eternal in heart of man
    Life dies in nearby waters
    as fish fight for sight
    of the rising moon
    Lovers stroll beneath our sky
    innocence gone far too soon
    As glory burst forth singing yet another tune Robert L.
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 01-03-2017 at 06:14 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Work in progress------------------------

    Christmas Day, From Tear-Stained Window She Wept

    Looking out the window, trees very bare
    she stood alone, with dirty, unwashed hair
    Nobody there to gift her big, sweet smiles
    floor filthy with all its large broken tiles

    Outside were people rushing to and fro
    nobody she could ever dare to know
    They all dressed in the wealthiest fashions
    they seemed so full of life, cheerful passions

    What could she, an abandoned orphan do
    living alone in this dirty caged zoo
    As she twisted her matted, dirty hair
    she wept alone, knowing that none would care

    Suddenly snow came cascading on down
    smile came, replacing her sad tear-stained frown
    Why had this joy then her heart invaded
    a voice whispered, "for this you've waited"

    Next she heard old battered door slowly creak
    that voice again, first she heard in a week
    In came a widow, dressed in Christmas cheer
    Saying, O' my brave child please have no fear

    I saw window, stained from many a tear
    I've returned to take you away from here
    Then that sweet smile grew to its biggest yet
    forgotten, her wretched clothes tear-soaked wet

    As they left that sad and lonely dark place
    brightest glow flushed upon her pretty face
    For now she knew, what her heart had prayed for
    angel to come and open that locked door

    Shall we take you in for some Christmas food
    get you Christmas spirit in joyful mood
    With happy light now returned to her soul
    her angel accomplished her greatest goal

    Promised child gifted from merciful God
    through faintest falling snow, homeward they plod
    Into home, that had waited blessed day
    grateful widow there knelt again to pray

    Lord, you have given on this Christmas day
    great treasure for which I can never pay
    she shall know you watch from heaven above

    Robert J. Lindley, 12-22-2016--

    ^^^^^ Poem finished and posted!!!
    First draft new creation - in process-

    I - (THE PLEA)

    Slayer of weaker beasts, ravage of torn breasts
    Darkness from East, dragons its armored crests
    What hero dares to slay this foul evil
    What saint may dispatch this tool of the devil?

    Hell's fires doth burn hot from its massive jaws
    Innocent red blood drips from its sharp claws
    Hero, bring thy brave heart - courage made of steel
    Hope's faith, all it begets in thy iron will.

    Shall Heaven send relief in heroic hands
    Salvation from this beast in weakened lands
    Doth not our sad cries reach our merciful gods
    Can avenging angels smite with lightning rods?

    Hero! Bring thy sword and armor with dire haste
    For this foul creature, our dear lives now wastes
    Blessings on thy travels to our burnt cities
    For we languish so sad in our deep pities!

    2. (THE ARRIVAL)

    From darkened skies great ball of fire downward fell
    from Heaven's vault he in landed in their hell
    2nd draft--

    I - (THE PLEA)

    Slayer of weaker beasts, ravage of torn breasts
    Darkness from East, dragons its armored crests
    What hero dares to slay this foul evil
    What saint may dispatch this tool of the devil?
    Hell's fires doth burn hot from its massive jaws
    Innocent red blood drips from its sharp claws
    Hero, bring thy brave heart - courage made of steel
    Hope's faith, all it begets in thy iron will.

    Shall Heaven send relief in heroic hands
    Salvation from this beast in weakened lands
    Doth not our sad cries reach our merciful gods
    Can avenging angels smite with lightning rods?
    Hero! Bring thy sword and armor with dire haste
    For this foul creature, our dear lives now wastes
    Blessings on thy travels to our burnt cities
    For we languish so sad in our deep pities!

    2. (THE ARRIVAL)

    From dark skies ball of fire downward fell
    from Asgard's vault landed he in their hell
    From Thor's loins this invincible form was sown
    In armored flesh, power never before known
    Sword fired from Asgard's own best armor makers
    with Thor's own hammer, still an earth shaker
    Standing eighteen foot from head to his bare feet
    Thor's warrior son anything but sickly sweet


    3rd draft --

    ************************************************** ************

    Return Of The Slayer Of Dragons, Earth Spared From Destruction
    ( Part One, Darkness Arrives)

    I - (THE PLEA)

    Slayer of weak beasts, ravager of torn breasts
    Darkness from East, dragons its armored crests
    What hero dares to slay this foul evil
    What man may dispatch this tool of the devil?
    Hell's fires doth burn hot from its massive jaws
    Innocent red blood drips from its sharp claws
    Hero, bring thy brave heart - courage made of steel
    Hope's faith, all it begets in thy iron will.

    Shall Valhalla send relief - heroic hands
    Salvation from great beast in weakened lands
    Doth not their sad cries reach their merciful gods
    Can avenging warriors smite with lightning rods?
    Hero! Bring thy sword and armor with dire haste
    For this foul creature, such dear lives now wastes
    Blessings on thy travels to their burnt cities
    For they languish so sad in their deep pities!


    From dark skies, ball of fire downward fell
    From Asgard's vault, landed he in their hell
    From Thor's loins this invincible form was sown
    In armored flesh, power never before known
    Sword fired from Asgard's own best armor makers
    With Thor's own hammer, still an earth shaker
    Standing eighteen foot from head to his bare feet
    Thor's new warrior anything but sickly sweet

    With blue eyes and a mind keen as dawn's new lights
    Courage born from his father's greatest fights
    Seeing desolation, far as eye could see
    He had been summoned down to set this world free
    With sword and hammer obeying Odin's decree
    Wings formed by Loki, flew he to the sea
    Found he, huge tracks of that marauding black beast
    Blood all about, stripped bones from its many feasts!

    stats at this point----

    ^^^^ Syllables Per Line: 11 10 11 11 11 10 11 11 0 11 10 11 11 11 10 11 11 0 0 11 10 11 11 11 10 11 11 0 11 10 11 11 11 10 11 11
    Total # Syllables: 344
    Total # Lines: 36 (Including empty lines)
    Words with (syllables) counted programmatically: N/A
    Total # Words: 265



    Part three--(The First Battle)

    Roars echoing, beyond distant mountain range ***************

    Note- Think this is easy???
    And I compose very fast unlike most poets...
    Most would have taken from 3 days to 3 weeks to get to this point IMHO.
    Fact is , even after posting this first half as I now do- it may require further edits(almost a certainty lol).-TYR
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 01-03-2017 at 01:47 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    When thy lover has thus fled.
    Thee may feel as if dark and dead.
    Yet if we in our hearts are well fed.
    We recover to sleep well instead.

    For love and life exists as joined two's!
    Wash thee away those sad blues
    For truer love seek thee greater clues.

    ^^^^^-Sent this as a comment to a great poem and a fine poet , whose poem was written about lost love, at my poetry site.



    new poem drafting--


    Within sweet dreams where dreamy gifts abound,
    And all seems calmer, fresher and so new,
    There heart's desires can easily be found
    In peaceful sleep, such are beautiful views

    If wanting a much better, longer life,
    Know living right is that true golden path,
    This dark world will always give its dark strife
    Key is to not reply with heated wrath

    Live not in shadows of sad former hate,
    Instead live life looking for rain to dance,
    Be thy hopeful, it is never too late
    For life's woes can be healed by romance

    Let your dreamy desires seek truer love
    Live without the dark strain of push and shove
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 01-24-2017 at 09:28 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Work in process.
    Saved to avoid loss....

    Essence Of Thy Glorious Heart And Gentle Soul

    When thy spirit joined in depths to meet mine

    When thy spirit joined in depths to meet mine
    Far more emerged than, love united pair
    With essence of magic, world became thine
    Spring came, sunflowers bloomed and all was fair
    Past our reasoning, we were born anew
    Upon sacred trails we found love's soft glow
    Rarest of gems found, darling that was you
    I was heavenly blessed, now love I know.

    With keen eyes and velvet touch thee taught

    With keen eyes and velvet touch thee taught
    Toe-tapping, dancing birds how to high fly
    Faith born of wisdom that can not be bought
    Gave happiness, bluest blue in the sky
    Where garden's narrow edge met forest greens
    Your voice beckoned great adventure to call
    Enchant two hearts with beauty's finest scenes
    Off that high ledge we would there, gladly fall.

    When thy spirit joined in depths to meet mine

    When thy spirit joined in depths to meet mine
    Days and nights melted in enticing dreams
    Each moment, heavenly feast we would dine
    Wrapped ever deeper in our love cast beams
    Thus where angels feared to tread we walked
    With soul filled glee in each long forward step
    Upon clouds waving white we gaily talked
    In joy there, we laughed so hard we then wept.

    With keen eyes and velvet touch thee taught

    With keen eyes and velvet touch thee taught
    This lost soul to fly forth and weep no more
    Thee gave far, far more than ever I sought
    Paradise summons from its white-sand shore
    With just a smile thee erased my sad calls
    On silver platters gave love's true desserts
    Goblets of wine from golden palace halls
    Diamond encrusted shoes and rich silk shirts.

    Robert J. Lindley, 1-08-2017
    (Ten syllables verses)

    Poetry form- (Romanticism)

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017


    Another one started...

    Phoenix rose from dark ashes of defeat
    seven decades of dawns destined to greet
    For vengeance to be taken, years cut short
    her true sword would meet nobles of King's court
    Bird of fire, seared in hottest of flames
    she returned, to destroy a few bad names
    Her mother's life had been stolen from her
    other great tragedies, were now a blur

    Magnificent strength and bright golden wings
    with each avenging death, her song she sings
    Her tears soaked evil victims she had slain
    heart crying out, remove each blackened stain
    Each attacker destroyed her power grew
    how great its growth even she had no clue
    For fire in her heart blinded pity
    she burnt king's men and whole of his city

    As her vengeance raged, her armor grew red
    from blood and guts of her victims cut dead
    Each new dawn she searched for the hiding few
    closer she got to the king, greater her anger grew

    2nd draft---

    Avenging Phoenix Rises To Slay, Part One
    (Fiery birth of and her just cause)

    Phoenix rose from dark ashes of defeat
    seven decades of dawns destined to greet
    For vengeance to be taken, years cut short
    her true sword would meet nobles of King's court
    Bird of fire, seared in hottest of flames
    she returned, to destroy a few bad names
    Her mother's life had been stolen from her
    other great tragedies, were now a blur

    Magnificent strength and bright golden wings
    with each avenging death, her song she sings
    Her tears soaked, evil victims she had slain
    heart crying out, remove each blackened stain
    Each attacker destroyed, her power grew
    how great its growth, even she had no clue
    For fire in her heart blinded pity
    she burnt king's men and whole of his city

    As her vengeance raged, her armor grew red
    from blood and guts of her victims cut dead
    Each new dawn she searched for the hiding few
    closer to king's head, more her anger grew
    At last when her wrath had reached fevered pitch
    king's fortress hideout, revealed by a snitch
    That dawn in haste, away to slay she flew
    Through soft clouds and brilliant sky-glow so blue

    Robert J. Lindley, 1-09-2017

    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
    0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 240
    Total # Words: 189

    End of Part one.....

    Next part two- (THE KING MEETS HIS MAKER)

    Must complete poem above!!!!!-TYR
    ************************************************** *************

    Mercy! For We Lost To Catch Our Breath!

    Lost soul, shadow-darts sting like fire
    Yet true Light cleaneth the worst stain
    Heartache rooms where, Fate and Dark conspire!

    Dark castles, awaiting destruction
    O' pains, that dark path no instructions
    Burned to ashes, flowers from the Sun!

    On nights that seeketh Time's reprieves
    Cut veins, spill forth life never renewed
    As besieged crushed heart deeply grieves!

    This spinning world crashed and slowly burned
    Forests crashed and vast oceans churned
    Mercy! For we lost to catch our breath!

    Robert J. Lindley, 2-12-2017

    Syllables Per Line: 9 9 8 9 0 8 9 9 9 0 8 9 8 8 0 9 9 8 9
    Total # Syllables: 138
    Total # Words: 106




    ************************************************** *********

    New Collab with Lin Lane

    That Sweet Dawn, A Goddess Came To Find Me

    An early morn mist that fadeth away
    revealeth the goddess that stole this heart.
    In radiance, her hair as blazing gold
    soft-born winds welcoming her that fine day.

    Her approach held me silent and steadfast
    earth and sky both envied her elegance.
    Nothing on earth could her power dispel
    nothing could her love's depth, ever outlast.

    Transfixed, my frozen legs refused to act
    for her magnificent beauty sent fear.
    Fear of not knowing, why at me she gazed
    wishing my lustful thoughts, I could retract.

    O' Blessed day, when I saw that loving smile
    her warmth cast forth to calm this lonely soul.
    Suddenly, my heart relieved, soul stripped bare
    I saw love's truth, in it no human guile.

    Next, she took my shaking hand and she said
    words that forever burn in this glad heart
    I chose you, thy spirit needs true love's gift
    with it comes relief of all thy great dread.

    I take you into paradise and its gold

    finish from here, any ending you like my friend
    I know you will make this a poetic gem!!!--Robert
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 12-05-2017 at 09:37 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Below is a very short list of some of the titles of my posted and copyrighted poems. I have over 1100 posted and copyrighted as of now, with about 600 more written from the past that I not yet decided to bring out of my private journal..
    This list is to be used to create poem using each title as verse in that poem.
    A suggestion given me this afternoon by a top poet that admires the quality of these titles, as he thinks my titles are one of my strongest poetic talents!
    I'll take that compliment....

    The list :
    Damn copy lost in transit, 45 minutes blown to hell, as I waded through over 1100 poems to chose about two hundred titles to use in the first poem created from this idea...

    Just going to add them here, twenty at at time until its completed.

    Edit Standing There, All She Had Lost Long Before

    Edit Essence Of Thy Glorious Heart And Gentle Soul

    Edit Pray I, My Eternal Love You See *
    Edit With Twilight's Glow Nature Boldly Speaks
    Edit Your Gold Hair Hung Just Right On Your Shoulders

    Edit Before Me, There A Beautiful Lady Stood *

    Edit O' I Wept, Tears Shattering Broken Souls *

    Edit Fair Maiden, Forever This True Love Hold *

    Edit Temptation Itches On All Living Things
    Edit As He Paid Tribute To All She Ever Gave

    Edit When Her True Love Calls, Answer Back With Glee
    Edit Waterfalls In Rainbows Where We Shall Play:
    Edit Thy Whispers Of Hope And Tenderness

    Edit In Thy Love-Realm I Would Gladly Live And Die

    Edit Caressing Virgin Soil, With Soft Caring Hands

    Edit A Vast Vacancy Of Tearful Moaning Cries 113

    Edit I Beg To Yet Again Kiss Thy Sweet Precious Lips
    Edit Cool Winds Grace The Soft Emerging Twilight*
    Edit I Am Laid Bare, Naked With Nothing To Hide

    Edit Embrace Again, Thy Vow To Our Love Hold
    Edit Where Weeping Willows In Silent Peace Grow

    Edit Shall We Believe In That Promise Forsworn

    Edit Hold Those Tears Falling From Sullen Skies

    Edit Thou Art Bright Crimson-In Rose Red-lit Bloom
    Edit Like Shadows In My Tired Mind

    Edit What Fallen Apple Dare One Take Sweet Bite

    Edit Bright As That Saving Star In The Far North
    Edit If Life Was Lived, With Truth The Highest Goal

    Edit Love and Forever, Words I Thought Of Thee
    Edit Clear Streams And Dreams Dried Into Ghostly Dust
    Edit Seeing Deep Pain, In Watering Blue Eyes
    Edit Who Is So Wise As Never To Do Such
    Edit With Lapping Ocean Water At My Feet

    Edit Never Greater Shall Ever Come Again 185 comments 9/23/2016 Sonnet*
    Edit We Curse This Ancient World In Our Great Pain 199 comments 9/23/2016 Rhyme
    Edit A Heart's Deep Song 273 comments 9/22/2016 Classicism
    Edit Yet Hope Promises A New Dawn Each Day 218 comments 9/21/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Dawn Burst Forth, Earth Was Drinking Its New Rain 175 comments 9/19/2016 Sonnet
    Edit In Dark Dreams 319 comments 9/18/2016 Sonnet
    Edit That Darkness Leading Into Silent Tombs 185 comments 9/17/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Moonlight and A River Thought 380 comments 9/16/2016 Sonnet
    Edit We Walked The Night Sands, Moon Shining Down 277 comments 9/14/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Place Beyond The Horizon, Dwelling In Sunset's Red 221 comments 9/11/2016 Sonnet *
    Edit In Dreams, We Danced In Flowered Meadows 202 comments 9/10/2016 Sonnet *
    Edit Burnt Into Ash My Sad Soul Looks Far Back 334 comments 9/7/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Her Smile, The Quest To Once Again Embrace 245 comments 9/6/2016 Romanticism**
    Edit Love Truly Lost, Forever Vanishes 191 comments 8/31/2016 Rhyme
    Edit A True Friend's Offer 238 comments 8/24/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Nature's Gift 208 comments 8/22/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Duality 211 comments 8/21/2016 Classicism
    Edit Cursed With These Black Midnights And That Sinister Call 253 comments 8/18/2016 Rhyme
    Edit The Final Vow 220 comments 8/17/2016 Sonnet
    Edit When Her Own Payment Came Due 173 comments 8/13/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Deepest Love Destroyed By Blackest Of Lies 185 comments 8/12/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Fire And Torture, Chained Under Raging Sun 203 comments 8/9/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Sky And Clouds May Water Our Soul's Life Tree 263 comments 8/5/2016 Sonnet
    Edit A Brave Warrior Passed On His Battle Scars 554 comments 7/31/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Kindness Is Fruit One May Easily Give 510 comments 7/29/2016 Sonnet
    Edit When May I Rest 219 comments 7/25/2016 Romanticism
    Edit Weep Ye Not At Death's Dark Release 183 comments 7/24/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Within A Valley Dream 262 comments 7/17/2016 Sonnet
    Edit In Each Dark Battle Are Gems Still Hiding 229 comments 7/16/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Time Runs On Past Every Bend 330 comments 7/5/2016 Sonnet
    Edit The Eternal Struggle 617 comments 7/4/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Only Devil's Own Hears Each Useless Cry 234 comments 7/1/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Where Vultures Await Victims On Which To Dine 264 comments 6/28/2016 Sonnet
    Edit When The Last Grape Withers On The Vine 271 comments 6/22/2016 Sonnet
    Edit I Fight To Know That My Mind Can Still See 268 comments 6/19/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Came To Me In A Dream 372 comments 6/19/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Across Earthen Sky And Mystical Realms 340 comments 6/15/2016 Sonnet *
    Edit She Gazes Back At Her Path Of Destruction 320 comments 6/11/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Wisdom Found In Looking Back 402 comments 6/9/2016 Sonnet
    Edit This Aching Heart Cracked Like A Weathered Stone 298 comments 6/9/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Vainly Built Fires 345 comments 6/8/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Reaping Whatever Dark Gods Decreed 278 comments 6/7/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Bitter Tears 372 comments 6/5/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Sexiest Legs Ever In Her Short Mini-skirt 366 comments 6/3/2016 Sonnet
    Edit She-Devil 399 comments 5/26/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Our Last Night, Your Touch Truly Divine 289 comments 5/26/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Closer We Get, The Farther We Look Back 376 comments 5/25/2016 Sonnet
    Edit The Woodland Goddess 463 comments 5/24/2016 Rhyme
    Edit You Stood There In Shimmering Light, No Shoes 282 comments 5/20/2016 Sonnet *
    Edit Man Walks In Darkness 374 comments 5/19/2016 Rhyme
    Edit SAD DIZAIN 227 comments 5/19/2016 Dizain
    Edit Where Tongues Cursed We Did Bind 271 comments 5/18/2016 Sonnet
    Edit The Reward 412 comments 5/18/2016 Romanticism
    Edit When You Think World Has Passed You By 481 comments 5/17/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Mermaid's Flight 690 comments 5/15/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Frozen On Mountaintops Snowy White Slopes 330 comments 5/15/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Shall We Survive Long Enough To Learn 391 comments 5/14/2016 Sonnet
    Edit In Moonlight She Came, Her Dark Hair Did Shine 526 comments 5/12/2016 Romanticism
    Edit Ravishing Predawn Vision, Return To Me 351 comments 5/12/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Withered Are Memories Made On False Ground 448 comments 5/11/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Desert Of Overcast Blues 473 comments 5/10/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Sky Still Glows With Sunset Hues Of Red 520 comments 5/9/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Under Tall Midnight Oaks, Darkness Awaits 414 comments 5/8/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Now Your Love, Dwells There In Hellish And Lost Dreams 390 comments 5/5/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Revoke This Lame Ban Of Soup's Dearest Friend 458 comments 5/4/2016 Sonnet
    Edit You Steal My Beauty To Heart With Glee 564 comments 5/4/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Thresholds- A Collaboration 378 comments 5/4/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Under Moldy Soil, Red Moon Overhead 532 comments 5/3/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Where Yellow Moonlight Graced Her Pretty Face 365 comments 5/3/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Bid Them Return With Knowledge Of Eternity 340 comments 5/2/2016 Free verse
    Edit Poetry Thoughts 521 comments 4/30/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Poetry Lives, Dances, Sings and Shouts 337 comments 4/30/2016 Rhyme
    Edit No Sunny Rays Daring To Blast This Heart In Me 322 comments 4/30/2016 Sonnet
    Edit In Prisons Brimming With Their Tears And Lost Gold 342 comments 4/29/2016 Sonnet
    Edit I Walked A Thorny Path Alone 476 comments 4/28/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Seas Of Black Winds, Blast Walls Of Solid Stone 402 comments 4/28/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Earth, Fire And Melted Stone 691 comments 4/27/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Where New Skies Reach Up From Rising Ground 391 comments 4/27/2016 Sonnet
    Edit I Love The Way She Wiggles When She Walks 546 comments 4/26/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Your Beauty, Aromatic Fragrance Of Roses In Full Bloom 475 comments 4/25/2016 Sonnet **
    Edit Like An Old And Worn Battleship Hard And Fast Ran Aground 373 comments 4/24/2016 Sonnet
    Edit In Prisons Brimming With Their Tears And Lost Gold 306 comments 4/23/2016 Sonnet
    Edit As I, Their Weak And Soft Human Flesh, Sat To Eat 348 comments 4/21/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Black Death Among The Shadows Does Gaily Roam 544 comments 4/21/2016 Sonnet
    Edit When They Tire, Give Them A Songbird's Sweetest Glee 372 comments 4/20/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Sunshine's Daily Promises 526 comments 4/19/2016 Sonnet
    Edit With Fantastic Shields Made Of Doubt Proof Steel 337 comments 4/19/2016 Sonnet
    Edit With Hot Flames Lapping In Savory Fires 504 comments 4/17/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Poet's Blessings and Laments 404 comments 4/17/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Blackness Engulfs Rare Beauty Whose Heart There Holds 517 comments 4/16/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Cool Winds Fiercely Bloweth, I Feel Those Deep Cold Chills 388 comments 4/16/2016 Sonnet
    Edit I Am Mortal Man, Made Of Mere Flesh And Bone 491 comments 4/15/2016 Sonnet
    Edit You My Son Shall Venture Forth Without Fear 585 comments 4/13/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Some Of Them Even Came With Wicked Scars 403 comments 4/12/2016 Sonnet
    Edit If A Poet, I Found I Could Never Be 464 comments 4/10/2016 Sonnet
    Edit With Calm Repose I Ponder Earth And Sky 505 comments 4/9/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Life Gives Until Each Spirit Flies Away 401 comments 4/7/2016 Verse
    Edit I Force My Drink, Dark Poison To Swallow 502 comments 4/6/2016 Sonnet
    Edit I Recall Mockingbirds Singing To Me 769 comments 4/3/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Farm Chores, They Sure Aren't A Glowing Parade 830 Sonnet

    Edit Now The Hungry Lion Roars For Release 513 comments 4/1/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Nature And The White Speckled Fawn 566 comments 3/31/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Your Face Glowed Like Brightest Of Rose Flowers 521 comments 3/29/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Such Wonders Are Breathtaking To Behold 985 comments 3/27/2016 Rhyme
    Edit With Nature My Life Stays In Tune 672 comments 3/27/2016 Sonnet
    Edit My Heart Shall Not Fade In Crying Red Rust 499 comments 3/27/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Were It So, Great Mysteries We'd Surely Miss 460 comments 3/25/2016 Sonnet
    Edit The Vision Appears 422 comments 3/24/2016 Free verse
    Edit What Nature Gives Us Each Day 500 comments 3/23/2016 Sonnet
    Edit How Fine Life Is To Man, When His Crops Are All Green 386 comments 3/22/2016 Sonnet
    Edit O' The Deep Wisdom That Man Fails To Seek 500 comments 3/21/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Hobo Walking Past Our House 565 comments 3/19/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Each Day's Travels Just An Echo Of Time 433 comments 3/18/2016 Sonnet
    Edit By This Hope My Spirit Often Measures 533 comments 3/15/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Evil Speaks In Dark Voices To Gift Fear 445 comments 3/15/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Where Green Forests Wrap Desirous Land 463 comments 3/13/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Words To A Wren 586 comments 3/10/2016 Classicism
    Edit Angry Shots At The Bright Howling New Moon 413 comments 3/9/2016 Sonnet
    Edit As Your Cold Heart Denies My Love 369 comments 3/8/2016 Rhyme
    Edit The Winds That Blustering Blow 467 comments 3/8/2016 Sonnet
    Edit God's Poetry Soothes Best 354 comments 3/8/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Hear My Sweet Dreams 591 comments 3/7/2016 Than-Bauk
    Edit Ye May Find Righteous Ardency's Delight 349 comments 3/7/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Upon Misty Morning's Fast Fading Glow 553 comments 3/4/2016 Classicism
    Edit Where Man Walks Blindly Crying All Is Lost 575 comments 3/2/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Fate, Imagination and Dreams 541 comments 2/29/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Hot Hell, No Place For The Weak 547 comments 2/28/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Man Of My Own 659 comments 2/28/2016 Rhyme
    Edit I Cannot Give Account 450 comments 2/27/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Your Romantic Lights It Can Not Replace 482 comments 2/26/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Why Hit Us With Nature's Best 456 comments 2/26/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Lost, At A Most High Cost 494 comments 2/25/2016 Sonnet
    Edit A Diamond Shattering Death 708 comments 2/25/2016 Narrative
    Edit Known Now, A Hidden Sweet Wonder Rarely Known 550 comments 2/22/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Cut Down By Deeds Of History's Warlords 418 comments 2/21/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Our Midnight The Unseen Within 795 comments 2/19/2016 Classicism
    Edit God And Nature Are Foundations In Each Soul 435 comments 2/19/2016 Sonnet
    Edit In Our Vanity We Think Ourselves Above That 449 comments 2/17/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Lets Heal Our Hearts With Love Anew 535 comments 2/17/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Whenever They Perish We Dearly Feel The Loss 391 comments 2/15/2016 Sonnet
    Edit All That He Ever Craved 627 comments 2/14/2016 Free verse
    Edit My Bones Under Trees With Very Deep Roots 404 comments 2/14/2016 Rhyme
    Edit The Vision, In The Magic Hour 513 comments 2/12/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Flowers Adorning Deep Prairie Sunsets 495 comments 2/10/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Love's Greatest Costs Are Pangs Of Deepest Remorse 446 comments 2/10/2016 Sonnet
    Edit You Gave Me No Second Chance 429 comments 2/10/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Birds Sing To Morning Sun Shining Today 687 comments 2/10/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Love Is Too Blind 678 comments 2/9/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Heart Shadows Now Keeping Us Apart, Chain Sonnet 464 comments 2/8/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Corralled Beneath A Slow Sink Of Half-Moons, Number One 500 comments 2/7/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Seeking Out Nature's Pristine Wooded Views 412 comments 2/6/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Death Of A Beloved Friend 803 comments 2/5/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Seek Within Thy Own Merciful Soul's Light 419 comments 2/5/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Vanishing, The Sky's Majestic Blue 398 comments 2/4/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Flightless Old Birds 485 comments 2/4/2016 Rhyme
    Edit A Blessing Tree 845 comments 2/4/2016 Shape
    Edit Until His Red-Heart Weeps 784 comments 2/3/2016 Rhyme
    Edit She Was Semiramis, Dark Deity Of Old 483 comments 2/1/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Sometimes Nature Joins Life's Celebration 518 comments 2/1/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Future's Promise Of Hope Stirs In Us All 494 comments 1/31/2016 Sonnet
    Edit The Deliberate Coin Flip 585 comments 1/30/2016 Rhyme
    Edit In A Darkened Attic Room 813 comments 1/30/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Where The Bluebird Sings 536 comments 1/29/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Against That Pale And Ashen Cold Gray Sky 489 comments 1/28/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Fading Memory, Remembered But Soon Will Be Gone 408 comments 1/28/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Words Heart Rendered 358 comments 1/27/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Tinge Of Purple Rests Within My Heart 451 comments 1/26/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Played The Safe Notes In My Lone Retreat 395 comments 1/25/2016 Sonnet
    Edit That Summer Heat That Stoked My Fires 394 comments 1/25/2016 Rhyme
    Edit I Rested Upon A Tall Mountain Top 439 comments 1/24/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Please, No More Stones 532 comments 1/23/2016 Rhyme
    Edit The Many Colored Robes He Wore 400 comments 1/23/2016 Rhyme
    Edit A Man Of Your Own part two 419 comments 1/19/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Those Youthful Days Were Intensely Sweet 615 comments 1/19/2016 Sonnet
    Edit A Warrior's Blood In His Old Age 664 comments 1/18/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Of Sweet Life, All Blessings Future May Bring 441 comments 1/17/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Bright Red Heart Of Sunset 531 comments 1/16/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Bluest Of Blues While Looking Back 412 comments 1/16/2016 Sonnet
    Edit If We Only Embraced The Could Be's 356 comments 1/15/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Critique On This New And Vague Form I See 306 comments 1/15/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Deep Within This Shallow Vessel I Dwell 421 comments 1/14/2016 Sonnet
    Edit There Was A Valley Meadow Resting There 463 comments 1/14/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Deep In Love's Divine Spark 515 comments 1/14/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Into A Mottled Shade I Sought My Rest 346 comments 1/14/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Are You Still Cursing Sweet Red Sunsets 458 comments 1/13/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Father's Gone 641 comments 1/12/2016 Ekphrasis
    Edit I Remember Fierce Storm That Blew My Life Apart 601 comments 1/12/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Mourn Not, Death Can Be A Gift Too 400 comments 1/12/2016 Rhyme
    Edit She The Young Rose Was Set To Bloom 519 comments 1/11/2016 Verse
    Edit Sweet Child Of Mine 511 comments 1/11/2016 Ekphrasis
    Edit Walk Softly Dear Kelly Ann 338 comments 1/11/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Melancholy Memories 451 comments 1/10/2016 Rhyme
    Edit Two Beach Strolling Sisters Discussing Their Savior 470 comments 1/10/2016 Ekphrasis
    Edit Her Longing Heart Seeks Love's Relief 581 comments 1/10/2016 Ekphrasis
    Edit Relentlessly, I Will Rise 558 comments 1/10/2016 Free verse
    Edit Colorful Fantasy Flights 510 comments 1/9/2016 Ekphrasis
    Edit Truth, Shines Ever So Brightly 824 comments 1/9/2016 Sonnet
    Edit Hidden Lake Resting Between Snowy Peaks 463 comments 1/9/2016 Ekphrasis
    Edit A Painted Gaze 527 comments 1/8/2016 Ekphrasis
    Edit Magical Mountain Where Blue Cat Resides 457 comments 1/8/2016 Ekphrasis

    Edit Deep In My Heart, Sweet Redemption Dwells 226 comments 10/23/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Solitude And Nature Both Please 343 comments 10/23/2015 Acrostic
    Edit Old Maid Hadder, Got Madder And Madder 348 comments 10/21/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Into A Dark Raging Storm, Tempest And Hail 527 comments 10/21/2015 Narrative
    Edit Never Again Will I Dare Lose 321 comments 10/20/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Dreams of The Battle of Thymbra, Lydian Persian War 508 comments 10/20/2015 Narrative
    Edit This Day I Have Your Heart In My Hand 261 comments 10/20/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Red Sunsets On The Blue Hills 523 comments 10/19/2015 Sonnet
    Edit A Wolfish Moon Shines 363 comments 10/19/2015 Quatrain
    Edit He Was A Beast In A Dark Lair Unseen 415 comments 10/18/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Misery Laid Upon Soft Kindled Pine 421 comments 10/18/2015 Ballad
    Edit The Rage,The Destruction And Miracle Of The Light 260 comments 10/18/2015 Free verse
    Edit A Shining Forest Princess My Heart Made 837 comments 10/17/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Be It Ancient Tree Or Skimming Skylark 246 comments 10/17/2015 Sonnet
    Edit The Birds, They Were So Silent, Revised 243 comments 10/16/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Tempests That Eat Upon Stony Shores 398 comments 10/16/2015 Sonnet
    Edit A Phantom Or A Dream In Reality 272 comments 10/14/2015 Free verse
    Edit Brave Conquerors Of Weakened Tribes 845 comments 10/14/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Dreams Seeds Planted 616 comments 10/14/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Calm Sea Tumbling With Contentment 281 comments 10/13/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Deathless Aches, Heart's Desires 426 comments 10/13/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Ghost Of My Ghost, A Much Safer Me 287 comments 10/13/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Where Now Shines Light and Love 435 comments 10/12/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Ancient Tree, How Inspiring It Be 355 comments 10/11/2015 Sonnet
    Edit The Succubus Returns To Engorge and Bleed 284 comments 10/11/2015 Rhyme
    Edit New Age Poetry For The Silly Masses 1320 comments 10/10/2015 Free verse
    Edit I Write Of Ghosts On Papers Flat 235 comments 10/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Flowers Are Miracles That Grow 419 comments 10/9/2015 Acrostic
    Edit Bitter Memories of Dark Rain's Wrath 233 comments 10/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Hades and Tormented Souls, the Dwelling 327 comments 10/7/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Death's Often Promises A Needed Relief 399 comments 10/6/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Cold Death Savages, So Spring's Life Will Grow 401 comments 10/6/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Sun Rose, She Saw Her Dead Lover's Face 345 comments 10/6/2015 Narrative
    Edit Magic Road, Where Will It Lead 341 comments 10/5/2015 Rhyme
    Edit A Look Inward 382 comments 10/4/2015 Free verse
    Edit Tyrian Sails Across Stormy Seas Sailed 540 comments 10/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Aching Nights And Hopelessly Sad Morn 277 comments 10/3/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Bittersweet, Former Exultations 334 comments 10/3/2015 Rhyme
    Edit An Invitation To Poe's Dark Prison 377 comments 10/2/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Those Exotic Enchanting Eyes And Long Dark Curls 496 comments 10/2/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Early Winter Farm Chores 982 comments 10/1/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Terrible Heartache, A Soul Wants No More 224 comments 10/1/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Saw Butterflies Drinking Rain 697 comments 9/30/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Well of Memory Calls My Heart And Soul 253 comments 9/28/2015 Sonnet
    Edit In Response To My First Poem 480 comments 9/28/2015 Sonnet
    Edit The Golden Winged Angel Arrives 299 comments 9/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Our Games Played Between Soft Silk Sheets 386 comments 9/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Shining Mister Black 1550 comments 9/27/2015 Sonnet
    Edit River Sonnet, Number One 416 comments 9/27/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Love, Betrayal and Dirty Dishes 790 comments 9/27/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Hate, A Raging God Unto Its Darkened Crown 322 comments 9/26/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Wretched Creatures That Live To Deceive 330 comments 9/26/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Fate Graces Me Now, A Rainbow Filling Up My Sky 248 comments 9/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Bitter Tears Will Never Stain Your Face 346 comments 9/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit In My Dreams , Dream Weaver Weaves 366 comments 9/24/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Spring And Sunlight Wrap This Heavenly View 302 comments 9/24/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Stand In The Shadow Of A Tall Mountain 504 comments 9/23/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Dark Curse, The Monster and His Act Of Vengeance Averted 313 comments 9/22/2015 Rhyme
    Edit A Storm, A Tempest And A Hope 435 comments 9/22/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Dead Men Do Tell Tales 678 comments 9/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Return Of The Bright Red Sun 245 comments 9/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Untitled Sonnet 351 comments 9/20/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Where I Rest My Tired Soul And Dream With No Fear 432 comments 9/20/2015 Sonnet
    Edit April, Sweet Sounds Of Life 334 comments 9/20/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Let Fate Render A Verdict So Fair 307 comments 9/19/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Thinking Only Of His Hungry Children's Pleas 455 comments 9/19/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Dark And Twisted, Another Bloody Body Awaits 518 comments 9/19/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Autumn Scenes As Nature Presents 692 comments 9/18/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Ask Not Why You Reap Such Ills 360 comments 9/15/2015 Sonnet
    Edit We Held The Fire And Ate The Blaze 292 comments 9/14/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Heaven Glowing In Harmony Non-Stop 378 comments 9/14/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Poet's Dream, Lover's Lament, Loss Echoes Into Dark Pits 290 comments 9/13/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Brave Men Wade Into Shadows On Death's Ground 368 comments 9/12/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Inside My Head, My Muse Too Often Rages 529 comments 9/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Shadow Mist, Fear Of Past Sins 370 comments 9/9/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Soft Whispers, Blowing In The Wind 320 comments 9/9/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Landing In My True Love, My Angel Soars Down 229 comments 9/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Skies Raining Down On Thirsty Ground 628 comments 9/7/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Those Times, When Memories Are Better Than Gold 386 comments 9/6/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Faith In A Dream A'calling 371 comments 9/6/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Birthday Wishes, Without Loving Family Memories Life Is Devoid 340 comments 9/5/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Wet Tears,Rain From The Sad Weep 341 comments 9/5/2015 Rhyme
    Edit No Principle Stands Alone 574 comments 9/4/2015 Sonnet
    Edit A Night Walk, Nature Then Talks 665 comments 9/3/2015 Rhyme
    Edit No Reprieve For The Lost, Battered Soul 269 comments 9/3/2015 Sonnet
    Edit The Gunfighter Was Ready 597 comments 9/1/2015 Narrative
    Edit What Fantasy, Just To Think To Touch Her Curves 334 comments 8/31/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Greatest Monster From Heaven Ever Fell 259 comments 8/30/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Our Private Moments, Dreams In Fairy Fields 223 comments 8/29/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Sweet Words, Touches, Nights Of Pure Bliss 251 comments 8/29/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Golden Were The Moments Stolen To Be Alone 296 comments 8/28/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Loving A Beautiful Vanishing Spirit 377 comments 8/28/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Risking The Perils Of The Long Road 260 comments 8/26/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Tumid River of Acheron , the journey, final revision 442 comments 8/26/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Forever Lost Within Her Evil Dreams 327 comments 8/24/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Moon Shadow , Brings Night's Love Tryst 346 comments 8/24/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Hope Held, Forever Loving Like This 243 comments 8/24/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Blackness Descending 353 comments 8/23/2015 Rhyme
    Edit She That Sought Stars, Caught Only Me 282 comments 8/23/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Old And Holding Aces 475 comments 8/22/2015 Sonnet

    Edit Great Love Lost, Truth Only Then Found 358 comments 6/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Awaiting The Great Mists Of Transcending Time 407 comments 6/9/2015 Rhyme
    Edit A Song That Lives On Just To Thrive 514 comments 6/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Majesty Of The Bird Of Prey 656 comments 6/8/2015 6/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Hold My Loving Hand Gently In Your Hand 332 comments 6/6/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Will Write Words That Eat Out Of My Darkened Soul 306 comments 6/5/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Lost And Too Blind To Ever Again See 240 comments 6/5/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Heaven Reaching Down 646 comments 6/5/2015 Cinquain
    Edit In Sky's Thundering Heart 356 comments 6/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Memories Of Crossing Fires And True Romance 300 comments 6/3/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Will Rise, Above Heart's Weakness 704 comments 6/2/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Within The Mind, A Storm Blasts Out Flashes 366 comments 6/1/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Death Is Not The End 561 comments 6/1/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Hidden Sanctuary 324 comments 5/31/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Deadest Hope In The World 455 comments 5/30/2015 Sonnet
    Edit When The Bells Are All Broken 350 comments 5/30/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Waking To The Call Of A Mockingbird 658 comments 5/29/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Because Baby, I Sit Here Naked And Alone 442 comments 5/28/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Poetry, Lost In My Thoughts 486 comments 5/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Three Moons Barking 378 comments 5/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Forgotten Love, So Deeply Regretted 372 comments 5/26/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Remove Illusion And Its Dark Mask 517 comments 5/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Prayer Cried Out In The Storming Waves 641 comments 5/24/2015 Narrative
    Edit The Goddess of Nature, A Visit 700 comments 5/24/2015 Free verse
    Edit Wood Fairies There Often Play 595 comments 5/23/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Where Led That Path Not Taken 454 comments 5/22/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Weather Colloquy 360 comments 5/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Death of My Father 391 comments 5/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Huge Blue Eyes That Speak 383 comments 5/19/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Five Dark Devils 334 comments 5/17/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Darkness Comes, Revelation Part One 357 comments 5/17/2015 Rhyme
    Edit So Fleet, The Monster's Retreat 487 comments 5/16/2015 Rhyme
    Edit This World Reeks In Deep Decay 837 comments 5/16/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Blues, Shoes and Dancing 353 comments 5/16/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Black Snake Squirmed Out Of My Head 341 comments 5/15/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Reality Bites 409 comments 5/14/2015 Rhyme
    Edit My Girlfriend's Legs 314 comments 5/13/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The View 493 comments 5/13/2015 Narrative
    Edit I Prefer Those Daring To Just Write 368 comments 5/11/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Monkey Eating Figs 658 comments 5/10/2015 Free verse
    Edit O Truth, Where Is Thy Needed Sting 374 comments 5/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Farmer's Lament 1247 comments 5/9/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Search 323 comments 5/9/2015 Free verse
    Edit This Old House Comforts Me 545 comments 5/9/2015 Sonnet
    Edit My Last Sonnet 294 comments 5/8/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Vanity, Seed For Destruction 353 comments 5/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit In Gory Red Haze, Brave Men Weep And Moan 351 comments 5/7/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Where The Owls Roost, The Moon Shines Brightest 355 comments 5/6/2015 Rhyme
    Edit A Tomb Built For A Fool 281 comments 5/6/2015 Free verse
    Edit Off With Their Filthy Heads 483 comments 5/6/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Pity, The Bread Where Sorrow Rests 339 comments 5/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Walked A Long Summer Lane 410 comments 5/3/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Evil That Always Takes Its Toll 566 comments 5/3/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Fairest Summer Weather, O' What A Boon 455 comments 5/3/2015 Sonnet
    Edit O' How I Hated That Damn Ground 365 comments 5/2/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Broken Trust, Dying Of Love 618 comments 4/30/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Old Prospector, The Crazy Old Fool 566 comments 4/29/2015 Rhyme
    Edit This Blessing, Angel That Was Sent 499 comments 4/28/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Weeping For Your Sweet Hand 385 comments 4/27/2015 Ballade
    Edit Lament Of A Former Dark Soul 341 comments 4/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The White Stallion Arrives 461 comments 4/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Gentle Wind Sonnet 481 comments 4/26/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Father's Advice On Being A Man - For Adult Contest 338 comments 4/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Once Touched All Time Stands Still 310 comments 4/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Upon The Gallows Stands The Condemned 527 comments 4/24/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Moon Goddess, Comes Down 329 comments 4/23/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Steal the Kiss, By Wily Means 523 comments 4/23/2015 Narrative
    Edit Dreams, Battles and Waking To Rejoice 254 comments 4/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Old Campfire Memories Still Endure 684 comments 4/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Have Been Living It Up Ever Since 313 comments 4/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Old Dog, Can Learn New Tricks 737 comments 4/19/2015 Narrative
    Edit My Lucky Dog Surely Has No Fleas 642 comments 4/19/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Among The Trees Lay My Ashes All About 419 comments 4/18/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Ode To A Former Wild Life 371 comments 4/18/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Dawning Of Light Relieves My Shaken Heart 400 comments 4/15/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Consider, What Is It All Worth 483 comments 4/15/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Angel With A Red Rose Blowing In Her Hair 513 comments 4/14/2015 Rhyme **
    Edit Dancing In A Glen Far Away And Dark 371 comments 4/13/2015 I do not know?
    Edit Hard Work And Sweat Turned We Boys Into Men 579 comments 4/13/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Consider The Moment You Wake This Coming Morn 400 comments 4/12/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Honey For The Rose Says A Wizened Sage 320 comments 4/12/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Walking Streets Paved With Nameless Stones 399 comments 4/11/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Tumid River of Acheron -The Journey Part One-Revised 454 comments 4/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Grains Of Sand, Pretending To Be Boulders 385 comments 4/9/2015 Couplet
    Edit On Lord Byron 342 comments 4/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Body And Soul Had To Part 272 comments 4/7/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Arrogant Creatures All Lost In Vanity 482 comments 4/7/2015 Rhyme
    Edit When I Slumber Where Rushing Waters Play 423 comments 4/6/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Revised- As The Midnight Moon Shines Upon Her Eyes 519 comments 4/4/2015 Sonnet
    Edit The Storm's Fury, Can Be Tempered 435 comments 4/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Depths Of Loneliness 993 comments 4/2/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I See You In The Earth, Wind And Sky 420 comments 4/1/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Sit Beside This Gentle Flowing Stream 376 comments 4/1/2015 Rhyme
    Edit In Defeating You, I Slay The World You Live In 411 comments 3/31/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Brave Actions Dispel The Darkest Of Foes 541 comments 3/31/2015 Rhyme
    Edit My Love, You Taught Me To Ride A Hurricane 421 comments 3/31/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Guardian of the Light 372 comments 3/29/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Did The Tree Spirits Die Too 475 comments 3/28/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Asking How Your Beauty Can Be 309 comments 3/22/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Dead Men Do Tell Tales 641 comments 3/21/2015 Rhyme

    Edit They In Love, Both Sought To Teach 358 comments 3/19/2015 Rhyme
    Edit This Will Be My Last Romance 369 comments 3/18/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Sought To Touch All The Burning Fires 466 comments 3/18/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Last Letter 380 comments 3/17/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Prisoner Awaits Release 430 comments 3/16/2015 Rhyme
    Edit A Penny For Your Thoughts 811 comments 3/14/2015 Sonnet
    Edit The Broken Heart And Last Desperate Plea 458 comments 3/12/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Twins Now Captured And Bound 437 comments 3/11/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Confessions Of A Poet 385 comments 3/9/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Dancer 354 comments 3/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Weep Not For My Many Pains 324 comments 3/7/2015 Triolet
    Edit Heartache, A Plea To A Lover 301 comments 3/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Best Any Mother Ever Birthed And Reared 441 comments 2/27/2015 Sonnet
    Edit We Once Danced Into The Midnight Rain 418 comments 2/26/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Dreaming of Elysian Fields 568 comments 2/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Graced By Skies With Multi-Colored Blues 489 comments 2/24/2015 Rhyme **
    Edit To Truly Love and Drink The Cold, Cold Beer 553 comments 2/22/2015 Rhyme
    Edit On The High Mountaintop I See The Stars 523 comments 2/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Untitled, Unredeemed and Unrequited 416 comments 2/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Refusing To Cry, You To Ever Yield 549 comments 2/18/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Lost In Love's Ancient Echoes 571 comments 2/17/2015 Rhyme **
    Edit O' To Live With Nature Again 473 comments 2/15/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Hell-Hound Allows No Souls Out 846 comments 2/14/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Shining Fruits From A Solid Tree 626 comments 2/14/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Where Now Sings The Sweetest Morning Lark 590 comments 2/12/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Tenebrosi Diabolus , Funesta Pugna 506 comments 2/11/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Rising Early From My Bed, Close To Noon 932 comments 2/9/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Her Tears Fell Like Drops Of Spring Rain 547 comments 2/8/2015 Rhyme *
    Edit For The Love Of Coffee, I Tarry 702 comments 2/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Every Tree Has Heavenly Roots 619 comments 2/7/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Can Not Wash Away All Your Pain 849 comments 2/5/2015 Rhyme
    Edit To My Fellow Poets, Know That You Are Thus Bound 559 comments 2/5/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Find In Our Eternity, Sweet Love 687 comments 2/3/2015 Rhyme *
    Edit I Lay My Desires Deep Into You 908 comments 1/31/2015 Rhyme
    Edit In Desolation She Stands 592 comments 1/30/2015 Free verse
    Edit Resting Under My Favorite Old Tree 786 comments 1/29/2015 Rhyme **
    Edit As Midnight Moon Shines Upon Her Eyes 999 comments 1/27/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Within Sweet Dreams Her Lover Resides 760 comments 1/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Danced Into Heaven On Feet So Very Fast 565 comments 1/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Those Sounds That Now Arrive In Early Morn 467 comments 1/24/2015 Rhyme**
    Edit In Dunkersfield Lies A Neglected Grave 817 comments 1/23/2015 Narrative
    Edit Sex Wrapped In A Song 841 comments 1/22/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Poets Dream To Inspire Others 719 comments 1/18/2015 Rhyme
    Edit She A Princess God Hath Made 964 comments 1/13/2015 Rhyme **
    Edit Lake, Water and Sun 968 comments 1/11/2015 Quintain (English)
    Edit Gasping Stars Look Down Upon My Tired Soul 1250 comments 1/11/2015 Rhyme

    Edit Stones In The Honeyed Ring Of Time 1040 comments 1/10/2015 Sonnet *
    Edit Eating Fire Yet Feeling No Burns 701 comments 1/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Against The Wind, My Reward Now 808 comments 1/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Welcoming Our Little Ty 566 comments 1/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Curves Of Those Sensual Lips 1829 comments 1/5/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Ecstacy Of Her Touch 680 comments 1/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit And The Piper Played On 808 comments 1/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Memories Of Bygone Days 1207 comments 1/3/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Night Of The August Moon 819 comments 1/1/2015 Rhyme
    Edit A Darkened Path 703 comments 1/1/2015 Verse
    Edit Nature's Goddess Came To Greet 783 comments 12/31/2014 Rhyme **
    Edit Disappearing Ship With Shadow At The Prow 745 comments 12/28/2014 Rhyme **
    Edit Into Each Night I Now Endure 736 comments 12/22/2014 Rhyme *
    Edit For Darkness I Now Plea 643 comments 12/18/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Light or Dark, We Choose To See 701 comments 12/12/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Ten Years Today, Our Love 750 comments 12/10/2014 Rhyme
    Edit I Can't Breathe 1008 comments 12/8/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Man's Quest For A Greater Future 1217 comments 12/7/2014 Rhyme
    Edit As I Hold Her Under This, Merciful God's Moon 960 comments 12/5/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Myself, Armed Only With A Dying Flame 886 comments 12/3/2014 Rhyme **
    Edit A Single Soul Cries Out 854 comments 12/2/2014 Rhyme
    Edit For Her , I'd Gladly Bleed 712 comments 11/30/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Every Dog Starts As A Surly Cur 788 comments 11/28/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Sunshine Eats Its Armor 790 comments 11/25/2014 Free verse
    Edit Hear Me , My Lover, Please Sail On Back 647 comments 11/24/2014 Rhyme
    Edit The Birds, They Were So Silent 873 comments 11/23/2014 Rhyme
    Edit She, That Eats Hearts and Worlds 810 comments 11/21/2014 Rhyme
    Edit After The Storm, Rebirth 963 comments 11/17/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Your Love, My Every Thought 908 comments 11/16/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Just A Simple Man , That Is Me 784 comments 11/13/2014 Rhyme
    Edit A Dream That Came True 2074 comments 11/10/2014 Narrative
    Edit Plea From A Dark Soul 881 comments 11/10/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Sawing Firewood For My Dad, Again 937 comments 11/9/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Darken Lightly, The Bitter Harvest 614 comments 11/8/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Softly the Hand of a Mother 623 comments 11/6/2014 Rhyme
    Edit November Chills Remind Me 682 comments 11/4/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Hope Gives New Heart 609 comments 10/22/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Fall Sets To Turn 821 comments 10/19/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Great Spirit, Hear Me 869 comments 10/19/2014 Rhyme
    Edit MY SOUL AND I 572 comments 10/15/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Soul Seeks Its Maker 698 comments 10/12/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Shades of Poe , Speaketh 1076 comments 10/12/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Tentacles Of My Heart 702 comments 10/11/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Cowboys in the Badlands 1102 comments 10/11/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Et Portae Inferi Non Valebit, Gates of Hell shall not Prevail 620 comments 10/11/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Captive Needs A Release 582 comments 10/10/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Monsters Fear Me 1134 comments 10/9/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Another Day, Hope Returns 703 comments 10/8/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Birthing Loving Merciful Trees 677 comments 10/7/2014 Sonnet
    Edit The Witch That Sought To Curse Me 825 comments 10/6/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Death, You Do Not Win 1050 comments 10/5/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Halloween , The Undead Rise 955 comments 10/4/2014 Rhyme
    Edit The Planting 921 comments 10/1/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Burning Our Dreams Into Cold, Dark Ashes 644 comments 9/29/2014 Rhyme


    Edit Gone, Our Days Dancing In The Splashing Rain 399 comments 6/11/2015 Rhyme
    Edit God's Word Never Fails Us 675 comments 6/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Shining Gods Of Poisoned Seas 281 comments 6/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Great Love Lost, Truth Only Then Found 358 comments 6/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Awaiting The Great Mists Of Transcending Time 407 comments 6/9/2015 Rhyme
    Edit A Song That Lives On Just To Thrive 514 comments 6/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Majesty Of The Bird Of Prey 656 comments 6/8/2015 6/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Hold My Loving Hand Gently In Your Hand 332 comments 6/6/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Will Write Words That Eat Out Of My Darkened Soul 306 comments 6/5/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Lost And Too Blind To Ever Again See 240 comments 6/5/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Heaven Reaching Down 648 comments 6/5/2015 Cinquain
    Edit In Sky's Thundering Heart 357 comments 6/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Memories Of Crossing Fires And True Romance 301 comments 6/3/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Will Rise, Above Heart's Weakness 704 comments 6/2/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Within The Mind, A Storm Blasts Out Flashes 366 comments 6/1/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Death Is Not The End 562 comments 6/1/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Hidden Sanctuary 324 comments 5/31/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Deadest Hope In The World 455 comments 5/30/2015 Sonnet
    Edit When The Bells Are All Broken 350 comments 5/30/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Waking To The Call Of A Mockingbird 660 comments 5/29/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Because Baby, I Sit Here Naked And Alone 442 comments 5/28/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Poetry, Lost In My Thoughts 487 comments 5/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Three Moons Barking 378 comments 5/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Forgotten Love, So Deeply Regretted 372 comments 5/26/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Remove Illusion And Its Dark Mask 518 comments 5/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Prayer Cried Out In The Storming Waves 641 comments 5/24/2015 Narrative
    Edit The Goddess of Nature, A Visit 700 comments 5/24/2015 Free verse
    Edit Wood Fairies There Often Play 595 comments 5/23/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Where Led That Path Not Taken 454 comments 5/22/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Weather Colloquy 361 comments 5/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Death of My Father 391 comments 5/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Huge Blue Eyes That Speak 383 comments 5/19/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Five Dark Devils 334 comments 5/17/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Darkness Comes, Revelation Part One 357 comments 5/17/2015 Rhyme
    Edit So Fleet, The Monster's Retreat 487 comments 5/16/2015 Rhyme
    Edit This World Reeks In Deep Decay 837 comments 5/16/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Blues, Shoes and Dancing 353 comments 5/16/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Black Snake Squirmed Out Of My Head 341 comments 5/15/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Reality Bites 409 comments 5/14/2015 Rhyme
    Edit My Girlfriend's Legs 314 comments 5/13/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The View 494 comments 5/13/2015 Narrative
    Edit I Prefer Those Daring To Just Write 368 comments 5/11/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Monkey Eating Figs 658 comments 5/10/2015 Free verse
    Edit O Truth, Where Is Thy Needed Sting 374 comments 5/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Farmer's Lament 1247 comments 5/9/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Search 324 comments 5/9/2015 Free verse
    Edit This Old House Comforts Me 545 comments 5/9/2015 Sonnet
    Edit My Last Sonnet 294 comments 5/8/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Vanity, Seed For Destruction 353 comments 5/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit In Gory Red Haze, Brave Men Weep And Moan 351 comments 5/7/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Where The Owls Roost, The Moon Shines Brightest 355 comments 5/6/2015 Rhyme
    Edit A Tomb Built For A Fool 281 comments 5/6/2015 Free verse
    Edit Off With Their Filthy Heads 483 comments 5/6/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Pity, The Bread Where Sorrow Rests 339 comments 5/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Walked A Long Summer Lane 411 comments 5/3/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Evil That Always Takes Its Toll 566 comments 5/3/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Fairest Summer Weather, O' What A Boon 455 comments 5/3/2015 Sonnet
    Edit O' How I Hated That Damn Ground 365 comments 5/2/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Broken Trust, Dying Of Love 618 comments 4/30/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Old Prospector, The Crazy Old Fool 566 comments 4/29/2015 Rhyme
    Edit This Blessing, Angel That Was Sent 499 comments 4/28/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Weeping For Your Sweet Hand 386 comments 4/27/2015 Ballade
    Edit Lament Of A Former Dark Soul 343 comments 4/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The White Stallion Arrives 462 comments 4/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Gentle Wind Sonnet 481 comments 4/26/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Father's Advice On Being A Man - For Adult Contest 339 comments 4/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Once Touched All Time Stands Still 310 comments 4/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Upon The Gallows Stands The Condemned 527 comments 4/24/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Moon Goddess, Comes Down 329 comments 4/23/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Steal the Kiss, By Wily Means 523 comments 4/23/2015 Narrative
    Edit Dreams, Battles and Waking To Rejoice 254 comments 4/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Old Campfire Memories Still Endure 684 comments 4/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Have Been Living It Up Ever Since 313 comments 4/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Old Dog, Can Learn New Tricks 739 comments 4/19/2015 Narrative
    Edit My Lucky Dog Surely Has No Fleas 642 comments 4/19/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Among The Trees Lay My Ashes All About 419 comments 4/18/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Ode To A Former Wild Life 372 comments 4/18/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Dawning Of Light Relieves My Shaken Heart 400 comments 4/15/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Consider, What Is It All Worth 483 comments 4/15/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Angel With A Red Rose Blowing In Her Hair 513 comments 4/14/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Dancing In A Glen Far Away And Dark 371 comments 4/13/2015 I do not know?
    Edit Hard Work And Sweat Turned We Boys Into Men 579 comments 4/13/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Consider The Moment You Wake This Coming Morn 400 comments 4/12/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Honey For The Rose Says A Wizened Sage 320 comments 4/12/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Walking Streets Paved With Nameless Stones 399 comments 4/11/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Tumid River of Acheron -The Journey Part One-Revised 454 comments 4/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Grains Of Sand, Pretending To Be Boulders 385 comments 4/9/2015 Couplet
    Edit On Lord Byron 342 comments 4/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Body And Soul Had To Part 272 comments 4/7/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Arrogant Creatures All Lost In Vanity 482 comments 4/7/2015 Rhyme
    Edit When I Slumber Where Rushing Waters Play 423 comments 4/6/2015 Sonnet *
    Edit Revised- As The Midnight Moon Shines Upon Her Eyes 519 comments 4/4/2015 Sonnet *
    Edit The Storm's Fury, Can Be Tempered 435 comments 4/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Depths Of Loneliness 993 comments 4/2/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I See You In The Earth, Wind And Sky 420 comments 4/1/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Sit Beside This Gentle Flowing Stream 376 comments 4/1/2015 Rhyme
    Edit In Defeating You, I Slay The World You Live In 411 comments 3/31/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Brave Actions Dispel The Darkest Of Foes 541 comments 3/31/2015 Rhyme
    Edit My Love, You Taught Me To Ride A Hurricane 421 comments 3/31/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Guardian of the Light 372 comments 3/29/2015 Rhyme

    Stop here, too tired to bother removing comment stats and other useless info as I did with the first copied page...

    Will work on the poem tomorrow perhaps. This old age crap taint all its been heaped up to be....

    The start- poem first draft====

    Before me, there a beautiful lady stood
    Pray I, my eternal love you see
    Fair maiden, forever this true love hold
    In thy love-realm I would gladly live and die

    You stood there in shimmering light, no shoes
    Lost in love's ancient echoes
    Graced by skies with multi-colored blues
    Resting under my favorite old tree

    I beg to yet again kiss thy sweet precious lips
    Never greater shall ever come again
    From thy soul, thy true romantic passion drips
    Upon misty morning's fast fading glow

    In dreams, we danced in flowered meadows
    Place beyond the horizon, dwelling in sunset's red
    Across earthen sky and mystical realms
    Find in our eternity, sweet love

    Stones in the honeyed ring of time
    Her tears fell like drops of Spring Rain
    She a princess God hath made
    Angel with a red rose blowing in her hair

    Myself, armed only with dying flame
    Her smile, the quest to once again embrace
    Nature's Goddess came to greet
    Disappearing ship with shadow at the prow

    O' I wept, tears shattering broken souls
    Love truly lost, forever vanishes
    Into each night I now endure
    Gasping stars look down upon my tired soul

    first draft- date- 1-11- 2017

    ^^^^^ Stopping here to evaluate and decide if edits needed or if 4 to 8 more verse are needed.
    Also to decide on a title..-Tyr

    ************************************************** ******
    ************************************************** *******

    Poem finished, Was posted in special thread as is seen above..--Tyr

    77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777

    Edit Gone, Our Days Dancing In The Splashing Rain 399 comments 6/11/2015 Rhyme *
    Edit God's Word Never Fails Us 675 comments 6/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Shining Gods Of Poisoned Seas 281 comments 6/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Great Love Lost, Truth Only Then Found 358 comments 6/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Awaiting The Great Mists Of Transcending Time 407 comments 6/9/2015 Rhyme *
    Edit A Song That Lives On Just To Thrive 514 comments 6/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Majesty Of The Bird Of Prey 656 comments 6/8/2015 6/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Hold My Loving Hand Gently In Your Hand 332 comments 6/6/2015 Rhyme *
    Edit I Will Write Words That Eat Out Of My Darkened Soul 306 comments 6/5/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Lost And Too Blind To Ever Again See 240 comments 6/5/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Heaven Reaching Down 648 comments 6/5/2015 Cinquain
    Edit In Sky's Thundering Heart 357 comments 6/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Memories Of Crossing Fires And True Romance 301 comments 6/3/2015 Rhyme *
    Edit I Will Rise, Above Heart's Weakness 704 comments 6/2/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Within The Mind, A Storm Blasts Out Flashes 366 comments 6/1/2015 Rhyme *
    Edit Death Is Not The End 562 comments 6/1/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Hidden Sanctuary 324 comments 5/31/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Deadest Hope In The World 455 comments 5/30/2015 Sonnet
    Edit When The Bells Are All Broken 350 comments 5/30/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Waking To The Call Of A Mockingbird 660 comments 5/29/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Because Baby, I Sit Here Naked And Alone 442 comments 5/28/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Poetry, Lost In My Thoughts 487 comments 5/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Three Moons Barking 378 comments 5/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Forgotten Love, So Deeply Regretted 372 comments 5/26/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Remove Illusion And Its Dark Mask 518 comments 5/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Prayer Cried Out In The Storming Waves 641 comments 5/24/2015 Narrative
    Edit The Goddess of Nature, A Visit 700 comments 5/24/2015 Free verse
    Edit Wood Fairies There Often Play 595 comments 5/23/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Where Led That Path Not Taken 454 comments 5/22/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Weather Colloquy 361 comments 5/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Death of My Father 391 comments 5/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Huge Blue Eyes That Speak 383 comments 5/19/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Five Dark Devils 334 comments 5/17/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Darkness Comes, Revelation Part One 357 comments 5/17/2015 Rhyme
    Edit So Fleet, The Monster's Retreat 487 comments 5/16/2015 Rhyme
    Edit This World Reeks In Deep Decay 837 comments 5/16/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Blues, Shoes and Dancing 353 comments 5/16/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Black Snake Squirmed Out Of My Head 341 comments 5/15/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Reality Bites 409 comments 5/14/2015 Rhyme
    Edit My Girlfriend's Legs 314 comments 5/13/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The View 494 comments 5/13/2015 Narrative
    Edit I Prefer Those Daring To Just Write 368 comments 5/11/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Monkey Eating Figs 658 comments 5/10/2015 Free verse
    Edit O Truth, Where Is Thy Needed Sting 374 comments 5/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Farmer's Lament 1247 comments 5/9/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Search 324 comments 5/9/2015 Free verse
    Edit This Old House Comforts Me 545 comments 5/9/2015 Sonnet
    Edit My Last Sonnet 294 comments 5/8/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Vanity, Seed For Destruction 353 comments 5/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit In Gory Red Haze, Brave Men Weep And Moan 351 comments 5/7/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Where The Owls Roost, The Moon Shines Brightest 355 comments 5/6/2015 Rhyme
    Edit A Tomb Built For A Fool 281 comments 5/6/2015 Free verse
    Edit Off With Their Filthy Heads 483 comments 5/6/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Pity, The Bread Where Sorrow Rests 339 comments 5/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Walked A Long Summer Lane 411 comments 5/3/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Evil That Always Takes Its Toll 566 comments 5/3/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Fairest Summer Weather, O' What A Boon 455 comments 5/3/2015 Sonnet
    Edit O' How I Hated That Damn Ground 365 comments 5/2/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Broken Trust, Dying Of Love 618 comments 4/30/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Old Prospector, The Crazy Old Fool 566 comments 4/29/2015 Rhyme
    Edit This Blessing, Angel That Was Sent 499 comments 4/28/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Weeping For Your Sweet Hand 386 comments 4/27/2015 Ballade
    Edit Lament Of A Former Dark Soul 343 comments 4/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The White Stallion Arrives 462 comments 4/27/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Gentle Wind Sonnet 481 comments 4/26/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Father's Advice On Being A Man - For Adult Contest 339 comments 4/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Once Touched All Time Stands Still 310 comments 4/25/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Upon The Gallows Stands The Condemned 527 comments 4/24/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Moon Goddess, Comes Down 329 comments 4/23/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Steal the Kiss, By Wily Means 523 comments 4/23/2015 Narrative
    Edit Dreams, Battles and Waking To Rejoice 254 comments 4/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Old Campfire Memories Still Endure 684 comments 4/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I Have Been Living It Up Ever Since 313 comments 4/21/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Old Dog, Can Learn New Tricks 739 comments 4/19/2015 Narrative
    Edit My Lucky Dog Surely Has No Fleas 642 comments 4/19/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Among The Trees Lay My Ashes All About 419 comments 4/18/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Ode To A Former Wild Life 372 comments 4/18/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Dawning Of Light Relieves My Shaken Heart 400 comments 4/15/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Consider, What Is It All Worth 483 comments 4/15/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Angel With A Red Rose Blowing In Her Hair 513 comments 4/14/2015 Rhyme*
    Edit Dancing In A Glen Far Away And Dark 371 comments 4/13/2015 I do not know?
    Edit Hard Work And Sweat Turned We Boys Into Men 579 comments 4/13/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Consider The Moment You Wake This Coming Morn 400 comments 4/12/2015 Rhyme *!
    Edit Honey For The Rose Says A Wizened Sage 320 comments 4/12/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Walking Streets Paved With Nameless Stones 399 comments 4/11/2015 Rhyme *
    Edit The Tumid River of Acheron -The Journey Part One-Revised 454 comments 4/10/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Grains Of Sand, Pretending To Be Boulders 385 comments 4/9/2015 Couplet *
    Edit On Lord Byron 342 comments 4/8/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Body And Soul Had To Part 272 comments 4/7/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Arrogant Creatures All Lost In Vanity 482 comments 4/7/2015 Rhyme
    Edit When I Slumber Where Rushing Waters Play 423 comments 4/6/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Revised- As The Midnight Moon Shines Upon Her Eyes 519 comments 4/4/2015 Sonnet
    Edit The Storm's Fury, Can Be Tempered 435 comments 4/4/2015 Rhyme
    Edit The Depths Of Loneliness 993 comments 4/2/2015 Rhyme
    Edit I See You In The Earth, Wind And Sky 420 comments 4/1/2015 Rhyme
    Edit Sit Beside This Gentle Flowing Stream 376 comments 4/1/2015 Rhyme *
    Edit In Defeating You, I Slay The World You Live In 411 comments 3/31/2015 Sonnet
    Edit Brave Actions Dispel The Darkest Of Foes 541 comments 3/31/2015 Rhyme
    Edit My Love, You Taught Me To Ride A Hurricane 421 comments 3/31/2015 Rhyme *
    Edit Guardian of the Light 372 comments 3/29/2015 Rhyme

    Edit Halloween , The Undead Rise 955 comments 10/4/2014 Rhyme
    Edit The Planting 921 comments 10/1/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Burning Our Dreams Into Cold, Dark Ashes 644 comments 9/29/2014 Rhyme
    Edit As I Lift My Eyes To See Heaven 703 comments 9/28/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Falling Into Her Vision From The Start 658 comments 9/27/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Darker than the Cavern, No Relief 769 comments 9/27/2014 Rhyme
    Edit My Life, Mountains Dropping Pebbles 696 comments 9/26/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Morning Dew Glistens in Anticipation 1228 comments 9/24/2014 Sonnet *
    Edit Nights So Love-locked In Your Arms 749 comments 9/24/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Love's Road, Now So Lonely 674 comments 9/23/2014 Rhyme
    Edit The Promise, A Vow Broken 545 comments 9/22/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Dark River That Sought To Flood 878 comments 9/21/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Longing For You 714 comments 9/19/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Death of my Friend 3923 comments 9/18/2014 Rhyme
    Edit You Are My Life 824 comments 9/15/2014 Rhyme
    Edit To Soothe Her Heart 512 comments 9/15/2014 Rhyme
    Edit We Loved Her In Vain 637 comments 9/14/2014 Rhyme
    Edit In The Desert 776 comments 9/14/2014 Rhyme
    Edit How Poetry Began 562 comments 9/13/2014 Rhyme
    Edit The Tumid River of Acheron 908 comments 9/13/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Rushing Waters Stir The Soul 679 comments 9/12/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Fate and the False Hope 708 comments 9/11/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Dreams of Fantasy and Desire 489 comments 9/10/2014 Rhyme
    Edit A Dream So Real 671 comments 9/10/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Those Glory Days, Long Gone 691 comments 9/7/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Wrote Her Another Poem 464 comments 9/6/2014 Rhyme
    Edit As We Cry In The Darkness 411 comments 9/6/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Show No Fear 542 comments 9/5/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Philosophy on Life, Evil and the World 584 comments 9/5/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Her Heart Thaws 592 comments 9/2/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Autumn Colours , Death So Bold 670 comments 9/2/2014 Quintain (English)
    Edit Darkness Wraps My Pain 448 comments 9/2/2014 Free verse
    Edit The First Flower I Chose 681 comments 8/31/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Troy, The Defeat, Odysseus Punishment 723 comments 8/31/2014 Rhyme
    Edit One Eyed King Battles 395 comments 8/30/2014 Rhyme
    Edit A Summer To Remember 594 comments 8/30/2014 Free verse
    Edit All That Refuse To See 769 comments 8/30/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Dark Spirit , You Are Cursed 353 comments 8/29/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Who Knew Your Forever Was 609 comments 8/29/2014 Rhyme
    Edit My Lady Requests So Much 445 comments 8/28/2014 Sonnet
    Edit A Rage Against The Storm 1660 comments 8/27/2014 Rhyme
    Edit The Morning Sun Speaks 802 comments 8/27/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Those Were Golden Days of Splendor 487 comments 8/26/2014 Free verse *
    Edit My Muse, I So Abuse 574 comments 8/26/2014 Sonnet
    Edit A Lover's Query 524 comments 8/25/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Choices, Voices and Bad Company 753 comments 8/24/2014 Sonnet
    Edit A Demon Confesses 929 comments 8/24/2014 Sonnet
    Edit The Lady Suffers 347 comments 8/24/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Moon, Light That Celestial Path 541 comments 8/23/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Shadows Creep, I Lost Sleep 491 comments 8/22/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Journey From On High 611 comments 8/22/2014 Haiku
    Edit The Battle, The Victory, The Light 532 comments 8/22/2014 Rhyme
    Edit A Home Brew Fiasco 552 comments 8/21/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Stay The Hand 310 comments 8/21/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Crank Me Baby 470 comments 8/20/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Where Frozen Embers Still Burn 352 comments 8/19/2014 Rhyme
    Edit A Child's Imagination Glows 388 comments 8/19/2014 Rhyme
    Edit My Gal, Blue Bonnet, Black Hair 334 comments 8/18/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Hoss, Hell Ain't Full Yet 487 comments 8/18/2014 Rhyme
    Edit The First Lady Of Dark Woe-Begone 244 comments 8/17/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Life, A Vanishing Mist 315 comments 8/17/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Shining Baubles 308 comments 8/15/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Stand The Axe 376 comments 8/15/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Nine Inch Nails, Brain Pain 318 comments 8/15/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Sunshine Embraces My Soul 283 comments 8/15/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Spear Well Used and Swollen 249 comments 8/14/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Life Reflects 472 comments 8/13/2014 Haiku
    Edit Once I Sought But Love Ran Away 204 comments 8/13/2014 Free verse *
    Edit We Are But A Mere Blink 566 comments 8/12/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Laughing Man, Pain Hidden 470 comments 8/12/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Reunited At Paradise Gate 304 comments 8/11/2014 Sonnet
    Edit A Perishing Soul 381 comments 8/10/2014 Triolet
    Edit War, Is Unholy Hell 393 comments 8/10/2014 Rhyme
    Edit A Rainbow Sings 882 comments 8/10/2014 Sonnet
    Edit River Laps Softly 856 comments 8/8/2014 Sonnet
    Edit Pierce The Gloom 275 comments 8/7/2014 Rhyme
    Edit A FRAGMENT 191 comments 8/6/2014 Rhyme
    Edit A Friendship We Do Share 421 comments 8/6/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Finding God 285 comments 8/6/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Time, Cuts Like A Knife 306 comments 8/6/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Lovers In Epic Romance 548 comments 8/5/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Midnight, Dark Forces Await 225 comments 8/4/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Give Me Simple, That Will Do 833 comments 8/4/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Your Heart Within My Soul 296 comments 8/3/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Climbing That Hill 698 comments 8/3/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Hear That Whisper 205 comments 8/3/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Seek Fairness and Love 438 comments 8/3/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Low Down Blues 288 comments 8/2/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Drinking From Mercy's Cup 378 comments 8/2/2014 Rhyme
    Edit We Old Poets Love Our Rhyme 201 comments 8/2/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Goddess Of My Passion 341 comments 8/2/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Two Hearts Aprayin' 232 comments 8/1/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Touched, Near the Danger Zone 311 comments 7/31/2014 Rhyme
    Edit These Four Muses Sing 240 comments 7/31/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Paradise Leaving Not A Trace 767 comments 7/30/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Her Shining Soul Rests 302 comments 7/30/2014 Rhyme
    Edit Fill Up A Scroll 242 comments 7/29/2014 Rhyme
    Edit My Unsung Hero 257 comments 7/29/2014 Rhyme
    Edit When Life Stomps All To Hell 170 comments 7/29/2014 Rhyme
    Edit In The Clouds 296 comments 7/29/2014 Rhym

    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    Come To Me Love So That Tender Heart Swells

    Gone, our days dancing in the splashing rain
    Awaiting the great mists of transcending time
    My love, you taught me to ride a hurricane
    Within the mind, a storm blasts out flashes
    Consider the moment you wake this coming morn
    Walking streets paved with nameless stones
    Grains of sand, pretending to be boulders
    Cool winds grace the soft emerging twilight
    Memories of crossing fires and true romance
    Hold my loving hand gently in your hand
    Your gold hair hung just right on your shoulders
    Your beauty, aromatic fragrance of roses in full bloom

    Those sounds that now arrive in early morn
    Those were golden days of splendor
    Sit beside this gentle flowing stream
    Morning dew glistens in anticipation
    When I slumber where rushing waters play
    River laps softly, a rainbow sings
    Once I sought but love ran away
    Climbing that hill, your heart within my soul
    Hears that whisper, lovers in epic romance
    You are my life, longing for you
    The view, where led that path not taken
    Who knew your forever was, a lover's query

    Yet hope promises a new dawn each day
    Dawn burst forth, earth was drinking its new rain
    Goddess of my passion two hearts aprayin'
    Sunshine embraces my soul, drinking from mercy's cup
    In sky's thundering heart, weeping for your sweet hand
    We are but a mere blink, Fall sets to turn
    Huge blue eyes that speak, seek fairness and love
    On the high mountaintop I see the stars
    We walked the night sands, moon shining down
    Nights so love-locked in your arms, fill up a scroll
    Caressing virgin soil, with soft caring hands
    I am laid bare, naked with nothing to hide

    ************************************************** **************************
    A new collaboration-- third draft.. written with Nicola.... --Tyr

    Flowers In Your Hair, Gold Dust On Your Trailing Gown

    Flowers in your hair, gold dust on your trailing gown
    You my true sky angel, had floated right on down.
    Golden sandals on your feet, toenails glowing white
    All eternity shan’t see a prettier sight.
    Your soft and gentle voice, a million ways of sweet
    Your touch is my hope and your kiss, love-food to eat.
    Each moment a true blessing, you my darling gave
    Each dance your gift, healing treasures, my heart to save.
    Love of my life, sing softest hymns to this lost soul
    For before you came, sorrows took a heavy toll.
    Know darling, this heart and spirit you have thus healed,
    Should fate deny us, with love, truth has been revealed.

    Now every balmy breeze that blows against my skin,
    Resonant of your kisses, brings a joyous grin.
    In the sun’s warm splendour, a halo I doth see
    Shine upon the waters, where love’s eyes swim to me.
    And every now and then, blessed with rains from above,
    I feel your tender touch, the glory of your love.
    Your scent, like fragrant blossoms, straight from heaven’s lawn
    Exhilarates the senses, waking me each dawn.
    Firm witness is the world, to thy healing powers
    and graceful presence, bringing halcyon hours.
    All that I envision, to turn around a frown:
    Flowers in your hair, gold dust on your trailing gown.

    in process

    I took a silver fork, gold spoon and rusty knife
    trying to cut away the dark stains in my life
    with each slice I stood aghast, dumbfounded finding more
    I was chained in torture room without any floor.

    On its walls hung hands and heads of the blackest dead,
    all its walls washed in blood so very, very red
    angry shadows that would reach out to stab at will
    for my every anguished moan gave them a great thrill.

    An eternity night bled as it slowly passed,
    not enough time to pay for my the sins amassed,
    each morn came revelation just before dawn's break
    next to me was he, Master Poe bound to a stake.

    He would wake, speak to me as if a long lost friend,
    promise this paradise, my time would never end
    and then summon his Raven to chide me as well
    Laughing loud, saying, welcome my friend to my Hell.

    I begged, Master Poe, release me, let me go
    I beg you, Lord and Master of this horror show
    I see you control all in this evil abode
    lessen thy dark-handed grip, release thy firm hold.

    With a sardonic smile he would give his reply
    Off you go, return each night my Raven will fly
    To this dark curse I give my sorrowful reply
    please Master Poe, tell me, tell me the reason why.

    His echoes as away my bloody body flew
    Raven leaves Hades at midnight's stroke is your clue
    In its life comes both sweet pleasure and epic pain
    One for truest of love, the other for darkest stain.

    Now I wrestled for years this riddle, its vague clue
    sought out every wise man, this one thing I knew
    The truest of love was his Master Poe's Annabel Lee
    but how, how could that tidbit ever free me?
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 04-02-2018 at 08:53 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    Below is a very short list of some of the titles of my posted and copyrighted poems. I have over 1100 posted and copyrighted as of now, with about 600 more written from the past that I not yet decided to bring out of my private journal..
    This list is to be used to create poem using each title as verse in that poem.
    A suggestion given me this afternoon by a top poet that admires the quality of these titles, as he thinks my titles are one of my strongest poetic talents!
    I'll take that compliment....

    The list :
    Damn copy lost in transit, 45 minutes blown to hell, as I waded through over 1100 poems to chose about two hundred titles to use in the first poem created from this idea...

    Just going to add them here, twenty at at time until its completed.
    Dude, I would be ecstatic if I wrote ONE thing that someone would publish. But I'm an idiot. So I created this place and now I publish my own awesome writing!
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 01-16-2017 at 03:40 PM.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

  18. Thanks Tyr-Ziu Saxnot thanked this post
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