Quote Originally Posted by tailfins View Post
Your circumstances are such that you can afford such things. It costs you nothing to insist that others fall on a sword. This type of thing makes DP NSFW. Have you noticed how little I post during weekdays? That's why. When I do, I burn up my 4G LTE data. I won't access DP on the company VPN.
I understand about your job and why you cozy up to stinking muslims. I would not work a job like that and have never let a job force me to kiss ass! Perhaps that is why I am not rich but its also why I sleep quite good at night.
Because kissing ass to a man with honor/integrity is same as eating a plate of shit and begging for more!
I am a top shooting expert with pistol, rifle, shotgun and bow, fairly good with knife and hatchet too! Those insure that I can fight to preserve my personal dignity and my family! Lord help anybody that forces me to use either my hands or my weapons in defending my honor and those I hold so dear. A fact..

I note that you even at home are careful to still actively defend the stinking vermin.
And that my friend tells me you do more than just kiss ass when the turds are around.
Which is sad.... very sad way to live IMHO.. -Tyr