Thinking this in Friend site in Sweden. Thinking who is dummest of these. Personlly I prefer nationalists before communists. Soviet Union was close to win in all Europe world war 2 but British and America ending this quick and we in Europe living in two english speakers country who save all Europe from communism victory after they grow after Nazism loses in Stalingrad and Moscow. More pansar and towad artillery was enough to Nazi wend back to Germany then in Germany loses in eastern Europe and western Europe too when America and UK come to Nazi land.

Yes, I like nationalsocialism more than communism. Even my land Sweden and Finland are communists a lot I don't like communism. Finland starts then Lenin in Soviets with communism and that are not okey for all Nazis how have one spice how are against nationalsocialists. My citizen they will fight this communists against nationalsocialists. Left silence it call in Sweden when communism are after this Adolf Hitler ideologi. Cold war was in 44 year before Germany was free again. 1990 Bundeswehr were new German free military branches. German speak is fun.