Quote Originally Posted by hjmick View Post
From the OP:

So, it's NOT TSA doing the searches, it's the attendants. Either way, without my knowledge, my consent, or a search warrant I'm not okay with any of it. In some states, your car is considered an extension of your home and as such falls under the Castle doctrine. Last time I checked, in Texas keeping a concealed firearm in your vehicle was legal. Now I will grant you that leaving a gun in your car and leaving your car in long or short term parking at the airport isn't the brightest thing you can do, but I imagine that it happens. When these uneducated (come on, they're parking lot attendants), untrained (come on, a few instructions from the TSA doesn't constitute training), underpaid (come on, they park cars for a living) monkeys (come on, that's not a racial slur in this instance, I have no idea what color they are) find a gun, what do they do? I'm sorry, but would you let the Dominos guy search your house on behalf of an official governmental agency? Without a warrant? Without cause? And yes, it's the same thing.

There is no reason anyone should happily accept this sort of thing. Overall, the TSA has been a bust, a waste of money, and an inconvenience to travelers nationwide. In fifteen years has there been a single instance where any of these searches prevented or turned up anything? Christ, what makes any of you advocates for this bullshit think the government, the very same government that couldn't stop Ft Hood, San Bernardino, or Florida (after having the guy on a list and interviewing him three times), using PARKING ATTENDANTS, is going to stop a damn thing? Is the violation of your rights really worth it?

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Wow, you said what I've been thinking all day. I wouldn't care if they had dogs trained to sniff for explosives walking through parking, drop off areas, etc.