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    Default Satisfying my little critic's ongoing and insightful demands.

    Halloween Night Adventures Of Kansel and Betal

    Part One

    Was dark and scary Halloween night of O'nine
    Kansel and Betal dressed as monsters of fright.
    Mom and Dad looking on saw they looked so fine
    dressed up as little demons for Halloween night.

    Off they raced to collect sweets and have fun
    last year's candies and joy they thought about.
    Now dark, two long hours past the setting sun
    Kids with candy, each letting out a happy shout.

    Kansel and Betal took a cut through the woods
    Each thinking, Mom and Dad always said don't go.
    Happy, thinking of getting the next sweet goods
    They ignored great wisdom of parents that know!

    As forest's long path got creepy and ever so dark
    each felt the others hand grabbed a firm hold.
    This forbidden shortcut taken on as a happy lark
    each trying to prove to the other they were bold!

    Approaching the old and mighty burnt black oak
    first they heard a scary and grumbling growl.
    Sounding like a dying body just about to croak
    both knew could not be the night call of an owl.

    Cautiously they walked past that old scary tree
    Only to find beastly and bad monster right there.
    Bloody fangs, yellow green eyes filled with glee
    dark reality suddenly gave them the worst scare!

    Kansel, smart and brave lad, was his father's son
    he had brought dad's hunting knife in his pail.
    Both knowing would be foolish and useless to run
    if they ever survived this, what a story to tell!

    Betal realizing Kansel could not win this alone
    look about for a weapon that she could use best.
    There she saw a long, fallen limb hard as a stone
    took it, quick as a flash hit the monster's chest.

    Kansel stabbed at the monster's evil yellow eyes
    Betal was hitting hard with all her scared might.
    Each one praying, that only the black monster dies
    both go home unharmed to Mom and Dad tonight!

    Suddenly the injured monster knocked Betal down
    while leaping over to strike her a deadly blow.
    Just then rang the old church's tower bell in town
    that divine sound was exactly what decided the show.

    For that Holy sound struck the monster in mid leap
    causing a stumble as its hairy feet hit the ground.
    At that moment Kansel saw his chance and struck deep
    as the monster's weakest spot he so suddenly found!

    Soft spot in the back of its black and hairy neck
    exposed when it stumbled and almost backward fell.
    Now as blood gushed out, monster was a dying wreck
    Kansel and Betal, O' what a story they could tell!

    With gurgling moans , monster screamed as it dies
    Kansel and Betal you both shall meet me yet again.
    I always find the kids that steal Mom's apple pies
    do not dare ever think that you can this easily win!

    Robert J. Lindley, 09-26-2015

    Note-Written to satisfy my little critic's demands.
    Target reached, unlucky, evil number 13 stanza's and
    time used under 2 hours..
    One day, I just may get good at this methinks.. -Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 09-26-2015 at 11:02 AM. Reason: improvement
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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