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    Default WALKING DEAD: Season 6 Episode 2

    Episode 2 starts with Carol maintaining her act of being a defenseless and 'just the average housewife' to gain trust with the other women in the community, seems to be working in my opinion as many are not really the sharpest tools in the box

    Then screams are heard while a Molotov cocktail is thrown at Richard guarding the fence. As Alexandria is raided by the Wolves Carl guards his sister in their house while the rampage continues. The majority of the people living in the community are killed by the assault with some Wolves openly cutting people up with axes.

    Minutes later a truck used by the Wolves slams into the fence in an attempt to break it down, the ramming attempt fails and the fence still stands with thanks to a sniper who took at the driver. The sound of the trucks horn is what is making the noise and attracting the walkers.

    While Carol goes full Rambo mode dressing up as one of the Wolves to take them out, Carl is almost killed by a wolf attempted to grab his gun.

    Carol is by far the most hardened survivor. She is ruthless and that is what has kept her alive for so long.

    PREDICTIONS: Rick+others return just before the walkers make it to the walls of Alexandria, as the herd of walkers crashes into the walls they eventually break through. People hide in their houses waiting for the walkers to move on. After the rampage they count their loses and fix the fence. Something tells me Rick will not be a sitting duck waiting for the next Wolves attack but instead he will go on the offensive trying to hunt them down before they launch another attack.

    Make sure people tune in tonight on AMC. Or watch it online on Monday
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    "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"
    -George Orwell

    Hegelian Dialectic

  2. Thanks LongTermGuy, DLT thanked this post
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    Of Course....I will be watching....But.....I will be watching my Sunday-nite Football Panthers vs Eagles First TONIGHT...and will have the walking dead recorded

  4. Thanks Christie Brinkley thanked this post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christie Brinkley View Post
    Episode 2 starts with Carol maintaining her act of being a defenseless and 'just the average housewife' to gain trust with the other women in the community, seems to be working in my opinion as many are not really the sharpest tools in the box

    Then screams are heard while a Molotov cocktail is thrown at Richard guarding the fence. As Alexandria is raided by the Wolves Carl guards his sister in their house while the rampage continues. The majority of the people living in the community are killed by the assault with some Wolves openly cutting people up with axes.

    Minutes later a truck used by the Wolves slams into the fence in an attempt to break it down, the ramming attempt fails and the fence still stands with thanks to a sniper who took at the driver. The sound of the trucks horn is what is making the noise and attracting the walkers.

    While Carol goes full Rambo mode dressing up as one of the Wolves to take them out, Carl is almost killed by a wolf attempted to grab his gun.

    Carol is by far the most hardened survivor. She is ruthless and that is what has kept her alive for so long.

    PREDICTIONS: Rick+others return just before the walkers make it to the walls of Alexandria, as the herd of walkers crashes into the walls they eventually break through. People hide in their houses waiting for the walkers to move on. After the rampage they count their loses and fix the fence. Something tells me Rick will not be a sitting duck waiting for the next Wolves attack but instead he will go on the offensive trying to hunt them down before they launch another attack.

    Make sure people tune in tonight on AMC. Or watch it online on Monday
    Episode 2 was the best so far. But I have to say, Morgan sorely disappointed me. The attack by the very same ahole Morgan let get away once already (whom he finally killed), and then letting the apparent ringleader get away, is making me doubt that Morgan is the great person I previously thought him to be. His judgment sucks, in other words.

    And yeah, Rick will be much more pro-active and more on the offensive from here on in. Lessons learned. Just like when they went after the Terminus cannibals at the church....Rick will go after the bad guys now. In Rick's defense before that, he wanted to finish the task on their exit from Terminus but the group talked him out of it. Their mistake.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DLT View Post
    Episode 2 was the best so far. But I have to say, Morgan sorely disappointed me. The attack by the very same ahole Morgan let get away once already (whom he finally killed), and then letting the apparent ringleader get away, is making me doubt that Morgan is the great person I previously thought him to be. His judgment sucks, in other words.

    And yeah, Rick will be much more pro-active and more on the offensive from here on in. Lessons learned. Just like when they went after the Terminus cannibals at the church....Rick will go after the bad guys now. In Rick's defense before that, he wanted to finish the task on their exit from Terminus but the group talked him out of it. Their mistake.
    I also think Enid is a wolf infiltrator as she almost let slip to Carl that "the place has too many blind spots, that is how we..." as well as the fact that she left. Why would she leave when she knows the wolves are out there?

    Yes I agree, Rick is going to be angry at Morgan for letting the wolves escape.

    Do you think there are more than just the 5 that escaped or is that all of the wolves?
    "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"
    -George Orwell

    Hegelian Dialectic

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