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    The Dark Curse, The Monster and His Act Of Vengeance Averted

    He killed a loud squirrel, hungry hawk and silent mouse
    Tossed them in a black bag along with six dead toads
    By midnight moon took all to the old sorcerer's house
    Hidden deep in oak grove at the junction of three roads.

    Anticipating that terrible curse he vowed to have laid
    As good measure he had managed to get a demon's horn
    The sorcerer demanded such strange things to be paid
    As the down payment before his evil curse was to be born.

    Caring not at all for what he demanded he buy or steal
    He filled with hate, would have a Halloween blood bath
    Only pain and blackened hate could his heart now feel
    He glorified in this dark curse that would satisfy his wrath.

    Deed done, he silently and slowing walked in his glee
    Mouth watering when he thought of her great coming pain
    Suddenly springing from behind a massive black oak tree
    A dark creature fed by his hate and evil accursed stain.

    Sudden intense fear, shook him to his sad and black core
    Why was this cursed creature now growling and eying him
    Had not the sorcerer given the monster its dark chore
    Or was this monster's mind and eyesight truly that dim?

    Quick as a flash he drew his trusty razor sharp blade
    Now sensing the coming attack was mere seconds away
    He realized the double crossing deal sorcerer had made
    For it came to him, that the monster was about to be paid!

    Too late to talk, he screamed, come on you damn demon spawn
    I have blood in my eyes, and yes, I sold your damn horn
    You'll lie stone dead upon the ground before light of dawn
    I swear by the hair on my head and life of my first born!

    Only then did the massive dark monster laugh and speak
    Saying,"you made your damn deal but I made mine much better"
    I love most to cut up and then eat the helpless and weak
    Your baby firstborn daughter,I was hungry,I already ate her!

    Rage leaped into his head,his sword cut out a mighty slash
    The monster in pain slashed with is long claws, as it withdrew
    He knew his anger and red-hot hate had made him far too rash
    As monster's fangs,yellow eyes, and wicked head then regrew.

    Next he heard the sound of the old sorcerer's laugh there
    The monster charged screaming in sorcerer's best cursing voice
    Your dark heart and burning hate doomed you when in my lair
    By the Dark Lord's black power you will now die for your choice!

    And with that it lunged and snatched out his still beating heart
    This was always his final payment for his cursing dark deeds
    The hateful man and his first born 's death were on his evil chart
    And such hatred always brought blood and death in its seeds!

    Down in the dead man's village , a lone house filled in drying blood
    All the monster had left was his daughter's small hands and toes
    Then a wicked, dark rain brought down its deepest fast flowing flood
    Washing away the darkness ,evil and hate thats how the story goes.

    Robert J. Lindley , 09-22-2015

    Note. -Written for my son, his early dark Halloween story as I promised this weekend.
    Better tad late than never..


    Save, speed game. I won with 5.7 seconds left in the clock

    Pirc Defense: Small Center Defense
    1.e4 d6 2.d4 e6

    66.3% White Wins

    Not this time, I play black and won by checkmate... ...-Tyr


    Mighty Oak Tree, Its Acorns Fed Many
    (A Native American Food Source)

    Hard-cast shell
    flung down in Fall,
    food for man and beast
    nuggets of forested treasure,

    sprinkles its bounty
    majestic Oaks rain
    fruited missiles to ground:

    thy treasure feeds life itself
    creatures survive on thy seeds
    winter hoards feed many
    fruit of thy life.

    Regal and tall,
    massive trunk, widespread limbs
    O' sweet thy summer shade
    Blessing to us all.

    R. J. Lindley

    November 11th , 1980

    Indians 101: Acorns
    Posted on September 7, 2011 by Ojibwa

    Long before the arrival of the first Europeans, California was the home to an extremely diverse variety of Indian cultures. The California culture area has the widest variety of native languages, ecological settings, and house types of any North American culture area.

    One of the mainstays of the diet for the region was the acorn which was used in soup, porridge, and bread. Sixteen different species of oak provided the acorns. Because of the nutrition provided by acorns, the Native American people in California did not develop agriculture. Acorns contributed to the fact that California peoples did not experience annual famine months or develop traditions or legends dealing with famine. It is estimated that among one tribe, the Yokut, a typical family consumed 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of acorns each year.

    While many of the early non-Indians in California noticed that the acorn oaks which were so important to many of the California Indian nations tended to grow in regular rows, they did not understand that these trees had been planted as orchards by the Indians.

    There are a number of steps involved in gathering and processing the acorns. They are gathered in September and October. Traditionally, the people gathered the acorns by climbing the tree and then beating off the nuts with a long slender pole. The acorns which are collected have white bottoms and no insect holes. The acorns are then dried in their shells, a process which takes anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. During this time, the acorns are stirred to increase air circulation and encourage drying.

    Once dry, the acorns are cracked to remove the nutmeat. This was traditionally done with a small, handheld stone pestle. The acorns are then ground or pounded into acorn flour. The flour is pounded as fine as possible. Once the acorns are ground into flour, it is then leached. Acorns contain tannic acid which is very bitter and which is poisonous in large amounts. The leaching process removes the tannic acid from the acorn flour. The leaching was traditionally done by digging a shallow sand pit near a creek. The flour was then carefully spread in the bottom of the pit and water was continuously poured over it until it was sweet. It would take several hours of pouring to leach the flour.

    ************************************************** **************************


    The scars of life unveil the weight of lies,
    lest it be the torment of moral sin,
    wherein the guiltless suffer wounds and cries
    of love’s deceit as heartless notions win.

    The evil whims of wicked fancy shows
    no mercy for those crossed by hands of fate
    when magic dreams are cast by darkened clouds
    which turns the morbid sorrow into hate.

    In rage of fervor, passions zeal is lost,
    oft destroyed by life's dire tribulations,
    as sunning rays vacates dawn's gleaming frost
    human frailties blind truth's revelations.

    Within hope destroyed and life's darkest stain
    remains the deepest depths of epic pain.

    14th March, 2017
    T.J Grén & Robert Lindley

    99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999

    always his beloved dog lay at his feet


    July 11th-- first part new collaboration with Keith

    first half--

    For Thy Hand, This Romantic Letter Sent

    Always this, your dainty hand was my goal
    depths in swooning heart never before known
    Fair maiden, thy charms tempts desirous soul,
    hot a tempest as has ever been blown.

    Nightly, soft-dreams, your sweet touch to please
    Mind's eye, passion such plunder never gained;
    My enchantress, mermaid from bluest seas
    Thy honor I would never dare to stain.

    In our paradise, only your love speaks
    Your soft touch gifts infinite pleasure
    Your blue, blue eyes rose color of your cheeks,
    Your every love-word a golden treasure.

    Love-vows, hoping for this reality
    that you bid me, as moon does surging tide
    to find thee, embrace romance's clarity
    with love and brightest future on our side.


    new collab-- With Edward

    Where Hanging Weeping Willows Grow

    That stream where weeping willows grow
    beyond the valleys and the hills.
    She puts on a cool-summer show
    before Winter's first cold chills.

    Beneath beaming moon, on she flows
    its falling rays dancing in tune.
    Its banks, weeping willows hang low
    majestic sight in month of June.

    -needs 8 verses in rhyme -8 syllables per verse
    to bring conclusion--
    However if you want to write 12 verses as the conclusion please do so.
    Send me your verses when completed and then we can decide when to post , after any other discussions on content or editing-if needed. ok?


    My Heart Beseeches An Answer

    I awakened slowly stretching my body, then into a yawn
    My sleep filled mind remembers, you left before the dawn!

    Reaching beside me feeling,only coolness of my sheet
    Alone now the rain outside, hits the ground in rhythmic beat.
    The fresh cool breeze whispers, through my open window
    Catching billowing curtains, into a back and forth show.

    Caressing like cold dead fingers, upon my naked skin
    Traveling back in time, which I know I had let you in.
    Our words danced in tango style, each one held a line
    Glasses raised to our lips, we sipped succulent red wine.

    I awakened slowly stretching my body, then into a yawn
    My sleep filled mind remembers, you left before the dawn!

    Soon after we laid together, right here upon my bed
    Oh why didn't I stop us then, to turn you away instead.
    Now I lay here thinking, as an ache overwhelms my chest
    Gave you what I swore no more, gave you my very best.

    Wishing for an answer,on this cold, wet, cloudy day
    How much more my bleeding heart, will have to pay?
    For allowing this intrusion, into my life again I did dare
    Yet I have no answer, of how much or even if you care.

    I awakened slowly stretching my body, then into a yawn
    My sleep filled mind remembers, you left before the dawn!

    THE ABOVE FINE POEM, Written by Brenda Chiri-- a possible collaboration start in which I write the man's reply..


    My Heart Beseeches An Answer
    (Part One- She Asks)

    I awakened slowly stretching my body, then into a yawn
    My sleep filled mind remembers, you left before the dawn!

    Reaching beside me feeling,only coolness of my sheet
    Alone now the rain outside, hits the ground in rhythmic beat.
    The fresh cool breeze whispers, through my open window
    Catching billowing curtains, into a back and forth show.

    Caressing like cold dead fingers, upon my naked skin
    Traveling back in time, which I know I had let you in.
    Our words danced in tango style, each one held a line
    Glasses raised to our lips, we sipped succulent red wine.

    I awakened slowly stretching my body, then into a yawn
    My sleep filled mind remembers, you left before the dawn!

    Soon after we laid together, right here upon my bed
    Oh why didn't I stop us then, to turn you away instead.
    Now I lay here thinking, as an ache overwhelms my chest
    Gave you what I swore no more, gave you my very best.

    Wishing for an answer,on this cold, wet, cloudy day
    How much more my bleeding heart, will have to pay?
    For allowing this intrusion, into my life again I did dare
    Yet I have no answer, of how much or even if you care.

    I awakened slowly stretching my body, then into a yawn
    My sleep filled mind remembers, you left before the dawn!

    My Heart Beseeches An Answer
    (Part Two- He Answers)

    How could I, truly be deserving of such an angel as you
    When fear of that impossibility hit so hard, away I flew!

    My darling, fear not, my racing away has a most just cause
    I woke that morn, your angelic beauty gave me pause.
    For my life had for decades fallen into the deepest dark
    Then my finding you and our first night together left its mark.

    As I looked in the mirror and saw me lying next to you
    My heart almost burst, knowing it was too good to be true.
    There you were, naked and your alluring beauty sublime
    I thought of my past, how if it hurt you, would be a crime!

    How could I, truly be deserving of such an angel as you
    When fear of that impossibility hit so hard, away I flew!

    That morn, I gave my sleeping beauty a sweet kiss
    Trying to grab more of what I would soon so dearly miss.
    For I could not bear to bring into your sweet life my pains
    Or darkness of the dreams emerging from my past stains!

    For you see, long ago, for another beauty I once shot a man
    I was so crazy in love and thought that was a great plan.
    Then our night, romantic kisses, your gentle touch fired me up
    I found my saving paradise complete with its full golden cup!

    How could I, truly be deserving of such an angel as you
    When fear of that impossibility hit so hard, away I flew!

    How could I, truly be deserving of such an angel as you
    When fear of that impossibility hit so hard, away I flew!

    Brenda Chiri and Robert J. Lindley collaboration..
    First draft --10-26-2017

    November 7-2017

    Darling, Let This Be Our Sweet Heaven On Earth

    You came to me, that beautiful night in June,
    Band was playing wondrous, lovely new tune.
    Yes my love, I saw you with love in your eyes
    And your stars shown bright in Heavenly skies!

    With world that wonderful, full moon that bright
    Prayed I, of our pure love, we never lose sight.

    That moment, both earth and time seemed to stop
    Room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
    When you smiled at me, my heart skipped a beat,
    I had surrendered, no cause to retreat!

    With world that wonderful, full moon that bright
    Prayed I, of our pure love, we never lose sight.

    Now blessed years have raced and thus away flown
    In our sweet union, our pure love has grown.
    Come to me, this night at our hidden place,
    Let me kiss red lips and all your pretty face!

    With world that wonderful, full moon that bright
    Prayed I, of our pure love, we never lose sight.

    There I shall wait, heart pounding, rose in my hand
    we will dance, love's sweet music, no earthly band.
    Darling, let this be our sweet Heaven on earth,
    promise you my all, all I am ever worth!

    With world that wonderful, full moon that bright
    Prayed I, of our pure love, we never lose sight.


    Syllables Per Line:
    0 11 10 11 11 0 10 11 0 10 11 10 10 0 10 11
    0 11 10 10 11 0 10 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 10 11
    Total # Syllables: 254
    Total # Words: 217

    ************************************************** ****************

    O' That New Desire, Wouldst Be Welcoming Flame
    (Part One), (The Agony of Not Knowing If Forgiven)

    When the night sky begs you to come away
    pleading night-winds say, yes, we will fly far
    into paradise just above the fray,
    flee with us, into starlit skies so blue!

    O' that new desire, wouldst be welcoming flame
    This sad heart wouldst and could forget her name!

    Softest whispers to sad and wanting soul
    treasures offered to a hard beaten man
    yet fleeing this world never was my goal,
    oft hiding away tis not a good plan!

    O' that new desire, wouldst be welcoming flame
    This sad heart wouldst and could forget her name!

    In such a sad state what else could I do
    life and love had previously let me down
    I sought a deep romance, true and anew,
    no longer a fool, her defeated clown!

    O' that new desire, wouldst be welcoming flame
    This sad heart wouldst and could forget her name!

    In this miserable soul hope yet remains
    small spark burns, wanting her gentle touch still
    Tho' my sins caused her unforgivable pains
    I cried out, begged I, not pay that full bill!

    O' that new desire, wouldst be welcoming flame
    This sad heart wouldst and could forget her name!

    Sunday, her promised answer will arrive
    will this lonely and lost-heart find relief
    Such a great gift would prove I am alive,
    free this tortured soul from its epic grief!

    Robert J. Lindley, 11/12/2017

    Syllables Per Line:
    0 10 10 10 11 0 11 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 11 10
    0 10 11 10 10 0 11 10 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 10
    0 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 290
    Total # Words: 224

    First draft, First half collaboration

    Part two- Her answer-her decision.
    This may be for Maureen, as I forgot our collab was to be a dark one.
    If she agrees to switch to this then one about romance, we do this one..-Tyr
    ************************************************** ************
    New offer to collaborate SilentOne

    Old Man's Promise To See And Hold Her Yet Again
    (PART ONE)

    He was now an old man but he could get around
    No youthful spring in his gate but life was still there
    Each morn he walked to the park saw the same grounds
    With the same thought, would he soon see his lover fair
    He knew some twenty years now, she has been passed on
    Yet in heart of hearts he knew again he would see
    Her blues eyes and smile that said, you are not alone
    Her standing under their favorite white oak tree

    Morn was different, shadows danced in his way
    He was tired before he sat in the last park chair
    Something strange, no small squirrels waited there to play
    And then came a gloom that that smelled of dark despair
    He saw a tall figure waiting, all dressed in black
    Heard evil winds blow and saw that sinister grin
    Now it was too late, for him there was no way back
    There stood the hellish beast that brought death to all men

    With stoic courage, he asked if his time had come
    Reply came, yes thy mortal flesh will be no more
    I grant one request, perhaps a shot of red-rum
    Soon thy spirit shall arrive on another shore
    The old man thought and remembered his promise made
    How time had came, to see his beloved again
    Beneath that white oak and kiss her in its cool shade
    In a flash, there she came, back to the land of men

    Syllables Per Line:
    12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 288
    Total # Words: 242

    Part Two-(Old man and his beloved wife are reunited briefly)
    Written in three, eight verse stanza's,twelve syllable verses.

    My friend, do you care to collaborate and finish this poem.. ?

    ************************************************** ***********
    New collaboration, from my blog offer, first one of 4 that has been completed.. Tyr

    You Foolishly Once Thought You Had It Bad

    When tons of dooming nights fall on your head
    And hot embers burn fires unabated.
    You remember her loss, wish you were dead
    and in that sad moment feel castrated.
    From the heavens, a voice booms out dire threats
    about losses and breakfasts with no eggs.
    Fumbling about, looking to hedge your bets
    you drink your last coffee down to burnt dregs.

    Waking to you find, dawn's hard hammer hits
    and last night burns remind you of this life.
    You stumble forth, looking up from Hell's pits
    recalling why you now have lost your wife.
    Your clock mouths off vulgar curses at you
    the house commands that you leave very soon.
    You recall this ancient, wicked dream too
    as night falls with its accursed bright moon.

    You dream, hungry tiger eats your new boots
    your house is perched atop two joining trees.
    A hunter fires, not the tiger he shoots
    your second wife cuts you off at the knees.
    You wake up, a throbbing headache ensues,
    You gasp for air, there's more trouble ahead
    Swimming in murky seas so full of blues
    You're deprived of the comfort of your bed?

    You find yourself outside in swirling snow.
    You hurry to a tavern where it's warm,
    A bank manager, a friend long ago,
    You transfer your money to tide the storm.
    Get a small room, take alcohol to drink.
    You concoct many plans, revenge to get.
    You drown in whisky so you would not think
    Afraid should she succeed, you'll be in debt.

    You dream, the tiger prowls for your red blood.
    You see the hussy entice your old friend
    Your anger grows like a river in flood
    You realize there is only one end.
    You saw the rifle on the wall down stairs,
    You take it and go out in fervent search
    You are at a high point, now no one cares.
    You find her, kill her, satisfy the urge.

    Robert Lindley and Victor Buhagiar

    ************************************************** ***********************************

    Summer's Memory Sings In The Seasons Of Life

    A Collaboration in process....3-06-2018

    (Double Sonnet)


    Love doth ever sing a summer's song,
    a memory that sings in Autumn's years.
    Forever in mine heart love doth belong,
    ever love doth sing through mine joyful tears.

    In the Spring of desire dance in mine arms,
    through God's timeless sea in peace we shalt sing.
    In love's embrace i shalt share thy love's charms,
    thou art mine summer mine everything.

    Through the winter's thrall memories embrace,
    Love shalt ever sing a most peaceful song.
    The glory of love doth shine in thy grace,
    In the seasons of life joy doth belong

    In the passion of life love is the song,
    Through the seasons of life love doth belong.


    Seems now ages have past, Spring's new love hath flown
    Tho' world's dark, oft troubles calm peaceful seas.
    Not all loves always last, yet ours has grown,
    For heart's truth opens doors with golden keys.

    Summer's glows, brilliant lights, our love hath shone
    Nights, when moon and stars kiss earth's open arms,
    Thy sweetest voice once sang sad, all alone,
    Before Fate sent me to embrace thy charms.

    June's first day we became one, two hearts wed,
    Thy love, thy beautiful life became mine.
    Love bears delicious fruits if its well fed,
    as it was, our hearts both firmly entwine.

    Where love's deep dancing tunes so softly play,
    Seasons of life doth race in love's relay.

    "Summer's Memory Sings In The Seasons Of Life."
    A Collaboration By,
    Robert Lindley.
    Vladislav Raven.

    in progress new poem.part two

    Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Heart
    (Part Two of Three)

    Fourth time edited---

    Winter blowing in fierce, bitter cold now lingers
    soon the "old and useless" will meet their destined fate,
    at Winter-child's hands, gun, itchy trigger fingers
    and infantile minds that so dearly love to hate.
    Ah, but the "old and useless" stood their sacred ground
    with true honor, pride and its time tested displays,
    where else can such gratuitous treasures be found
    or joy and freedom be had in these weeping days?

    The "old and useless", stood their rightly honored places
    would journeying spirits find their defending grip,
    souls weakened but with no dismay on their bright faces,
    from whence came those packs of jackals to tear and rip?
    Ah, but world's powers feed upon lust and deep greed
    and with fever pitch work to kill foundations of trust
    with false values they think power is all they need,
    vanquishing the "old and useless" becomes a must!

    As new dawn emerges, up sprouts new and green shoots
    with light absorbing leaves they sing loud as they glow
    some are outraged, change to put on their stomping boots,
    others joining that course, seeing how the winds blow.
    Burnt midnight oil, ink splashes on receptive page
    as poetic hearts and souls stand firm on solid ground,
    furious, they write and tremble in aching rage
    with shields held higher while knowing their cause is sound.

    Winter blowing in fierce, bitter cold now lingers
    soon the old and useless will meet their destined fate,
    at Winter-child's hands, gun, itchy trigger fingers
    and infantile minds that so dearly love to hate.
    Ah, but the "old and useless" stood their sacred ground
    with true honor, pride and its time tested displays,
    where else can such gratuitous treasures be found
    or joy and freedom be had in these weeping days?

    Fifth edit-

    Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Heart
    (Part Two of Three)

    Winter blowing in fierce, bitter cold now lingers
    soon the "old and useless" will meet their destined fate,
    at Winter-child's hands, gun, itchy trigger fingers
    and infantile minds that so dearly love to hate.
    Ah, but the "old and useless" stood their sacred ground
    with true honor, pride and its time tested displays,
    where else can such gratuitous treasures be found
    or joy and freedom be had in these weeping days?

    The "old and useless", in rightly honored places
    would journeying spirits find their defending grip,
    souls weakened without dismay on their bright faces,
    from whence came those packs of jackals to tear and rip?
    Ah, but world's powers feed upon lust and deep greed
    with fever pitch tries to kill foundations of trust
    using false values think power is all they need,
    vanquishing the "old and useless" becomes a must!

    As new dawn emerges, up sprouts new and green shoots
    with light absorbing leaves they sing loud as they glow
    some are outraged, change to put on their stomping boots,
    others joining that course, seeing how the winds blow.
    Burnt midnight oil, ink splashes on receptive page
    as poetic hearts and souls stand firm on solid ground,
    furious, they write and tremble in aching rage
    with shields held higher while knowing their cause is sound.

    Winter blowing in fierce, bitter cold now lingers
    soon the "old and useless" will meet their destined fate,
    at Winter-child's hands, gun, itchy trigger fingers
    and infantile minds that so dearly love to hate.
    Ah, but the "old and useless" stood their sacred ground
    with true honor, pride and its time tested displays,
    where else can such gratuitous treasures be found
    or joy and freedom be had in these weeping days?



    Floccinaucinihilipilification And Very Little Soul

    Come on down here says the spider to fearful fly
    this day weather is so fine and I am your friend
    be free, and into my soft web, you shall not die
    for greater pleasure come hither, your time here spend.
    Now wise old owl looks on, hears and sees this charade
    and in loud blasts hoots out his own angry replies
    for mother Nature, hath all living creatures made
    within her heart of hearts hears all their weeping cries.

    Spider hears wizened, infuriated owl's blasts
    continues to spin deeper and deeper spun threads
    Fly sails on as if a yacht with windblown full masts
    trap now seen its former pals in their web spun beds.
    Spider feverishly works, other flies are caught
    so goes vicious cycle, dark webs eating their fill
    for flying blind, their souls are easily thus bought
    with time and darkness, their ink-heart blood slowly spills.

    new collab with Susan

    I that have seen such beauty, (7)
    fallen beneath its gleam, (6)
    rejected my life’s duty, (7)
    to wade thus in its stream (6)

    Saturating me in love (7)
    bathe in moon’s reflection (6)
    naught more for me to dream of (7)
    drown me your affection (6)

    With our true hearts united (7)
    stare into love’s abyss (6)
    night dreams felt unrequited (7)
    are thus found with first kiss (6)

    Passion's torch does scorch the sun (7)
    red molten flow in veins (6)
    as we two become as one (7)
    unbridled, fallen reins (6)

    Sacrosanct are our love nights (7)
    life's sweet joy soars with you (6)
    without your touch, nothings right (7)
    next tryst now overdue (6)
    ?? our next tryst overdueI that have seen such beauty, (7)

    Second round edit---

    fallen beneath its gleam, (6)
    rejected my life’s duty, (7)
    to wade thus in its stream (6)

    Saturating me in love (7)
    bathe in moon’s reflection (6)
    naught more for me to dream of (7)
    drown me your affection (6)

    With our true hearts united (7)
    stare into love’s abyss (6)
    night dreams felt unrequited (7)
    are thus found with first kiss (6)

    Passion’s torch does scorch the sun (7)
    red molten flow in veins (6)
    as we two become as one (7)
    unbridled, fallen reins (6)

    Sacrosanct are our love nights (7)
    life’s sweet joys soar with you (6)
    without your touch, nothing’s right (7)
    next tryst now overdue (6)

    Stoke my love and lustful sate (7)
    lure me your siren song (6)
    wooing whirlwind divine fate (7)
    where pulse and pleasures throng (6)

    I that have seen such beauty, (7)
    fallen beneath its gleam, (6)
    rejected my life’s duty, (7)
    to wade thus in its stream (6)

    Saturating me in love (7)
    bathe in moon’s reflection (6)
    naught more for me to dream of (7)
    drown me your affection (6)

    With our true hearts united (7)
    stare into love’s abyss (6)
    night dreams felt unrequited (7)
    are thus found with first kiss (6)

    Passion’s torch does scorch the sun (7)
    red molten flow in veins (6)
    as we two become as one (7)
    unbridled, fallen reins (6)

    Sacrosanct are our love nights (7)
    life’s sweet joys soar with you (6)
    without your touch, nothing’s right (7)
    next tryst now overdue (6)

    Stoke my love and lustful sate (7)
    lure me your siren song (6)
    wooing whirlwind divine fate (7)
    where pulse and pleasures throng (6)

    Shall we meet under moonlight (7) --first choice
    join true hearts in one fire (6)
    kiss in love's sweet depths all night (7)
    meld into deep desires (6)

    Shall we meet under moonlight (7)--second choice
    join in fires of true hearts (6)
    kiss in love's sweet depths all night (7)
    praying we never part (6)

    Providence On Behalf Of Love
    (tentative title)

    I that have seen such beauty
    fallen beneath its gleam
    rejected my life’s duty
    to wade thus in its stream

    Saturating me with love
    bathed in moon’s reflection
    naught more for me to dream of
    drown me your affection

    With our true hearts united
    stare into love’s abyss
    night dreams felt unrequited
    are thus found with first kiss

    Passion’s torch does scorch the sun
    red molten flow in veins
    as we two become as one
    unbridled, fallen reins

    Sacrosanct are our love nights
    life’s sweet joys soar with you
    without your touch, nothing’s right
    next tryst now overdue

    Stoke my love and lustful sate
    lure me your siren song
    wooing whirlwind perfect fate
    where pulse and pleasures throng

    We shall meet under moonlight
    join true hearts in one fire
    kiss in love’s sweet depths all night
    meld into deep desire

    We’ll sail ‘cross life’s open seas
    explore each others’ shores
    casting caution to the breeze
    re-writing romance lores

    love’s paradise we’ll not miss
    destiny sends us there
    living life with blushing bliss
    heaven for us to share

    Rapture’s mine, your eyes starshine
    your light does kiss my soul
    intervention our’s Divine
    in ecstasy extol

    ‘Providence’ (means God’s intervention in the universe)
    ‘Divine Intervention’ (a miracle or act of God that causes something good to happen)
    ‘Intervention In The Universe On Behalf Of Love’
    ‘Providence On Behalf Of Love’

    My note--
    How our collaboration on this poem came to be. I had this short poem fragment from many decades ago. I saw some merit in it being completed. At first I sat down to write and finished the poem myself. Then I remembered the insight, the quality and beauty of Susan's previous collaboration with me- our sonnet duet and that sealed the deal. I decided to ask her if she would finish that old poem fragment as a collaboration with me. To my great and fortunate delight she agreed to do so.
    A true blessing it is for me to compose with such a kindhearted and talented poet
    as my dear friend most assuredly is...
    As it is always a pleasure to write and discuss poetry with my talented friend..
    ****** end note..

    Susan's note--
    When my wonderfully talented friend Robert, found and presented his lovely poem fragment to me (the first stanza) and asked if I would be interested in writing a collaborative poem with him, I said ‘yes’! At the moment of reading his tender words I was inspired.. and honored and humbled by his generous and kindhearted offer. It was my great pleasure and a tremendous poetic experience for me collaborate with Robert, my esteemed friend and a poet of such high caliber. Robert, you've made my first collaboration a pure joy and our friendship and partnership in poetry is cherished.
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 06-08-2018 at 11:57 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Oooh, just in time for Halloween. Nice!
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Still needs a title and an edit check-over but tis complete.
    I had to post it here because this weekend , I lost power here for no reason and I lost a very long poem that had taken me almost two hours to complete. I use notepad and once its gone its gone! I was just too damn mad to try to remember all of it and attempt to recreate it.
    Got almost finished with that dark poem for my son and thought I had better hurry up and get it placed/copied elsewhere other than just on notepad. lol
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    That's the most frantic thread title I've ever seen!

    I probably would have just mashed q[pwgybhnuf;oaimsdkg'jfkamnsw;d and hit save!
    Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum

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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
    That's the most frantic thread title I've ever seen!

    I probably would have just mashed q[pwgybhnuf;oaimsdkg'jfkamnsw;d and hit save!
    Man, I lost a very , very long poem Saturday and I was mad enough to slay damn tigers barehanded..
    Plus Justin reminded me that I had broken my word to him---first time ever!
    So it was an urgent thought and even faster action taken..
    Now, no sweat and he said he loves it!!!! --Tyr

    Besides I can now edit it anytime I want, hours weeks or even months later.
    If only I had done the same Saturday. I was so damn mad that a I got sick at my stomach Saturday.
    No damn storm here but we lost power for a split second and gone, gone were over two hours of deep, hard writing
    on an important contest write.
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 09-22-2015 at 08:31 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    I know what you mean. Back before Jim upgraded the board with autosave, there were many occasions where I was writing a masterpiece, refining it, inserting a few zingers here and there, the Pulitzer was within my grasp and BOOM! Somehow my thumb clicked the stupid touchpad on my laptop as another finger hit another key and it was gone. Made me want to throw my laptop out of the window.

    I coulda been a contender, if not for that meddling thumb!

    Zactly how I felt Saturday !!!
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 09-22-2015 at 08:36 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
    I know what you mean. Back before Jim upgraded the board with autosave, there were many occasions where I was writing a masterpiece, refining it, inserting a few zingers here and there, the Pulitzer was within my grasp and BOOM! Somehow my thumb clicked the stupid touchpad on my laptop as another finger hit another key and it was gone. Made me want to throw my laptop out of the window.

    I coulda been a contender, if not for that meddling thumb!

    Zactly how I felt Saturday !!!

    LOL, you edited my post!

    Careful where you put those thumbs, buddy boy!

    Ahhhh damn that's funny.
    Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    The Dark Curse, The Monster and His Act Of Vengeance Averted

    He killed a loud squirrel, hungry hawk and silent mouse
    Tossed them in a black bag along with six dead toads
    By midnight moon took all to the old sorcerer's house
    Hidden deep in oak grove at the junction of three roads.

    Anticipating that terrible curse he vowed to have laid
    As good measure he had managed to get a demon's horn
    The sorcerer demanded such strange things to be paid
    As the down payment before his evil curse was to be born.

    Caring not at all for what he demanded he buy or steal
    He filled with hate, would have a Halloween blood bath
    Only pain and blackened hate could his heart now feel
    He glorified in this dark curse that would satisfy his wrath.

    Deed done, he silently and slowing walked in his glee
    Mouth watering when he thought of her great coming pain
    Suddenly springing from behind a massive black oak tree
    A dark creature fed by his hate and evil accursed stain.

    Sudden intense fear, shook him to his sad and black core
    Why was this cursed creature now growling and eying him
    Had not the sorcerer given the monster its dark chore
    Or was this monster's mind and eyesight truly that dim?

    Quick as a flash he drew his trusty razor sharp blade
    Now sensing the coming attack was mere seconds away
    He realized the double crossing deal sorcerer had made
    For it came to him, that the monster was about to be paid!

    Too late to talk, he screamed, come on you damn demon spawn
    I have blood in my eyes, and yes, I sold your damn horn
    You'll lie stone dead upon the ground before light of dawn
    I swear by the hair on my head and life of my first born!

    Only then did the massive dark monster laugh and speak
    Saying,"you made your damn deal but I made mine much better"
    I love most to cut up and then eat the helpless and weak
    Your baby firstborn daughter,I was hungry,I already ate her!

    Rage leaped into his head,his sword cut out a mighty slash
    The monster in pain slashed with is long claws, as it withdrew
    He knew his anger and red-hot hate had made him far too rash
    As monster's fangs,yellow eyes, and wicked head then regrew.

    Next he heard the sound of the old sorcerer's laugh there
    The monster charged screaming in sorcerer's best cursing voice
    Your dark heart and burning hate doomed you when in my lair
    By the Dark Lord's black power you will now die for your choice!

    And with that it lunged and snatched out his still beating heart
    This was always his final payment for his cursing dark deeds
    The hateful man and his first born 's death were on his evil chart
    And such hatred always brought blood and death in its seeds!

    Down in the dead man's village , a lone house filled in drying blood
    All the monster had left was his daughter's small hands and toes
    Then a wicked, dark rain brought down its deepest fast flowing flood
    Washing away the darkness ,evil and hate thats how the story goes.

    Robert J. Lindley , 09-22-2015

    Note. -Written for my son, his early dark Halloween story as I promised this weekend.
    Better tad late than never..

    This is excellent writing, Robert. Thanks for sharing it with the board.
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 09-26-2015 at 09:38 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
    LOL, you edited my post!

    Careful where you put those thumbs, buddy boy!

    Ahhhh damn that's funny.
    opps, was not intentional , meant to hit quote but apparently hit edit. Sorry amigo..Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Russ View Post
    This is excellent writing, Robert. Thanks for sharing it with the board.
    Thanks Russ. I had just planned on when finished, printing it off for Justin. Had not even thought about
    posting it here at the point in time --then panic hit me as that thought about losing my writes came to my mind. .
    But most likely would have later presented it here as its not bad . --Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    opps, was not intentional , meant to hit quote but apparently hit edit. Sorry amigo..Tyr

    Oh, I know it was accident. I've done that stuff too... the extra mod buttons sometimes don't jump out at you.

    I used to respond to closed threads, not realizing they were closed, and got heckled for it.
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    Halloween Night Adventures Of Kansel and Betal

    Part One

    Was the dark and scary Halloween night of O'9
    Kansel and Betal dressed as monsters of fright.
    Mom and Dad looking on saw they looked so fine
    dressed up as little demons for Halloween night.

    Off they raced to collect sweets and have fun
    last year's candies and joy they thought about.
    Now dark, two long hours past the setting sun
    Kids, candy and each letting out a happy shout.

    Kansel and Betal taking a cut through the woods
    Each thinking, Mom and Dad always said don't go.
    Happy thinking of getting the next sweet goods
    They ignored great wisdom of parents that know!

    As forest's long path got creepy and ever so dark
    each felt the others hand grabbed a firm hold.
    This forbidden shortcut taken on as a happy lark
    each trying to prove to the other they were bold!

    Approaching the old and mighty burnt black oak
    first they heard a scary and grumbling growl.
    Sounding like a dying body just about to croak
    both knew could not be the night call of an owl

    Cautiously they walked past that old scary tree
    Only to find beastly and bad monster right there
    Bloody fangs, yellow green eyes filled with glee
    dark reality suddenly gave them the worst scare!

    Kansel smart and brave lad was his father's son
    he had brought dad's hunting knife in his pail
    Both knowing would be foolish and useless to run
    if they ever survived this, what a story to tell!

    Betal realizing Kansel could not win this alone
    look about for a weapon that she could use best
    There she saw a long, fallen limb hard as a stone
    took it, quick as a flash hit the monster's chest.

    Kansel stabbed at the monster's evil yellow eyes
    Betal was hitting hard with all her scared might.
    Each one praying, that only the black monster dies
    They both go home unharmed to Mom and Dad tonight!

    Suddenly the injured monster knocked Betal down
    while leaping over to strike her a deadly blow.
    Just then rang the old church's tower bell in town
    that divine sound was exactly what decided the show.

    For that Holy sound struck the monster in mid leap
    causing a stumble as its hairy feet hit the ground
    At that moment Kansel saw his chance and struck deep
    as the monster's weakest spot he so suddenly found!

    Soft spot in the back of its huge, black and hairy neck
    exposed when it stumbled and almost backward fell

    in process writing.....
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 09-26-2015 at 09:50 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Early Winter Farm Chores

    Shall I muse at midnight on the morning sun
    now hiding very far beyond the pale.
    Dread farmyard chores needing to be done
    as morn sun rises over hill and dale.

    Warm in bed, warding off deep windy chills
    with winter marching in far too soon.
    Tarry late and hot glowing embers embrace
    rising late only in a lazy afternoon!

    Or instead jump from this warm , soft bed
    racing on out when red rooster crows.
    Quickly getting pigs and chickens well fed
    all long before the cold winter snows!

    Up early before morning's sweet sunlight.
    Another farming day, another long fight.

    Robert J. Lindley, 10-01-2015

    Note-- Edited an older poem from back in the 80's.
    Shortened into a sonnet..
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 10-01-2015 at 07:03 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    An Invitation To Poe's Dark Prison

    When you walk in those nether worlds
    no more bikini's, no more girls.
    Just darkness eating away at light
    every long corridor too damn tight.

    Back there, will your heart hurt
    cut the bone, bleed and spurt?
    Rake your corpse, waiting its rot
    endless sleep give it a dark shot.

    You know, mortal life is a dream
    curse you wear in another stream.
    Light holds you in its sad sway
    follow us into a dark realm's way.

    Here evil rules without a fight
    ripping claws gouge out your sight.
    No pain, as death rests within you
    armored vicious body, all brand new.

    Hidden wings sprout to let you fly
    into a dark and transforming sky.
    Toast if you come, may you dare
    nobody leaves, all is a nightmare.

    This shadow realm, holds its dark
    no fire exists, not even a spark.
    Fantasy swims, in its morbid way
    Soul is dead yet it yearns to play.

    Black deepness inhales each soul
    bringing new flesh is our goal.
    Dare if you must, eternity with us
    eating victims we rarely discuss.

    Know before you leap into our pit
    we are the darkness in every fit.
    We exist and blood we cry for more
    deny your prayer, open our door.

    Our raging master we know as Poe
    blasted here, how he doesn't know.
    Once blood and flesh he was graven
    heart and soul ate with the Raven.

    Every night he moans Annabel Lee
    and each door tries his black key.
    None open and he cries in sad rage
    why, O' why hold me in this cage?

    Then to our blood thirsty delight
    Poe bellows, we eat flesh tonight.
    Then he mounts a red, fiery throne
    sits there gnawing on an arm bone.

    Now we wait your first hungry urge
    the ache for flesh starts to surge.
    Weeping will never stop its spasms
    flesh waits in these hellish chasms.

    Poe now wakes his Raven to guide
    you have not a safe place to hide.
    We feel joy as your heart goes black
    soon your beast will be on track.

    Tonight you'll be his Annabel Lee
    your soul he holds never to free.
    Soon you will forget that sad place
    his touch makes hideous your face.

    A door opens, we hear your flight
    your arrival, his greatest delight.
    Yet again he will dine with you
    rotten flesh you'll both then chew!

    Robert J. Lindley, 10-02-2015


    This is my third Halloween poem written
    for Justin.
    I think this one just may do...


    New edited----

    Black Heart As Jagged Stones

    You asked me to be kind
    You asked me, humbly wait
    Begged me to cheer, not mind
    Your toying with my sad fate!

    Your heart beats fast and hard
    Your liver stays filled with bile
    Love you cry is your best card
    My life stolen, for a while.

    Try to understand my dismay
    My misery in your sour basket
    You kiss to get your selfish way
    I gave all when you asked it.

    Your world, love is but rags
    my heart, but crushed bones
    Seen now, you a wicked hag
    Black heart as jagged stones.

    I shoe my feet, race and flee
    Your grasp, a wicked hold
    You words, poison in my tea
    Stale bread with black mold.

    You asked me to be kind
    You asked me, humbly wait
    You beg me cheer, not mind
    Your toying with my sad fate!

    R.J. Lindley
    July 19th 1975

    Old note( 1975) - You took my heart spliced and diced until it was in shreds
    now you rather have drugs in your addicted head.
    Wake up, a true love you'll find.
    Release our marriage from this dark and tragic bind!

    New Note- This Poem written when my life was in deep blues.
    Describing her on drugs, turned from a truly loving and great lady, into a unreasonable and most wicked beast.
    I could find no way to save the lady I so desperately loved(my first wife, addicted to drugs).
    Now I look back, and wonder, should I have tried even harder after at least at least, a hundred failed attempts!

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017


    In Thy Love's Embrace, This Soul Shall Flourish

    Thy joyful smile brought deep light to his weary and lost soul
    Every new dawn, gave desserts of thy soft, sweet nectar
    Holding thy daring love became my truest and greatest goal
    Praying I, not the tragic sad fate of Troy's dying Hector
    We saw the heavens and visited stars in brilliant glow
    Each precious moment, I sought to always touch thy hand
    My prayer is that my depth of passion shall always show
    To bring us to paradise, dancing to music of its golden band

    With the only future that could hold this passionate heart
    Thy kiss, could bring a fearful spirit such fantastic relief
    Shall we in eternal truth, vow to never, ever need a restart
    From any time apart and such dark caverns of epic grief
    My darling, accept this my forever promise in loving vow
    Where we will always seek each others soft, embracing touch
    Even should we live only for joy in our passionate nights now
    Know thy sweet depths of infinite love are returned just as much

    Robert J. Lindley

    Consider this. It is a first draft of a poem written in long verse, syllable restrictions not in play.
    Perfectly alright to reject it as, it may be too direct or simple.
    Yet quite evident of a simple man's mortal soul lost in depths of true and passionate love.

    If you desire another different type poem or style please advise, or perhaps consider send me something you compose for me to write the closing verse to.
    I always want my collaborator to be perfectly happy in whatever form. style, enough and depth we may choose to compose in.
    Thanks again for your generous offer to write with me my friend, it has given me inspiration, purpose and joy today to be inspired to write this presentation.
    God bless thee,

    ***************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Heavenly Sent, Moments Of Bliss, Thy Warmest Kiss

    Within deepest magic love-realm stars, thy smile glows
    Heavenly sent, moments of bliss, thy warmest kiss
    In my lost darkness, only thy romantic love now grows
    Seedlings of Hope, mercy, all that I shall forever miss
    Let wet earth, soak thy virgin seed, reward thy heart
    In this our prayer, may love's rebirth find in thee
    Greatest of Lights ever found on an astrology chart
    We entwined in our love, around Life's first fruit-bearing tree

    Realizing now, your free spirit was not mine to tame
    Lost in my depths of hot desires I would have won that game
    Bright flower covered earthen meadows grace thy resting place
    Bring forth, longing memories of blue eyes, thy pretty face

    Robert J. Lindley, 2-25 2017
    (First draft)

    Syllables Per Line: 12 12 14 14 12 12 14 14 0 14 14 14 14
    Total # Syllables: 160
    Total # Words: 116

    Let me know if this will do. In that its flexible enough I believe to be written to as either a first part or second half of a romantic poem.
    Feel free to offer any suggestions, if you chose this one to collaborate on my friend.

    Syllable count shown for reference, not mandatory to match, unless you want to.
    Also we can discuss how to format the finished piece.
    Whether to go with 8 verse, then 4 verse stanza's(as in first draft) or combined as to twelve verse stanza's in a finished poem. OR even connect with 4 verse stanza to make it 8 , then add an 8 verse stanza to have three 8 verse stanza's..
    Just tossing out ideas my friend.


    Flowers In Your Hair, Gold Dust On Your Trailing Gown

    Flowers in your hair, gold dust on your trailing gown
    You my true sky angel, had floated right on down
    Golden sandals on your feet, toenails glowing white
    All eternity, shall not see prettier sight
    Your soft and gentle voice, million ways of so sweet
    Your touch my hope, your kisses - love-food to eat
    Every moment a blessing, you my darling gave
    Each dance your gift, healing treasures, my heart to save
    Love of my life, sing softest hymns to this lost soul
    For before you came, sorrows took a heavy toll
    Know darling, this heart and spirit you have thus healed
    Should Fate deny us, thy love, truth has been revealed

    Robert J. Lindley,2-26-2017

    Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 144
    Total # Words: 113

    And thanks for inspiring me to have written both of these offerings.
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 02-26-2017 at 10:27 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    another co-write start

    Our love rests within two beating hearts,
    where life gifts each a lion's share!
    I love the spirit and grace resting in you,
    as thirsting grass pines for morning dew.

    We shall love within each other's touch,
    with tenderness in each soothing hand.
    No need to ever say our love, tis' too much,
    or that any night is not ours to command!

    I have seen beautiful flowers in your eyes,
    and great promise in your sensual ways.
    Your sunshine permeates my longing skies
    where love and hope grace all our days.

    You speak of love in words of tenderness,
    yet tis' great strength you reveal in emotion,
    that flames my desire in want of your caress.
    I pledge to you, my heart in fullest devotion.

    In your eyes I glean that your promise will last,
    and that our lives be as sweet as fine aged wine.
    From your side and love, I shall ever cling fast.
    I am content to know you will forever be mine.

    Some nights I spend awake, watching you sleep,
    whispering words of love you can't hear me say.
    Tis' the gift of you that I shall treasure and keep,
    nestled safely inside my heart to savor each day.

    Robert Lindley & Lin Lane, 12-12-2015

    not titled yet...
    I fought your memory deep into lonely nights
    gentle touches that were all delights.
    Do not hold my love against my last desire
    for my feet are still in your fire.

    Where life now rambles in my desperate mind
    rests clouds of romance waiting to find.
    More time and slow walks by midnight seas
    and love that we find with such ease.

    Return to me! That fire burning my needs
    in your glow resides our eternal seeds

    March 04-2017

    Collaboration start- first draft offered --

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

    From afar, never let that distance come.
    Stay and hold we this love, our greatest night
    Pray we in folly are never so dumb
    As to embrace blindness, lose love's true sight.
    With our happiness, lets make thus our vow
    Cherish our moments, each others touch
    Sail our ship with Love's great Hope at the prow

    to be finished^^^^^^

    ************************************************** ******

    Dreams Of Pains That Weighed His Heart Like A Stone

    Whiskey in coffee he added with glee
    Old man cried out, Aye boys it sets me free
    With each new farm day so much like the last
    He looked back at blessings of distant past
    Thinking of his sweet wife, long departed
    Embracing times he was brokenhearted
    Many long nights, big bed and all alone
    Dreams of pains that weighed his heart like a stone
    Asked heaven above to speed his release
    Tired of selling his sad soul by the piece
    His future, mere shadings of past vain hopes
    Miles deep under sea with no periscope

    Whiskey in coffee he added with glee
    Old man cried out, Aye boys it sets me free

    R.J. Lindley
    July 11th, 1976

    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 140
    Total # Words: 113

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2017


    second round. I talked teppo and vllad into doing longer poem and not the sonnet... we each do alternating 4 verse stanza's --in first and second half.

    Thou art remembered in thy full bloom,
    a rose grown within my garden of life.
    Thou art lost to me this ever my doom,
    Our love is an echo my long lost wife.

    Ill wind had blown, poisoned arrows of Fate,
    love lost, ever I cry, we reunite.
    Tho', should such be only at Heaven's gate
    illuminated, true Love's blessed light.

    Thine effect so lives in my lonesome cast
    as I meander in my ruthless path,
    in darkened dust of my ill-fated past,
    dying to break free from this endless wrath.

    Yet memories sighs recall precious love,
    where we did caress love's own dear desires.
    In love's sweet passions we flew high above,
    Thou art memories ghost, you light dream's fires.

    Pray I, your dream-winds soft and fair tonight
    eager heart leaps to melt in beauty's glows.
    With yellow-moon kisses, all could be right,
    our love's truth, written in destiny's scrolls.

    second round results---

    Vladislav Raven
    Message: Sent to Robert and Teppo.

    My Stanza, the seventh is added at the end.

    Thou art remembered in thy full bloom,
    a rose grown within my garden of life.
    Thou art lost to me this ever my doom,
    Our love is an echo my long lost wife.

    Ill wind had blown, poisoned arrows of Fate,
    love lost, ever I cry, we reunite.
    Tho', should such be only at Heaven's gate
    illuminated, in true Love's blessed light.

    Thine effect so lives in my lonesome cast
    as I meander in my ruthless path,
    in darkened dust of my ill-fated past,
    dying to break free from this endless wrath.

    Yet memories sighs recall precious love,
    where we did caress love's own dear desires.
    In love's sweet passions we flew high above,
    Thou art memories ghost, you light dream's fires.

    Pray I, your dream-winds soft and fair tonight
    eager heart leaps to melt in beauty's glows.
    With yellow-moon kisses, all could be right,
    our love's truth, written in destiny's scrolls.

    As lonely spirits found love’s true accord,
    Thy gracious soul caressed my heart with joy.
    It was thy gracious beauty I adored,
    for endless days thy soft caress enjoy.

    Thou comest my love thy light for to bring,
    Thy beauty the darkness doth dispell.
    In divinity thy heart it doth sing,
    A moment of love's-light I doth foretell.

    next round of stanza's--

    My reply to your last message to me- is this-- my eighth stanza, included in copy below, before Teppo's ninth stanza

    Subject: "Remembered in thy full bloom."
    From: Vladislav Raven

    Thou art remembered in thy full bloom,
    a rose grown within my garden of life.
    Thou art lost to me this ever my doom,
    Our love is an echo my long lost wife.

    Ill wind had blown, poisoned arrows of Fate,
    love lost, ever I cry, we reunite.
    Tho', should such be only at Heaven's gate
    illuminated, in true Love's blessed light.

    Thine effect so lives in my lonesome cast
    as I meander in my ruthless path,
    in darkened dust of my ill-fated past,
    dying to break free from this endless wrath.

    Yet memories sighs recall precious love,
    where we did caress love's own dear desires.
    In love's sweet passions we flew high above,
    Thou art memories ghost, you light dream's fires.

    Pray I, your dream-winds soft and fair tonight
    eager heart leaps to melt in beauty's glows.
    With yellow-moon kisses, all could be right,
    our love's truth, written in destiny's scrolls.

    As lonely spirits found love’s true accord,
    Thy gracious soul caressed my heart with joy.
    It was thy gracious beauty I adored,
    for endless days thy soft caress enjoy.

    Thou comest my love thy light for to bring,
    Thy beauty the darkness doth dispel.*
    In divinity thy heart it doth sing,
    A moment of love's-light I doth foretell.

    Within each heart's spirit, desire to come
    pray future treasures that announce their glow.
    Thy touch, paradise in love's kingdom
    may we with grace, beg our romance to grow.

    The light of life returned to darkened dust
    be it not my destiny to abide,
    and side with mortal ways in life unjust,
    with a forlorn dream to be by my side.

    Note- this verse marked above (*) , shows to be nine syllables, please check. thanks.

    (( Thy beauty the darkness doth dispel.* ))


    "Remembered In Thy Full Bloom."
    From: Vladislav Raven
    Message: For Robert and Teppo.

    Thou art remembered in thy full bloom,
    a rose grown within my garden of life.
    Thou art lost to me this ever my doom,
    Our love is an echo my long lost wife.

    Ill wind had blown, poisoned arrows of Fate,
    love lost, ever I cry, we reunite.
    Tho', should such be only at Heaven's gate
    illuminated, in true Love's blessed light.

    Thine effect so lives in my lonesome cast
    as I meander in my ruthless path,
    in darkened dust of my ill-fated past,
    dying to break free from this endless wrath.

    Yet memories sighs recall precious love,
    where we did caress love's own dear desires.
    In love's sweet passions we flew high above,
    Thou art memories ghost, you light dream's fires.

    Pray I, your dream-winds soft and fair tonight
    eager heart leaps to melt in beauty's glows.
    With yellow-moon kisses, all could be right,
    our love's truth, written in destiny's scrolls.

    As lonely spirits found love’s true accord,
    Thy gracious soul caressed my heart with joy.
    It was thy gracious beauty I adored,
    for endless days thy soft caress enjoy.

    Thou comest my love thy light for to bring,
    Thy beauty the darkness doth dispel.*
    In divinity thy heart it doth sing,
    A moment of love's-light I doth foretell.

    Within each heart's spirit, desire to come
    pray future treasures that announce their glow.
    Thy dear touch, paradise in love's kingdom
    may we with grace, beg our romance to grow.

    The light of life returned to darkened dust
    be it not my destiny to abide,
    and side with mortal ways in life unjust,
    with a forlorn dream to be by my side.

    Now into the terror of my dark night,
    once more I fall into the pits of hell,
    despair and sorrow darken God's bright light,
    death's joys shall come but when I cannot tell

    Pray true, warmth and new color to the rose
    return pure gleam that sent my heart to thee.
    Wherein all time, forever thee I chose
    thou art, ripest flower, I thy lone bee.
    ================================================== =================

    _______ -------


    Not Titled Yet
    Yes my love, our joining was truly Fate
    for immediately we both just knew,
    hope had bellowed it is never to late
    my destiny was love and life with you!

    Love, ours glistening rubies and pearls
    hot-love feasts served upon long golden trays,
    memories, night love baths in heated swirls
    greatest treasure my soul embraces today!

    In paradise my heart sought your soft touch
    sweet embrace and curves of your luscious lips,
    non-stop, crescendo was almost to much
    on this earth, we took such heavenly trips!

    Our fated romance proves that true love stays~
    through it all, thick and thin, sorrowful grays


    An Idea for our next collaboration my dear friend.
    I write the letter begging forgiveness for going astray and you write the ladies reply to that letter of my begging forgiveness.
    We can tweak it as we go ,and make any changes in mine you think necessary my friend.
    This new collaboration moves away from pure romance into the reality of lovers broken apart by the unfaithfulness of the man falling to temptation(as happens in real life)...
    Let me know.
    I wrote this while sitting in lounge waiting for my oil change and have now got home and typed it in this soup mail as another collaboration offer.
    Let me know my dear friend...
    We can take all the time you need to together work this into another superb and finely crafted collaboration, f you like.

    God bless,

    The Request, The Sad Letter Sent

    Forgive me that my heart has gone astray
    turn thy blue sky into a weeping gray,
    set deepest grief up as thy mourning meal,
    was thoughtless on how, you my darling feel.

    All my tears I have since so sadly spent
    for forgiveness, sincere message is sent.

    Yes, I have seen thy lonely silent walks
    remember our love and nights joyous talks,
    Now wiser in my misery and gloom,
    found renewed space, in longing heart is room.

    All my tears I have since so sadly spent
    for forgiveness, sincere message is sent.

    As thy broken heart mends and love renews
    know for my error, I've paid heavy dues,
    food has no taste and nights bring sad sorrows,
    I weep for love and our lost tomorrows.

    All my tears I have since so sadly spent
    for forgiveness, sincere message is sent.

    Return to tender heart that rests in you
    remember that deep love we once both knew,
    heal this darkness that infected my heart,
    from thy grace, with kindness let us restart.

    All my tears I have since so sadly spent
    for forgiveness, sincere message is sent.

    Spring has come, can we again see new dawns
    walk upon Nature's trails, see newborn fawns,
    have delicious picnics by shining lake,
    swear again our love vows and never break.

    Robert J. Lindley, 6-09-2018

    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 280
    Total # Words: 216

    Reply To His Sincere Request --(I know you can make this collaboration into a dazzling gem)..
    Put on hold--doing new one first-- shown below.

    ************************************************** *****************************************

    When In Love's Immense Depths, You Are Truly Cherished

    Mystical web spun memories of our sweet nights
    love began, under stars and brightest of moonlights.
    Hold onto that image, its joyous dreaming dreams
    fiery echoes, night trysts and pleasurable screams.
    Love's greatest truth rests in thy bosom and kind heart
    destined to meet that night and our souls never part.

    Fate fulfilled as we were thrilled, luscious love’s first blush,
    time together, had forever, no need to rush.
    Aroused desires stirred passions’ afire to burn
    like pulsing embers in joined flames of wanton yearn,
    till what was left, spent afterglow like cooling coal
    our hot bed then our sanctuary soul to soul.

    From passion's soul to soul, came steaming heart to heart
    delicious love made each night, glowing as fine art.
    Waking wrapped in love-joined joy, within Cupid's shot
    giving you my all and all I have ever got,
    days spent in loving arms that hold our love so true
    knowing your soft heart lives in me and all I do.

    From that day when angels’ wings whispered you away
    tears I cry in sweet relief when memories’ stray.
    Bleeding heart still blooms for you vibrant on the vine
    though seeking tendrils ache without you to entwine.
    Oh the wish to have your kiss, nectar ‘pon my lips,
    your tender taste still lingers since your life’s eclipse.

    Yet Fate had its saddest call, that none can deny
    ours was to live its love-feast and not reason why.
    Now so alone, precious memories to sustain,
    moments of mirth that alleviate the great pain,
    feed my desires for your tender nightly embrace,
    know, no power ever known, can our love erase.

    Upon dawn's breaking, wake knowing you were once here,
    another memory, lessens days flow of tears.
    Future promise of, being joined in nightly bliss
    and in that moment having all I now so miss;
    Your heart the flower, I the honey seeking bee,
    our love entwined, in paradise under love's tree.

    7. Come take me to your Heaven's home of pearly light,
    my sombre soul now needs you like stars need the night.
    I look to twilight skies bittersweet shades of blue
    and daydream of your denim eyes of darkest hue.
    For a time imagining I’m held in your gaze
    magic that still charms me does not fail to amaze.

    8. Please find my kiss I’ve blown to you upon the breeze,
    I send to you my love with prayers while on my knees.
    Praying to be with you sooner rather than late,
    memories move me to close our circle of fate.
    Gather my soul, lift me to you like a feather,
    with spun gossamer of silken ties that tether.

    When In Love's Immense Depths, You Are Truly Cherished

    My dear friend, again I have been honored and blessed to have the gift of composing this tale of love and its magnificent blessings with you!
    My short poem fragment(first stanza)based upon a relationship I had over four decades ago, has been beautifully completed in our collaboration, because of your wonderful verses, inspiration, and immense talent.
    Even beyond our friendship, you have further honor me with your great kindness and your truly generous gift of writing with me...
    For all of that my dear friend, I am so deeply indebted...
    ************************************************** *************
    Next offer to Susan---

    When Nature's Beauty and Sky's Heart Became One

    Emerald glen, I first saw angel wings come down
    one of Nature's bright treasures outside our small town;
    as brilliant glows entered sad heart and seeing eyes,
    I heard voices from Heaven, soothing joyful cries,
    turning I saw an angel dance on golden ground
    that is when our heart both became forever bound.
    Yours shining with the kindness of joy and sweet glee,
    gifting deepest romance ever to engulf me.

    I saw your transformation into flesh and bone,
    Nature's power, did your face and beauty there hone;
    with forest's golden hues in your shining bright hair,
    never was Nature so great nor lady so fair,
    your eyes took vivid color of that meadow span
    found greatest of loves ever born in heart of man.
    Then your first gaze found me transfixed and in rapture,
    thus you knew this heart and soul was yours to capture.

    Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 192
    Total # Words: 145

    This is the fragment from 1972, I had written , 5 stanza, 40 verses to be finished later. Later never came until now-- that is if you would like to finish it.
    Either you do three 8 verse stanza. Or we split the third stanza and you finished up with the two 8 verse closing stanza.
    Or anyway you think would create a beautiful and meaningful romantic piece that incorporates Nature, human life , true and deep love , even if one only imagined by a lonely and broken heart.
    Let me know ok??

    Collaboration offer to Susan-

    I woke 3 am, with this sonnet started in my head. The idea came to me and I hit even without editing, the hundred word mark! It is as if it was sent to me.
    Please consider and store this for later, the idea that we return to how our friendship and collaboration started- me answering to your brilliant sonnet.
    And now in return, you answer to this one, if it measures up my dear friend.
    Please consider , but if you'd rather not, no problem..

    (Not Titled Yet)

    Your love broke through, this beaten heart's defense
    rock-hard jagged stones, my wall and pretense
    never again, will I ever build such
    your kisses and sweet grace taught me that much.

    When my world, crushed me, far fallen I fell
    landing headfirst in pits of darkest hell
    Each tortured lash, forsaken soul cried out
    gleeful demons mocking with laughing shouts.

    O' how I craved light, of dawn's blazing sun
    ending hollow victories I once won
    Yet darkness seemed an invincible force
    overcoming, sorrowful life off course.

    With your winning smile and one smiting kiss
    victory reminding, all I so miss.

    Robert J. Lindley,

    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 140
    Total # Words: 100

    Another one saved for future collaboration-Tyr

    My Love, You Are So Ravishing In My Dreams

    Daily this heart bleeds and seeks again your hand
    I acknowledge my love, are forever gone
    but this loneliness is more than I can stand,
    even the night-winds echo weeping tones.
    Was our love so deep, more than dark world could take
    did this world set silent daggers into play
    sweetheart, our love we swore to never forsake
    even your death can not stop love's truth today!

    Pray I, that this heartbreaking nightmare soon ends
    and I join you my love on those golden plains
    we survived disasters, where river dark bends,
    sent forth tormenting anguish with epic pains.

    My love, you are so ravishing in my dreams
    your bright smile invades my drought stricken spirit
    your loving eyes, send out heart's romantic beams,
    that graceful love call, so pure I still hear it.
    Tho' time now denies this soul your softest kiss
    fate commands that I yet live, trek on alone
    dark world cries out, " now her love you must dismiss"
    I can not, for such would turn my heart to stone!

    R. J. Lindley
    Sept 14th, 1976
    Rhyme, ( That Which Death Can Not Destroy)

    Syllables Per Line:
    11 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
    Total # Syllables: 231
    Total # Words: 183

    When Nature's Beauty and Sky's Heart Became One

    Emerald glen, I first saw angel’s wings come down
    one of Nature's bright treasures outside our small town;
    as brilliant glows entered sad heart and seeing eyes,
    I heard voices from Heaven, soothing joyful cries,
    turning I saw an angel dance on golden ground
    that is when our heart both became forever bound.
    Yours shining with the kindness of joy and sweet glee,
    gifting deepest romance ever to engulf me.

    I saw your transformation into flesh and bone,
    Nature's power, did your face and beauty there hone;
    with forest's golden hues in your shining bright hair,
    never was Nature so great nor lady so fair,
    your eyes took vivid color of that meadow span
    found greatest of loves ever born in heart of man.
    Then your first gaze found me transfixed and in rapture,
    thus you knew this heart and soul was yours to capture.

    Blessed sepals gifted me winsome petals pure,
    the essence of your presence was this being’s cure.
    Dreams adrift with promise in your budding sunrise,
    adorning glory generous in summer eyes;
    hazel green with flecks inlaid gilded amber light
    letting me behold your rose of unblemished white.
    In virgin air our vibrant love a twining vine,
    amorous scrolling glowing in euphoric shine.

    In everlasting soul’s light - rays of sunshine paled,
    wanting, I inhaled evergreen love you exhaled,
    music in my heart our stage romantic ballet,
    breezy ballerina took zephyrs’ breath away.
    Honeydew eves of summertime rhythms we did seize,
    intoxicating lust sipped with mint julep ease.
    Ecstasy’s teardrops fell from ethereal swoon,
    our heartstrings strummed with beads from old melting moon…

    Thoughts of you tinkle musing wind chimes in my mind,
    memories stirring of your magic unconfined.
    You came to me, beloved, carried on the wind,
    from rapturous beginning our kindred souls’ twinned.
    In your eyes I saw the skies where your rose called home
    but with you I shared paradise ‘neath Heaven’s dome.
    You kindled flames anew angel from astral planes
    when natural beauty and light flowed through your veins.

    Knowing That Most Treasured Gift Would Forever Grow

    Across the dance floor, your soft sashaying gown flew
    with its bright waving gleams of silver dust and blue;
    within that blessed gaze, lonesome heart jumped a beat
    seeing those golden slippers on your dainty feet,
    feeling love's welcomed arrows shot by Cupid's bow
    knowing that most treasured gift would forever grow!

    Cool June night we walked under golden moon's beams
    with your heart and soul gifting love that so redeems;
    this man that had lost heart and walked a blind path
    death long ago condemned this soul to darkest wrath,
    torn asunder joy in life that had been a gift
    chained this spirit upon a black-ship set adrift!

    Loss of my beloved I once lived blind despair
    wading through this evil world's black pits without care;
    was sweet love reminding me of Hope that is lost
    found anew when your destined path with mine was crossed.
    I saw the world with open eyes but could not see
    faith, till sight did lay upon the beauty of thee.

    Your rosy warmth danced with grace thawing my cold heart,
    seduced by rousing rhythm never would we part.
    My heart began to waltz and pallid pulse did race
    when I saw charmed moonlight caress your angel’s face,
    I longed forevermore to tilt your chin and kiss
    your promising sunrise lips of heavenly bliss.

    That early summer’s eve I took a leap of faith
    willing to let go of my haunting lost love wraith,
    I found with you the heart to fall in love once more
    and with you in my arms glissade life’s ballroom floor,
    alone in love’s spotlight of golden moon beam’s glow
    I give my whole attention for you stole the show.

    Robert J. Lindley and Susan Ashley(Collaboration)

    Co-write with Teppo

    Two old oak trees weathered by winds and rain
    with fallen leaves, branches and toughened bark
    to shield a core of grandeur, and sustain
    the wisdom borne to see the light from dark.

    Two noble men aware of twilight time
    both face evil world with courage and grace
    Love and Nature gifts each, a life sublime
    all standing with courage none can erase.

    Each rooted within mother earth's great fold
    weathering this world's darkest raging storms
    images show lives lived regally and bold
    tho' age now weakens all such earthen forms.

    With words of wisdom written in our seeds
    we seek retreat to heed our honest deeds.

    6-21-2018--Saving for collab with Susan

    Within Passion's Heart, Your Beauty So Shines

    When your soft, love seeking heart engulfed mine
    wicked world had set me broken dark paths,
    with hottest passions, our souls did entwine
    destroying Fate's wicked punishing wraths
    In love's shimmering lights we now both bask
    free from fateful sorrows, our shielding masks!

    My dearest love, what gifted thy sweet touch
    blessed me with stirring heat of our nights
    was it divine intervention or some such
    bequeathing love's embrace, its infinite heights?
    Within passion's heart, your beauty so shines
    that our love now so ravishingly dines!

    Paradise and its promised blessings you brought
    deepest enchantment, more than was ever sought.

    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 11 11 10 10 0 11 11
    Total # Syllables: 144
    Total # Words: 100

    Co-write with Brenda Chiri

    Can Thy Spirit This Reward Cherish True

    Alas! why does thy wanton heart sad-beat
    is it for another seeking thy kiss;
    savaged vessel, lost in utter defeat,
    one that evil brutal world would not miss?
    Is your lonely soul lost in dire despair
    in midst of epic sorrows and lost hope;
    treading blood-red waters to hell's dark lair
    with false prediction of your horoscope.

    Eureka! Dawn's light in thy weeping eyes
    shines love's truth for thy lost soul to embrace;
    within its gifts, blessings fall from bright skies
    for your heart to receive with loving grace!
    Can thy spirit this reward cherish true,
    return to thy sweet dreams once held so dear;
    revitalize great kindness once in you
    and thus find courage to thy truest love share?

    Fate so long ago tore thy life apart
    in its wake, darkness came to bend thy will;
    cast you forth as a broken piece of art,
    gloating as it watched your warm red blood spill.

    Syllables Per Line:
    10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 200
    Total # Words: 155

    Finish third stanza, write two more 8 verse stanza to complete our collaboration my dear friend.
    I found time to compose this, did not want to forget getting it to you!

    When Midnight Moon Spoke, Revealing Thy Goddess Face

    From paradise came a love that slays world's lost heart
    rapture within light that entered this soul of mine;
    with joy's gifts and peace only thy kiss could impart
    as piercing truth came from that immense heart of thine.
    Thy aromatic candle smells of sweetest wine
    incense that casting forth winds to redeem spirit;
    earth's bountiful harvest, desserts on which to dine
    angel tunes, stopping all hurts, I can hear it.

    When midnight moon spoke, revealing thy goddess face
    Nature shed its silver tears upon thy bare feet;
    that moment, knew thy presence nothing could replace
    truth came, we were both in love, thus destined to meet.
    In thy gaze, aching heart left its lonely estate
    replenished spirit danced into life's clear streams;
    blessing winds flowed that no dark powers could abate
    thy romantic lights wrapped me from desirous dreams.

    Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 192
    Total # Words: 140

    First half of a future collaboration with Susan.....6-22-2018


    First half of a future collaboration with Susan......6-22-2018

    Silken Sheets Are Flung From Deep Passion's Midnight Bed

    With Achilles's courage, desirous heart defends
    My lady with bluest of eyes and golden hair.
    For her soft touch and kisses, greatest pleasures sends
    This soul, heavenly paradise beyond compare!

    With every new dawn's shining embrace, her love sings
    Magnificent words that this fallen spirit heals.
    Her smiling lips gift joy, her sweet grace, new life brings
    Romance that overflows, into both our lives spills.

    Nights together, hot love flowing like sweet red wine
    Silken sheets are flung from deep passion's midnight bed
    On its rewarding winds our hot bodies entwine
    Sate wanton lusts, healing hearts once too often bled!

    Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 144
    Total # Words: 100

    Please store, if you deem this worthy to collaborate with.
    I send this because I fear forgetting or misplacing these.
    Hope you do not mind..
    Let me know ok??? Some days I get on a roll and write a dozen such poems..


    I had to write this as it came from a dream last night my dear friend.
    There was more but I can not remember but very brief and vague fragments.
    Then it came to me that maybe I can not remember because you are supposed to write the ending.

    Untitled , offered to Susan-- 6-25-2018

    When walking in splatter of Spring's anticipated rains
    blessed is the youth in thee if wearing no shoes;
    further given if thee can then see rainbow hues
    thus finding such fantastic sights halt some worries and pains.

    Such fleeting rewards fly by with blossoming paradise sails
    should thee bask in that magnificent soft warm glow;
    savor precious moment, follow which way it blows
    casting care to the wind, seek victory that never fails?

    As smiling blue sky, clears to send thee a most wondrous day
    thy heart explodes in radiance of truly blessed gifts;

    Syllables Per Line: 14 12 12 14 0 14 12 12 14 0 14 14
    Total # Syllables: 132
    Total # Words: 94

    not titled yet-
    Sending to you to finish as a collaboration if you so choose my dear friend--finish with ten verses and title this poem. Also choose when you want to do this, if accepted. ok?

    Another collaboration offer sent to my dear friend Susan.. 6-30-2018

    Night's Heated Hours, Booms Thunder To Distant Hills

    Count the days until your hand touches mine
    our hot romance stays, love's golden threads are thine
    love's resplendent gifts, thy heart tis greatest prize
    no measuring can show its generous size.
    Thus I now embrace, Fate's hand, its sweetest gifts
    to paradise we race, there your grace uplifts
    within dawn's soft glow thy presence my soul feels
    night's heated hours, booms thunder to distant hills.

    Holding precious each and every love-felt hour
    rain dancing, we feel life's romantic powers
    as Spring's first soft buds, remind both hearts are true
    Fate decrees you live for me and I for you.

    Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11
    Total # Syllables: 132
    Total # Words: 100

    As in a reply from the lady so deeply and truly beloved, please write ----

    -- one eight verse stanza then

    -- a 4 verse closing stanza, matching syllable count and number of words(100)
    total verses 24, total words= 200, total syllables 264

    Collaboration offer to Susan, 7-01-2018

    O' That This Still Beating Heart Could Cast Itself Aloft

    O' that this soul could have foreseen this pitiful state
    If only I could find the cause for my truest of love's bruises and our love's quick demise
    What malevolent force, has such power to so utterly and rapidly destroy,
    send its long daggers deep into our romantic rapture and joyful beating hearts?
    O' that her aching pains could somehow be vanquished,
    that this wretched soul could heal her torn heart and steal it back into the Light!

    I that have fought and slain demons of epic magnitudes and darkest evil
    am now truly powerless to find this wicked foe to slay
    Even my prayers to allow me this last just and great fight,
    go unanswered and such disappearance of Hope bleeds me deep
    I that once demolished red dragons and giants of blackest, malignant deeds
    now waste away in this state of weakness, despair and foulest of horrors!

    O' that this still beating heart could cast itself aloft,
    from bluest skies, look down and with honor's gifts take action to save her
    Save my love, save her from this state of never ending pains and sorrows,
    from hellish pits that consume and destroy all remaining dregs of Hope.
    O' that this broken soul could again soar, enter her sorrow-filled prison,
    break her chains of misery and free my beloved angel to fly away, fly far away!

    I that pray again for our vanished paradise, to lounge on its white sand beaches,
    dance soft summer nights, among its resplendent golden moon sent glows
    Summon up my last vestige of Hope and courage to fight this dark beast,
    with new and stronger armor and ever faithful sword of justice renewed
    I that bow my head, speaking in humble tones, ask only this last chance
    this gift, this reward, this honor, to slay this invisible monster, and free my love!



    The Goddess Of Blessed Redemption

    She gave me a foundation of love's pleasures
    Complete with wondrous bountiful measures.
    She a gentle goddess of golden hues
    Swept this heart away, vanquished all its blues.
    From a verdant forest spring she arrived
    Relieving me of life sadly contrived.
    None other could love and give any more
    She a goddess sent from paradise shore.

    When asked why she came to me to now bless
    No words came, my sins too sad to confess.
    Yet her Light and Grace healed this broken soul
    For this world had taken its heavy toll.
    Of Asclepius* blood, healing her art
    Body, and mind, first targeting the heart.
    Faithful daughter, resplendent her warm glow
    sent to heal and allow this soul to grow.

    For collaboration with Teppo..

    The Goddess Of Blessed Redemption

    She gave me a foundation of love's pleasures
    complete with wondrous bountiful measures
    she a gentle goddess of golden hues,
    swept this heart away, vanquished all its blues.
    From a verdant forest spring she arrived
    relieving me of life sadly contrived.
    None other could love and give any more,
    she a goddess sent from paradise shore.

    When asked why she came to me to now bless
    no words came, my sins too sad to confess.
    Yet her Light and Grace healed this broken soul
    for this world had taken its heavy toll.
    Of Asclepius* blood, healing her art,
    body, soul and mind, first target the heart,
    faithful daughter, resplendent her warm glow
    sent to heal and allow this soul to grow.

    She freed my body from its scars and burns
    from ghosts of past buried in hidden urns,
    the mind confused by treachery and lies
    and the soul ready to face its demise.
    Her enchanted charm revived my delight
    to view the world in a generous light,
    for the mind to stand firm, no longer wilt,
    with redemption free the burden of guilt.

    Once a broken man, forsaken lost soul,
    I now stand stoutly with a heart that’s whole.
    With Apollo’s blood vibrant are my veins,
    by lease of life, released from morbid chains.
    Verve restored by Aceso’s healing might
    with radiance to end my sorry plight.
    Healed with love in atonement of past crimes
    with kindness I share life’s eternal chimes.

    If interested, finish this by writing 16 verses to bring a conclusion to this poem about healing by a mystical being to bring Redemption and Love to a sad lost soul.
    Note below explains more about this Asclepius and his five daughters, this one being- Aceso (the goddess of the healing process).

    Asclepius (/æsˈkliːpiəs/; Greek: Ἀσκληπιός, Asklēpiós [asklɛːpiós]; Latin: Aesculapius) was a hero and god of medicine in ancient Greek religion and mythology. Asclepius represents the healing aspect of the medical arts; his daughters are Hygieia ("Hygiene", the goddess/personification of health, cleanliness, and sanitation), Iaso (the goddess of recuperation from illness), Aceso (the goddess of the healing process), Aglæa/Ægle (the goddess of the glow of good health), and Panacea (the goddess of universal remedy). He was associated with the Roman/Etruscan god Vediovis and the Egyptian Imhotep.[1] He was one of Apollo's sons, sharing with Apollo the epithet Paean ("the Healer").[2] The rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff, remains a symbol of medicine today. Those physicians and attendants who served this god were known as the Therapeutae of Asclepius.

    Offered to Susan to finish--

    In An Ancient Forest Where A Goddess Made Her Home

    My campsite, next to a clear and soft singing stream
    an ancient forest, with disappearing shadows,
    such beauty but this paradise is no mere dream
    vibrant colors, songbirds reds, blues, browns and yellows!

    Yes, I've found a piece of God's earthly paradise
    where Nature's gifts and man can dance singing in tune,
    words from a sage, so happy I took that advice
    finding peace and calm, dance under a forest moon!

    Then she came, goddess of beauty beyond compare
    in brightest garments, gleaming of silver and gold
    no other could come close, she fairest of the fair
    yet I spoke, love's ardor, instantly made me bold!

    Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 144
    Total # Words: 106
    Collaboration offered to Susan, 7-14-2018

    Love's Golden Fountain Has Given Us Our First Drink

    When heart and soul are immerse in resplendent dreams
    thoughts intensely glorified in heavenly bliss;
    beautiful eyes cast upon me joy wading streams
    to not love and adore, would truly be remiss!

    Love's golden fountain has given us our first drink
    sending rapture forth, we fly to paradise shores;
    magnificent nights, from love's hottest bed we sink
    into love's truest depths, as sweet passion's rain downpours!

    My goddess, send your satisfying siren song
    upon soothing winds born from Aphrodite's gaze;
    its soft melody, proves how truly we belong
    leaving behind jealousy and all it inveighs!

    My dearest love, send again to me healing words
    as I grow sad and lonely while we are apart;

    Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 168
    Total # Words: 114
    For collaboration- Finish stanza, then compose three more, 4 verse stanza's to finish this one, if interested. You may do this one next if you like-


    For Within Light's Truest Of Gifts, Love Brings Its Infinite Grace

    Weeping tears falling into her coffee she mourned his death
    vanished were the promising future dreams they both had made;
    tho' some nights upon her cheek, she could feel his loving breath
    although in a Blossom Hill grave his remains had been laid.

    Although gone from this sad earthly plane, Love may yet embrace.
    For within Light's truest of gifts, Love brings its infinite grace.

    Dawn giving her its new colors, its soothing golden light
    sending anew, memories of love in heavenly flight;
    comforting as she held onto his sweet words from last night
    fleeting moments when his dream kiss made everything alright.

    Although gone from this sad earthly plane, Love may yet embrace.
    For within Light's truest of gifts, Love brings its infinite grace.

    When afternoon sun was about to hide its brilliant glows
    she walked to their favorite spot, their love's hidden place;
    read his words of love cut into their tree, to always show
    see mystical dusk's come, in its mists see his handsome face.

    Although gone from this sad earthly plane, Love may yet embrace.
    For within Light's truest of gifts, Love brings its infinite grace.

    Robert J. Lindley, 7-15-2018
    collaboration offer, given to my dear friend Susan

    Syllables : 14 14 14 14 0 14 14 0 14 14 14 14 0 14 14 0 14 14 14 14 0 14 14
    Total # Syllables: 252
    Total # Words: 190

    I wrote this one while looking out from our back patio deck at the many wind blowing beautiful trees , gentle sloping backyard and musing about my life when in my mid twenties and single.

    Allow Dawn To Wake Us, Let Our Loving Hours Shine

    I would write words for you, dipped in beauty and gold
    my heart would burst for you, if it were just that bold;
    with you, our romance cries out, for an eight day week
    with you, I have found the truest of deep love I seek.

    Walk with me, to paradise its bright singing birds
    Talk to me, your voice sends golden, beautiful words;
    stay this night, let our two souls and pure hearts entwine
    allow dawn to wake us, let our loving hours shine.

    Love does flow with heat for you from my melted heart
    honey dipped allure your ambrosia does impart,
    time together precious as racing pulse does chime
    in amaranthine night of purple passion prime.

    Basking in our luscious love lush and heaven-sent
    rousing first blush bathes us embraced in our content;
    sunrise spreads ardent reds blessing our love story
    dawning dew thrills the bloom of our morning glory.

    Robert J. Lindley and Susan Ashley

    (a collaboration)

    July 16,2018

    My poet’s note: My dear friend Robert, thank you for your gracious invitation to collaborate with you on this luminous piece of poetry. It was my honor and a joy to be inspired by your golden verses of rich romantic lines of ardent love. Our collaborations and your wonderful talent and friendship are treasured and I cherish our shared passion for creating poetry.. I truly appreciate, once again, an exquisite poetic and artistic experience, my dear friend.

    Robert's poet's note: Yet again my dear friend Susan, it is an honor and delightful pleasure to discuss with and write this collaborative, inspiring creation with you.
    Your poetic heart and soul is evident in the depths and beauty of the verses you always contribute to our poetry. To have you as a dear friend and then also be so very blessed as to be gifted your time, insight and talent in composing poetry together is a fantastic revelation of your kindness, generosity and high standing character.


    July 22nd, 2018 --Collaboration offer made to Susana Ashley

    Sorrow Pleads Forgiveness, Pride Prevents Hearing It

    Where glamorous love once burned with mountainous flames
    Fate sent sorrow's seething wrath thrown forth by hurt pride;
    Life and Love are gifts, not toys to be used in games,
    Now ooze stabs wounds, inside lies that withered and died.

    Can we remember when hope-filled love flew bright skies,
    Not embrace resounding echoes of lost heart's cries?

    When miseries and wrath thrive, love's truth can not heal
    dreams turn dark and ugly to the pleading spirit;
    in newfound love was then, heat of passionate zeal,
    now forgiveness begs trust but spite fails to hear it.

    Can we remember when hope-filled love flew bright skies,
    Not embrace resounding echoes of lost heart's cries?

    Robert J. Lindley and Susan Ashley
    A Collaboration

    Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 144
    Total # Words: 112

    General outline of this one, the lover(written by me)- writes about this great love lost, pleads for understanding and forgiveness,
    his lover(written by you) reads this desperate plea and his lover writes a reply, preferably matching in exact syllable count and number of words
    thus we end up with 288 syllables and 224 words.
    The reply can take any course you want, acceptance and reuniting or refusal, etc.-- just as happens in real life...
    All this is a general theme - feel free to discuss changing any of it, we can always work together as we are sincere friends, united collaborators and not jealous rivals poets as are most poets here.. Feel free to take this where you like my dear friend.
    Also maybe do this one next(you decide on that) after we post current one(post the current collaboration today if you are ready?, ok?
    God bless,
    Collaboration offer made to two other top poets, Teppo Gren and Susan Ashley- july 23-2018

    now ---edited and complete -7-24-2018

    Soul Searching Trek Along Winter's Snow Painted Trails

    Waking to cold blown tent, ground frozen icy hard
    woods are my love, as is poetry to a bard.
    Today starts my anticipated forest trek,
    seeking salvation from heart's emotional wreck,
    last night I watched stars twinkle in heavenly skies
    pondering how to overcome world's darkest lies.

    Now dawn breaks, sends fresher pair of gem seeking eyes
    desirous to find what Time, Fate and Earth denies,
    finding cold breeze that blows snowflakes from white cream ground,
    thankful for Nature's sanctuary here now found.
    First step taken, this soul takes its desperate flight,
    embrace anew, treasures that make life feel alright.

    Through drifted powdered paths my healing does begin
    rhythm of my brisk breath is like a cleansing hymn.
    Serenity in solitude is what I seek,
    in contemplative meditations I do speak
    amongst the frosted firs a chapel for my prayers
    in your Trust surrendering all worries and tears.

    Slowing life’s commotion hushing harsh emotion,
    quiet communion in woodland is my potion -
    sweetest swells of ecstasy makes my spirit swoon
    in whitest snowdrop bloom my heart will follow soon.
    With every snowy step I purify a thought
    in this pristine Love I find absolution sought.

    The winding trail I followed with a downcast face
    and left behind the sorrow of my past disgrace.
    Ascending farther to the snowy mountains peak
    animated to discover my fate unique.
    I shall not let my courage waver, not this time,
    with weary steps I continue my forward climb.

    The final steps to reach my summits divine light,
    my mind virtuous as snowflakes of purest white,
    I inhale the essence of life at nature’s hem,
    finally free from chains of torment I condemn.
    With Fate and Time to blend with Earth, I shall redeem
    my dignity and recover my self-esteem.

    A collaboration-
    Robert J. Lindley, Susan Ashley , Teppo Gren

    Summons Bluest Skies To Aches Erase

    What realm flows sweetest sunset hues,
    Resplendent glows that needful soul ease;
    When on this swirling top, can one refuse,
    While man revels and wades into his disease;
    Nature casts beauty to fill vacated space,
    Birthing meadow flowers to heart's delight,
    Summons bluest skies to aches erase,
    Those long sleepless hours of the night.

    In paradise, with jeweled skies,
    Birds glide through trees of solitude's breast;
    Colors fly into mind's love seeking eyes,
    Finding comforting winds and soft peaceful rest;
    Needy soul ventures further into the deep,
    Willing to get lost in heaven's reward,
    Praying words, this soul to safely keep,
    Joy's tears flow, from crying so hard.

    What realm flows sweetest sunset hues,
    Resplendent glows that needful soul ease;
    When on this swirling top, can one refuse,
    While man revels and wades into his disease;
    Nature casts beauty to fill vacated space,
    Birthing meadow flowers to heart's delight,
    Summons bluest skies to aches erase,
    Those long sleepless hours of the night.

    Robert J. Lindley, 7-25-2018
    Rhyme, (8,9,10,11 0 11,10,9,8)

    Syllables Per Line: 8 9 10 11 11 10 9 8 0 8 9 10 11 11 10 9 8 0 8 9 10 11 11 10 9 8
    Total # Syllables: 228
    Total # Words: 164

    Collab offer made to Susan-7-25-2018

    If interested-
    Write the ladies reply to this man's soulful and love seeking questions.
    Any ideals on how to tie it together with a female lover replying in kind?
    Let me know ok.
    And if yes, consider doing this one next, just you and I my dear friend..
    God bless,

    p.s. woke at 3 am, I have written this one and also three others. My brain sometimes gets fired up and my soul demands that black ink be shed..

    (Not Titled Yet)

    Can it be, into this world we are dropped
    from heavenly streams that have never stopped?

    With sweet hope gifted, to our souls delight,
    oceans of love and its fiery desires;
    ladies so fair, we thank our keen eye-sight
    and leap into romance hottest fires.

    Can it be, wonderment is our reward
    given for living in a world so hard?

    With love's soulmate waiting a heart to touch,
    deepest seas of hot sexual pleasures;
    daring to embrace and love very much
    this bountiful store, of life's great treasures.

    Can it be, that in life's short duration
    we go beyond mere infatuation?

    With deeper dreams that bless spirits in need,
    grant romantic nights of sweetest relief;
    birth greatest pleasures of harvested seeds
    fruited in soul's spiritual beliefs.

    Can it be, into this world we are dropped
    from heavenly streams that have never stopped?

    Robert J. Lindley, 7-25-2018
    Rhyme, ( Should We Ask)
    Syllables Per Line:
    10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
    Total # Syllables:
    Total # Words:

    Subject: Another collab offer my dear friend/
    Send To To: Susan Ashley

    Upon Paradise Lake, A Lone Ship Sails

    Wherein her brightest of treasures abound
    in rainbow castles sincerest love found,
    dearest of soft touch, morn's resplendent gifts
    joining, as recovery's new soul drifts.

    On paradise's lake, calm birthing its waves
    with the Hope that in each needing heart saves.

    Echoes of her dearest words held so tight,
    as waning red sun casts its dying light,
    their happiness reminds love yet remains
    in her heart broken by ashen remains.

    On paradise's lake, calm birthing its waves
    with the Hope that in each needing heart saves.

    Docked in port, city of recovered love
    one look at, emerald hills far above
    Joy's splendors invade deep repaired soul
    of true heart finding faithful love its goal.

    (Your part starts here) ( The word "HER" has multiple representations in this collaboration- it represents- a person, a dream , a hope. a paradise, a love forlorn and seeking, as in seeking recovery from a past loss.
    Theme goes from past to present to future as in future hope.
    ashen remains represent either burned up dead love, or death of a past lover husband..

    Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables: 160
    Total # Words: 114

    All In All, True Magnificent Treasures Given

    Luscious the fruits, beautiful under moonlit beams
    firmly planted roots, outstandingly hot, lush-sent dreams
    all in all, glorified visions, heavenly sent
    treasured deeply with rapture stored, sweet love-nights spent.

    Tender kissing bites, honeyed dessert offered free
    wonderful the flights, through blossoming forests of trees
    all in all, miracles were given, lost soul found
    in resplendent nights, covering soft virgin grounds!

    Gold fairy dusted, jeweled eyes sending bright smiles
    each promise trusted, an angel with no dark wiles
    all in all, true magnificent treasures given
    gracefully sent, in true-deep bliss, life worth liven.

    Date written, 7-30-2018

    Syllables Per Line: 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 144
    Total # Words: 92

    Foundation started- Written to be considered for our second three-way collaboration, if our dear friend Teppo comes board.
    Sending this to my dear friends and masterfully gifted writing partners, Susan Ashley and Teppo Gren.
    With Trepidation, I Uttered My First Pleas

    That bright glow in her footsteps she left behind
    said, "this great beauty is a ravishing find",
    her air of grace, beaming like a crashing sun
    cried, "such love if found, can never be undone"!
    Across red-hot beach sands I raced to her side
    if ignored, only wounded would be my pride.

    With trepidation, I uttered my first pleas
    can you and I sail, across bluest of seas,
    as your lovely smile, gives courage now waning
    my love at first glance I began explaining.
    With Hope's blessed light, this loving heart spoke true
    darling, can be no joy for me, without you.

    Her heart warmed, I could feel its comforting heat
    hotter than sands beneath my hot burning feet
    mind questioning, could this awesome dream be real
    can this angel now, this fast beating heart feel.
    As gentleness, spread across that pretty face
    instantly all my gravest fears were erased.

    Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 11 11
    Total # Syllables: 198
    Total # Words: 150

    Part one-- first half completed.. Three hours composing , 9 edits later this was born. I put far more time in when writing for collaboration offers , because I know those I offer are such great poets.
    If you want to do this, the second half- take it were you like.
    Then let me know.. I never automatically think my offers are worthy, only know that when the person accepts the offer..
    God bless,
    in process--

    Achilles woke, his slain foes calling out his name
    hearing merciless woes, his sharpen sword they blame
    looking at the heavens he saw the moon glowing blood red
    sending its message of truth about his victims now dead.

    Rising from night bed, screams from those slain still ringing
    he knew much more torment they would be briinging
    there was darkness in his soul that, nothing could ever tame
    his father* had made death and destruction his only game!

    Small was the solace that mortal men praised his deeds
    how in fiercest battles he makes his victims bleed
    dispatching each to Charon* for that final dark boat trip
    on river Styx, to Hades pain hides in each thirsty sip!

    As pitiful dead faces come from bloody halls
    louder and louder heard are their dark cursing calls
    those words become deep stabbing daggers and his heart is pained
    as he realizes worthless value of fame he has gained!

    Syllables Per Line: 12 12 14 14 0 12 12 14 14 0 12 12 14 14 0 12 12 14 14
    Total # Syllables: 208
    Total # Words: 156

    2nd writing-- still an unfinished poem-8-04-2018

    Achilles, His Heart and Soul Were Mortal
    Part One- (Years Before Troy)

    Achilles* woke, his slain foes calling out his name
    hearing merciless woes, his sharpen sword they blame
    looking at the heavens he saw the moon glowing blood red
    sending its message of truth about his victims now dead!

    Rising from night bed, screams from those slain still ringing
    he knew much more torment they would be bringing
    there was darkness in his soul that, nothing could ever tame
    his father* had made death and destruction his only game!

    Small was the solace that, mortal men praised his deeds
    how in fiercest battles he makes his victims bleed
    dispatching each to Charon* for that final dark boat trip
    on river Styx, to Hades pain hides in each thirsty sip!

    As pitiful dead faces come through bloody halls
    louder and louder heard are their dark cursing calls
    those words become deep stabbing daggers and his heart is pained
    he realizes, worthless value of great fame he has gained!

    Asking mother Thetis* why she gave this curse
    sincerely proclaiming that, nothing could be worse
    To Peleus* his father, he in tears begins to speak
    begging for mercy and the love he forever there seeks!

    He not knowing, Fate had demanded his half-god birth
    destiny's reasons hidden, he pondered life's worth
    asking why could not Apollo*, his suffering now ease
    not seeing, even mighty gods can not do as they please!

    As silence grew louder, his soul already hurt
    he saw dying faces falling on bloodstained dirt
    As voices and bloody shadows sank back into stone wall
    his heart and soul's in memory, stored every cursing call!

    Seeing now, last vestiges of heavenly lights
    Achilles took time to remember all his fights
    soon begging for dawn, its soothing lights his pained soul relieved
    away washed curses of those that had cause to be aggrieved.

    Rising to meet bright sun and dawn's glistening beams
    he felt its deep gifting warmth and Hope that redeems
    Fate and Destiny granted this warrior another day
    on this mortal plain, for now, his half-god body would stay.

    Robert J. Lindley, 8-04- 2018

    0 12 12 14 14 0 12 12 14 14 0 12 12 14 14 0 12 12 14 14
    0 12 12 14 14 0 12 12 14 14 0 12 12 14 14 0 12 12 14 14
    0 12 12 14 14

    TOTAL WORDS- 345
    1. Achilles*: - (Of Troy fame*)
    Achilles, in Greek mythology, son of the mortal Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, and the Nereid, or sea nymph, Thetis. Achilles was the bravest, handsomest, and greatest warrior of the army of Agamemnon in the Trojan War. According to Homer, Achilles was brought up by his mother at Phthia with his cousin and inseparable companion Patroclus. One of the non-Homeric tales of his childhood relates that Thetis dipped Achilles in the waters of the River Styx, by which means he became invulnerable, except for the part of his heel by which she held him—the proverbial “Achilles’ heel.”

    Read more:
    2. (Achilles) father*: - Peleus - Peleus, a figure from Greek mythology, is best known as the father of the Greek hero Achilles* and the husband of the sea nymph Thetis. As a youth, Peleus was banished from his homeland after he killed one of his brothers. Peleus suffered misfortune everywhere he went and fled from two kingdoms during his life.
    Zeus* himself arranged for Peleus to marry Thetis. Zeus loved Thetis, but he decided to abandon his courtship when he learned that the fates had declared that Thetis's son would become more powerful than his father. After marrying Peleus, Thetis bore him a son named Achilles. She tried to make the infant immortal by holding him in fire to burn away his human weakness. Peleus, however, was horrified and stopped Thetis, leaving Achilles' heel vulnerable. Angered, Thetis abandoned her family and returned to the sea.

    nymph minor goddess of nature, usually represented as young and beautiful
    immortal able to live forever
    Peleus became king of Phthia, but he was overthrown by his enemies when Achilles left for the Trojan Warf. Thetis took pity on Peleus and brought him back to her sea cave, where they lived together forever.

    3.. (Achilles) mother*:- Thetis his mother, was the immortal Nereid Thetis, Thetis attempted to render her son Achilles invulnerable. In the well-known version, she dipped him in the River Styx, holding him by one heel, which remained vulnerable. In an early and less popular version of the story, Thetis anointed the boy in ambrosia and put him on top of a fire to burn away the mortal parts of his body. She was interrupted by Peleus and she abandoned both father and son in a rage, leaving his heel vulnerable. A nearly identical story is told by Plutarch, in his On Isis and Osiris, of the goddess Isis burning away the mortality of Prince Maneros of Byblos, son of Queen Astarte, and being likewise interrupted before completing the process. Later on in life, Achilles is killed by Paris when he is shot in his vulnerable spot, the heel. This is where the term "Achilles' heel" is derived from.

    4.Ares* : Ares is the Greek god of war. He is one of the Twelve Olympians, the son of Zeus and Hera.
    In Greek literature, he often represents the physical or violent and ...
    Symbols‎: ‎Sword‎, ‎spear‎, ‎shield‎, ‎helmet‎, ‎chariot‎, ...Parents‎: ‎Zeus‎ and ‎Hera

    5. Charon*:
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    This article is about the mythological figure. For the moon of Pluto, see Charon (moon). For other uses, see Charon (disambiguation).

    Attic red-figure lekythos attributed to the Tymbos painter showing Charon welcoming a soul into his boat, c. 500-450 BC
    In Greek mythology, Charon or Kharon (/ˈkɛərɒn, -ən/; Greek Χάρων) is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead. A coin to pay Charon for passage, usually an obolus or danake, was sometimes placed in or on the mouth of a dead person.[1] Some authors say that those who could not pay the fee, or those whose bodies were left unburied, had to wander the shores for one hundred years. In the catabasis mytheme, heroes – such as Aeneas, Dionysus, Heracles, Hermes, Odysseus, Orpheus, Pirithous, Psyche, Theseus and Sisyphus – journey to the underworld and return, still alive, conveyed by the boat of Charon.

    6. Styx*": From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    "River Styx"
    The waters of one Styx in the Aroanian mountains
    In Greek mythology, Styx (/ˈstɪks/; Ancient Greek: Στύξ [stýkʰs][citation needed]) is a deity and a river that forms the boundary between Earth and the Underworld, often called "Hades" which is also the name of its ruler. The rivers Styx, Phlegethon, Acheron, Lethe, and Cocytus supposedly all converge at the center of the underworld on a great marsh, which sometimes is also called the Styx. According to Herodotus, the river Styx originates near Feneos.[1] Styx is also a goddess with prehistoric roots in Greek mythology as a daughter of Tethys, after whom the river is named and because of whom it had miraculous powers.

    7. Hades*: In Greek mythology, Hades was regarded as the oldest son of Cronus and Rhea, although the last son regurgitated by his father.[2] He and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated their father's generation of gods, the Titans, and claimed rulership over the cosmos. Hades received the underworld, Zeus the sky, and Poseidon the sea, with the solid earth—long the province of Gaia—available to all three concurrently. Hades was often portrayed with his three-headed guard dog Cerberus.

    The Etruscan god Aita and Roman gods Dis Pater and Orcus were eventually taken as equivalent to the Greek Hades and merged as Pluto, a Latinization of his euphemistic Greek name Plouton (Greek: Πλούτων Ploútōn).[3]


    All In All, True Magnificent Treasures Given

    Luscious the fruits, beautiful under moonlit beams
    firmly planted roots, outstandingly hot, lush-sent dreams
    all in all, glorified visions, heavenly sent
    treasured deeply with rapture stored, sweet love-nights spent.

    Tender kissing bites, honeyed dessert offered free
    wonderful the flights, through blossoming forests of trees
    all in all, miracles were given, lost soul found
    in resplendent nights, covering soft virgin grounds!

    Gold fairy dusted, jeweled eyes sending bright smiles
    each promise trusted, an angel with no dark wiles
    all in all, true magnificent treasures given
    gracefully sent, in true-deep bliss, purely driven?

    Beneath plum skies starlight glistening in her eyes
    I see all I desire and I do fantasize..
    looking into her goddess blues, crystal gazing
    of our wild delight to be forever blazing.

    In Eden’s solitude we dance to soft sighs of
    waltzing wind-songs’ stirring verses promising love
    with lilting whispered melodies so inspiring
    my appetite for her wanton and untiring.

    Ancient woodland’s moon casts smitten luminescence
    breathtaking in beauty she outshines its presence
    ecstasy flows an intoxicating river
    inebriating essence in love’s deliver.

    12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 300
    Total # Words: 181

    Now waiting on Teppo Gren to write the third part- the conclusion..

    *************** New poetry link
    Our newest collab, 32 days in the making..Teppo Gren, Susan Ashley and I..

    Her Grace, Soft As The Silence Of Morn's Falling Dew

    Her romantic letters, birth as heart pure and true
    supported deep vows we both swore to be held to.
    Her grace, soft as the silence of morn's falling dew
    with vows to keep hot passion of love that is new.
    Spring had brought this loving angel truly divine
    her beauty and purity no words could define.

    Spirited, she sang - forever united hearts
    Her soft kiss and moans, treasures found on no star charts.

    In quiet hush before sunrise our love was lush
    until aurora banished night in her gold rush
    of dawning tipsy in wine-stained heavens shinin’
    desires spilled our lusty reds across horizon -
    a blaze of colors branding love’s intensity
    time and space sparked by fired hearts’ electricity.

    Spirited, she sang - forever united hearts
    Her soft kiss and moans, treasures found on no star charts.

    I read her rhythmic poetry each heartfelt verse
    and in her rapture was my being’s full immerse.
    Word whispers from the page caressed me wispy thrill
    reminding me of days sweet gilt of daffodil
    and petals pink neath dream girl skies so soft, in sooth
    so verdant was the tender season of her youth.

    Spirited, she sang - forever united hearts
    Her soft kiss and moans, treasures found on no star charts.

    Enlightened spirit from defeat of sorrow’s foe,
    her gift, in written verse of love, to set aglow
    a life of beauty echoing the words of love
    now distant in the skies with kindness up above
    when golden strings of sacred lust remain in thrills
    of woven love, entangled in a braid of frills.

    Spirited, she sang - forever united hearts
    Her soft kiss and moans, treasures found on no star charts.

    Her fragile throne of virtues goodness cast in gold
    beyond eternal love, angelic charms behold
    through mortal death returned to God’s celestial care
    to guide from heavens, words of wisdom in her prayer
    endowment of the past as lover’s hearts enlace
    with charms up above, she remains my saving grace.

    Spirited, she sang - forever united hearts
    Her soft kiss and moans, treasures found on no star charts.
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 09-30-2018 at 09:01 AM.

  25. Thanks Tyr-Ziu Saxnot thanked this post

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