A got a new motherboard. Then I figured it's not good without some more memory. Then a CPU. It looks much better when it's in a new case with more room to tie down all the cabling. I also got a device to connect all 5 of the internal fans to, which sits in a bay and I can turn the speed up and down when necessary. And of course a DVD burner.

So I'm only in the build stage in the other room. Got most of it together and just running tests before I move on. I turn the sucker on to make sure nothing explodes, the fans turn on, DVD opens and closes... all perfect - except it won't let me power it off!! I had to hit the power switch on my new power supply I installed. But why won't it let me power it off?

I tried for a day and a half, I don't want a computer that I have to turn off in such a manner. Since it was a brand new case, I figured maybe the switch was defective? But I didn't want to give up and I was in no rush, since I got this sucker up and running already. I tried various things I know myself. For the hell of it I took it all apart and put it back together too. No luck. I scoured the internet and no luck. Everyone said replace the switch.

10 cookies to anyone who can tell me what I did to fix the issue, what I FORGOT to do like an idiot the first time around!!