Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
I'm not wired that way. The betrayal from my first marriage left me crushed. Devastated. I couldn't even summon my anger to help, which is a damn sorry place to be in.

But once I finally was able to rouse my anger as a defense mechanism, triggered by concern for my kid's well being, it was a pure, white-hot fury that took several years to cool. But it gave me the edge and I won everything.

I see what the article is saying, but instincts for 1 man, 1 woman, 1 family is a powerful thing - and I think the notion of free love within the marriage is no marriage at all. It's a sham.
Hope you don't think this is some exclusive club, bubba. I got your 6 on this one. I couldn't even think. Had my oldest daughter not refused to leave ME (tossed moms to the curb ), I'd probably be insane. I had Marine officers treading lightly around me. Unlike you, I had no problem with the anger thing and I was on a hair trigger.

And my first concern WAS my kids. I came from a broken home. I did everything in my power to not repeat it. Unfortunately, it takes 2.