Quote Originally Posted by sundaydriver View Post
I will always prefer to go out with others and do for my community & It's people what I can rather than sit at home whining and playing victim on the Internet about the problems that I can really not affect. Our Lions club does a lot of good and raises a good amount of funds to so the kids have places to play, help for Seniors, projects for Veteran's, and our community clean up's benefit everyone. Whining doesn't do any of that. Who's side am I on, I would say OUR side!
I thanked this not to put anyone else down, but to say I agree that being a good citizen means a hecka lot more than fighting for a candidate or just showing up to vote.

Whomever is president-whether we like them or not, is president. That's the way it works. We don't have to listen to their speeches, we don't have to read about them. Indeed, we can easily pretend they are not there.

Our daily lives, are impacted by the tools in DC, but to a relatively small degree. They are much more impacted by whether or not our communities have good schools, decent roads to get back and forth to work or soccer games. Our kids are impacted by our local parks and if there are activities to keep them active and occupied. Successful communities have all these things and they do not happen by happenstance. There are folks that give their time to work on and/or attend school board, city council, and park district meetings. They volunteer to help when necessary and are often the same people you'll see at food pantries, volunteering at senior activities, and working parades and such.

Strong communities don't have to look to the 'federal government,' heck for little do they even have to look to the state, they are taking care of business right where the community lives.